Extended Format Aware Requirements
This section applies only to Windows 7 and later operating systems.
User-mode display drivers that are extended format aware guarantee to return accurate values from their CheckFormatSupport entry-point function for every format in the table in the Details of the Extended Format section. However, drivers do not necessarily support every format.
Extended format aware drivers implicitly guarantee that casting of fully-typed back buffers is supported.
Extended format aware drivers implicitly support all of the BGRX and BGRA formats with capabilities as defined in the table in the Details of the Extended Format section.
Extended format aware drivers implicitly support BGRA and BGRA_SRGB scan out as described in the BGRA Scan-Out Support section.
If an extended format aware driver returns any support bits for any of the new formats, it must return all of the bits that are required in the table in the Details of the Extended Format section. The driver cannot return any bits that are not required in the table.
Claiming Support under Direct3D Version 10.1
The Direct3D 10.1 and later DDIs are updated to allow the user-mode display driver to claim support for two new versions. One version corresponds to drivers that want to support feature level 10.0, and the other version corresponds to drivers that want to support feature level 10.1. The following are the new version definitions:
// D3D10.0 or D3D10.1 with extended format support (but not Windows 7 scheduling)
#define D3D10_0_x_DDI_BUILD_VERSION 10
#define D3D10_0_x_DDI_SUPPORTED ((((UINT64)D3D10_0_DDI_INTERFACE_VERSION) << 32) | (((UINT64)D3D10_0_x_DDI_BUILD_VERSION) << 16))
#define D3D10_1_x_DDI_BUILD_VERSION 10
#define D3D10_1_x_DDI_SUPPORTED ((((UINT64)D3D10_1_DDI_INTERFACE_VERSION) << 32) | (((UINT64)D3D10_1_x_DDI_BUILD_VERSION) << 16))
XR_BIAS and PresentDXGI
Drivers are not required to support windowed present of XR_BIAS resources through calls to their PresentDXGI functions. These cases are restricted at the runtime level. As with all other formats, drivers perform full-screen present of XR_BIAS through either a flip operation or a bit-block transfer (bitblt) operation with an identical source and destination resource. No stretch or conversion is necessary.
The Direct3D runtime calls a driver's BltDXGI function to perform only the following operations on XR_BIAS source resources:
A copy to a destination that is also XR_BIAS
A copy of unmodified source data
A stretch in which point sample is acceptable
A rotation
Because XR_BIAS does not support Multiple Sample Anti Aliasing (MSAA), drivers are not required to resolve XR_BIAS resources.