Enumerate SMS devices

The Mobile Broadband SMS platform provides the ability to get the first SMS-capable mobile broadband device, or to get a list of all SMS-capable mobile broadband devices. The following sample code shows instantiating an SMS object with the default SMS device and with a specific device.


In apps that use C# or C++, the first use of the SmsDevice object to call GetDefaultAsync or FromIdAsync should be on the STA thread. Calls from an MTA thread can result in undefined behavior.

JavaScript code example to use the default SMS device

var smsDevice = new Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsDevice.getDefault();

  var smsDeviceOperation = Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsDevice.getDefaultAsync();
  smsDeviceOperation.done(smsDeviceReceived, errorCallback);
catch (err)
  // handle error

JavaScript code example to enumerate all SMS devices

Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation.findAllAsync(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsDevice.getDeviceSelector()).then(function (smsdevices) 
  if (smsdevices.length > 0)
    // for simplicity we choose the first device
    var smsDeviceId = smsdevices[0].Id;
    var smsDeviceOperation = Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsDevice.fromIdAsync(smsNotificationDetails.deviceId); 
    smsDeviceOperation.done(function (smsDeviceResult)
      smsDevice = smsDeviceResult;
    }, errorCallback);

Detect SMS device access errors

You can detect if enumerating the SMS device failed because the app does not have access to SMS. This can happen if the user explicitly denies access to the app or if the device metadata has not granted access to the app.

JavaScript code example to detect SMS device access errors

Windows.Devices.Enumeration.DeviceInformation.findAllAsync(Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsDevice.getDeviceSelector()).then(function (smsdevices)
  if (smsdevices.length > 0)
    // for simplicity we choose the first device
    var smsDeviceId = smsdevices[0].Id.slice(startIndex,endIndex + 1);
    var smsDeviceOperation = Windows.Devices.Sms.SmsDevice.fromIdAsync(smsNotificationDetails.deviceId); 
    smsDeviceOperation.done(function (smsDeviceResult)
      smsDevice = smsDeviceResult;
    }, errorCallback); 

    // detect if SMS access is denied due to user not granting app consent to use SMS or if metadata is missing or invalid.


function errorCallback(error)
  WinJS.log(error.name + " : " + error.description, "sample", "error");

  // If the error was caused due to access being denied to this app
  // then the HResult is set to E_ACCESSDENIED (0x80007005)

  // var hResult = hex(error.number);


function hex(nmb)
  if (nmb >= 0)
    return nmb.toString(16);
    return (nmb + 0x100000000).toString(16);