Performing Control Operations on a Client Object

After a Winsock Kernel (WSK) application has successfully attached to the WSK subsystem, it can perform control operations on the client object ( WSK_CLIENT) that was returned by the WSK subsystem during attachment. These control operations are not specific to a particular socket, but instead have a more general scope. For more information about each of the control operations that can be performed on a client object, see WSK Client Control Operations.

A WSK application performs client control operations by calling the WskControlClient function. The WskControlClient function is pointed to by the WskControlClient member of the WSK_PROVIDER_DISPATCH structure that was returned by the WSK subsystem during attachment.

The following code example shows how a WSK application can use the WSK_TRANSPORT_LIST_QUERY client control operation to retrieve a list of available network transports that can be specified when creating a new socket.

// Function to retrieve a list of available network transports
    PWSK_PROVIDER_NPI WskProviderNpi,
    PWSK_TRANSPORT TransportList,
    ULONG MaxTransports,
    PULONG TransportsRetrieved
  SIZE_T BytesRetrieved;
  NTSTATUS Status;

  // Perform client control operation
  Status =
          MaxTransports * sizeof(WSK_TRANSPORT),
          NULL  // No IRP for this control operation

  // Convert bytes retrieved to transports retrieved
  TransportsRetrieved = BytesRetrieved / sizeof(WSK_TRANSPORT);

  // Return status of client control operation
  return Status;