Installing Pages for a Printer Type

If the standard TCP/IP port monitor is used with your printer, you can install a printer details page that is specific to the printer type. To do so, include the page's ASP file, along with all subordinate files (such as .gif files or ASP files for linked pages), in the printer INF file for the printer type. Following is a sample section of a printer INF file:

"ACME Mega Laser" = ACML01.PPD
PAGE1.ASP, ACML1.ASP ;ACML1.ASP renamed to PAGE1.ASP during installation

When the printer class installer encounters this INF file section, it will perform the following operations:

  • Create a directory formatted as <Root>\<Manufacturer>\<Printer Type>. For the example, the following subdirectory would be created:

    ..\ACME\ACME Mega Laser

  • Copy Acml1.asp, Asml2.asp, and Acgf001.gif into the subdirectory.

  • Rename Acml1.asp to Page1.asp (caused by the first statement in the ACML1WEB section).

Note that you must identify the first ASP file to be viewed by preceding it by the Page1.asp file name, as shown in the example. The installer renames this file to Page1.asp in the target directory.

All ASP file names with a format of PageN.asp, where N is 1, 2, 3, and so on, are reserved by Microsoft.

A sample INF file is provided with the sample ASP files in the Windows Driver Kit.