Iasphelp::get_AvgJobSize method

The AvgJobSize property enables an ASP Web page to determine the average job size in a sequence of print jobs.


HRESULT get_AvgJobSize(
  [out] long *pVal


pVal [out]
A caller-supplied pointer to a memory location that receives the average job size. For more information about this parameter, see the following Remarks section.

Return value

This method returns S_OK on success.

VBScript Example

The average job size can be expressed as either the number of pages per job or the number of bytes per job. Use the Iasphelp::AvgJobSizeUnit property to determine which unit applies to the Iasphelp::AvgJobSize property.

Before you query this property, call the Iasphelp::CalcJobETA method to initialize the property value.

Dim objPrinter, strPrinter, JobSizeAvg
strPrinter = Session("MS_printer")
Set objPrinter = Server.CreateObject ("OlePrn.AspHelp")
objPrinter.Open strPrinter
JobSizeAvg = objPrinter.AvgJobSize


Target platform: Desktop

See also

