Timer and Worker Thread Management

RDBSS provides several timer routines for worker thread management. These services are provided to all network mini-redirector drivers. The following types of timer routines are available:

  • A periodic trigger

  • A one-shot notification

A timer is associated with a device object and a worker thread routine. When a timer expires, a worker thread routine passed as an input parameter to the initial RxPostOneShotTimerRequest or RxPostRecurrentTimerRequest routine is called.

The following RDBSS timer routines are included.

Routine Description


This routine cancels a timer request. The request to be canceled is identified by a pointer to the routine and a context parameter.


This routine is used by drivers to initialize a one-shot timer request. The worker thread routine passed to this routine is called once when the timer expires.


This routine initializes a recurrent timer request. The worker thread routine passed to this routine is called at regular intervals when the recurrent timer fires based on the input parameters to this routine.