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IOCTL_COPP_StartSequence control code

Sets the current video session to protected mode.

Input Parameters

The VIDEO_REQUEST_PACKET (VRP) InputBuffer contains information passed from the display driver. For example, the display driver can pass a pointer to a COPP_IO_InputBuffer structure defined as follows:

typedef struct {
    PVOID* ppThis;
    PVOID InputBuffer;
    HRESULT phr;
} COPP_IO_InputBuffer;

The ppThis member points to a pointer to the COPP DirectX VA device object that is set to protected mode. The InputBuffer member is set to a pointer to a DXVA_COPPSignature structure that starts the protected session. The phr member should be set to the value returned from the COPPSequenceStart function.

Output Parameters


I/O Status Block

The miniport driver does not set the Information member of the STATUS_BLOCK structure.



This section applies only to Windows Server 2003 with SP1 and later, and Windows XP with SP2 and later.

See also

