MdlAfterReqCompletedIoctlA rule (kmdf)
The MdlAfterReqCompletedIoctlA rule specifies that within the EvtIoDeviceControl callback function, the memory descriptor list (MDL) cannot be accessed after the I/O request is completed.
Within the driver's EvtIoDeviceControl callback function, the MDL that was retrieved by calling the WdfRequestRetrieveInputWdmMdl or WdfRequestRetrieveOutputWdmMdl method cannot be accessed after calling WdfRequestComplete, WdfRequestCompleteWithInformation, or WdfRequestCompleteWithPriorityBoost on the I/O request.
This rule looks at the following two MDL access methods:
WdfRequestRetrieveOutputWdmMdl WdfRequestRetrieveInputWdmMdl
Driver model: KMDF
How to test
At compile time |
Run Static Driver Verifier and specify the MdlAfterReqCompletedIoctlA rule. Use the following steps to run an analysis of your code:
For more information, see Using Static Driver Verifier to Find Defects in Drivers. |
Applies to
WDF_MEMORY_DESCRIPTOR_INIT_MDL WdfDmaTransactionInitialize WdfRequestComplete WdfRequestCompleteWithInformation WdfRequestCompleteWithPriorityBoost WdfRequestRetrieveInputWdmMdl WdfRequestRetrieveOutputWdmMdl IoBuildPartialMdl KeFlushIoBuffers MmGetMdlByteCount MmGetMdlByteOffset MmGetMdlPfnArray MmGetMdlVirtualAddress MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe MmPrepareMdlForReuse