Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions COM Interfaces
The Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL implements one or more of the following COM interfaces:
Through the IDot11ExtUI COM interface, the operating system's Native 802.11 Network Configuration UI can interact with the Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL. For example, this COM interface provides the methods used by the Native 802.11 Network Configuration UI to query the DLL for the IDot11ExtUIProperty COM interfaces that are used to extend the operating system's 802.11 connection and security properties.
The Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL must provide an implementation of the IDot11ExtUI COM interface.
For more information about this COM interface, see IDot11ExtUI COM Interface.
Through the IDot11ExtUIProperty COM interface, the Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL can extend the connection and security properties that are displayed by the Native 802.11 Network Configuration UI.
The IDot11ExtUIProperty COM interface is optional and is only required if the Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL supports extensions to the operating system's 802.11 connection and security properties.
The Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL can provide one or more implementations of the IDot11ExtUIProperty COM interface, with each implementation representing an IHV-defined extension to a Native 802.11 property. The DLL can provide one or more property extensions for security settings. For Windows Vista, the DLL can add no more than one property extension for connection settings.
For more information about this COM interface, see IDot11ExtUIProperty COM Interface.
The Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL can provide one or more implementations of the IWizardExtension COM interface. Each implementation supports the display of one or more custom UI pages. These UI pages are displayed through one of the following:
An external request made by the Native 802.11 IHV Extensions DLL. For more information about this process, see Requesting the Display of a Custom UI.
A query made by the operating system to determine whether the Native 802.11 IHV Extensions DLL has a custom UI to display. For more information about this process, see Querying for the Display of a Custom UI.
An internal request made by a component of the Native 802.11 IHV UI Extensions DLL.
For more information about the IWizardExtension COM interface, see IWizardExtension COM Interface.
For more information about the Native 802.11 Network Configuration UI component, see Native 802.11 Software Architecture.