
For function/method and other verbose logging, Windows software trace preprocessor (WPP) logging is used. For NCI packet/protocol logging, Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) is used. To enable WPP logging for debugging, use the following commands:

tracelog -start MyNfcSession -f C:\Data\test\bin\MyNfcSession.etl
tracelog -enableex MyNfcSession -guid #351734b9-8706-4cee-9247-04accd448c76 -matchanykw 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -level 7
tracelog -enableex MyNfcSession -guid #696D4914-12A4-422C-A09E-E7E0EB25806A -matchanykw 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -level 7
tracelog -enableex MyNfcSession -guid #9d97cb90-8dee-42b8-b553-d1816be6fb9e -matchanykw 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -level 7
tracelog -enableex MyNfcSession -guid #4EB7CC58-145C-4a79-9418-68CD290DD9D4 -matchanykw 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -level 7
tracelog -enableex MyNfcSession -guid #D976D933-B88B-4227-95F8-00513C0986DE -matchanykw 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF -level 7
tracelog -stop MyNfcSession

This will generate an ETL file named MySession.etl in the C:\Data folder. You can then decode them using Tracepdb (Tracepdb.exe) and Tracefmt (Tracefmt.exe), which are included in the Windows Driver Kit.

The NFC CX does not include any debugging extensions.

NFC device driver interface (DDI) overview
NFC class extension (CX) reference
Event Tracing for Windows (Windows Drivers)
Tools for Software Tracing