InfVerif Error 1330 - 1333

InfVerif Error 1330 helps prevent a functional error where one destination file gets overwritten by multiple source files. For example:

DesiredFileName1,SourceFile1A ; Used by DDInstallSection A

DesiredFileName1,SourceFile1B ; Used by DDInstallSection B

When multiple DDInstall sections copy different source files to a single destination file using the CopyFiles directive, these CopyFiles could conflict if the DDInstall sections all get processed on the same system. Examples of this is if two different devices are using the same driver but different install sections, or in some offline driver imaging and deployment scenarios. Because multiple source files from the different DDInstall sections get copied to the same exact single destination file, the different source files from different DDInstall sections overwrite each other so that the last file copied is the one placed in the destination, which may not be the expected results.


This document provides guidance for how to update the old syntax to methods that remove the functional error for the following cases. Not all cases are listed below, as there could be other reasons specific to each INF.

  • Different DDInstall sections rename a service binary for one service

  • Different DDInstall sections rename a source file to get copied over to a destination file location accessed by the driver or a User Mode application

Different DDInstall sections rename a service binary for one service

The following code is an example of how different DDInstall sections might rename a service binary for one service:

CopyFiles = CopyFiles.A

CopyFiles = CopyFiles.B

ServiceBinaryFile, ServiceBinaryA

ServiceBinaryFile, ServiceBinaryB

AddService = ServiceName, 0x00000002, ServiceName_Install

AddService = ServiceName, 0x00000002, ServiceName_Install

ServiceType    = 1
StartType      = 3
ErrorControl   = 0
ServiceBinary  = %12%\ServiceBinaryFile

To update this code, create different service names for the different binaries:

CopyFiles = CopyFiles.A

CopyFiles = CopyFiles.B



AddService = ServiceName1, 0x00000002, ServiceName1_Install

AddService = ServiceName2, 0x00000002, ServiceName2_Install

ServiceType    = 1
StartType      = 3
ErrorControl   = 0
ServiceBinary  = %12%\ServiceBinaryA

ServiceType    = 1
StartType      = 3
ErrorControl   = 0
ServiceBinary  = %12%\ServiceBinaryB

Different DDInstall sections rename a source file to get copied over to a destination file location accessed by the driver or a User Mode application

In this case, the driver is accessing a fixed file location that is being used as a dynamic file location. To have one dynamic variable that keeps track of multiple source files, you can use an AddReg HKR entry to store the path which can be retrieved at runtime. This works because AddReg HKR entries are stored relative to a device.

The AddReg HKR entry specifies the file locations for source files instead of choosing a single destination file to copy the source files to:

HKR,, FileName1Path, "%13%\SourceFile1A"

HKR,, FileName1Path, "%13%\SourceFile1B"

Rather than access a fixed file location, the location of the target file can be retrieved from a setting on the device. The target file location is stored in a registry value by the INF and retrieved through API calls in the driver.

To provision the values through an INF, use the INF AddReg directive using HKR reg-root entries in an add-registry-section referenced from an INF DDInstall section or INF DDInstall.HW section.

Because registry values keep track of the target file instead of a single destination file location, the driver will have to access those files differently. To access the target file, the driver now needs to call into one of the following APIs to open the registry value and have it return the location of that source file:



Other User Mode code


In this example, the destination location of the files the INF payloads does not affect the solution. However, to use best practices, the example uses DIRID 13 since it provides faster installs through fewer file copies. Please see “Using DIRIDs” and “Run from the driver store” for more information.

The following example code shows how to update an INF that uses old syntax.

Details for different source files mapped to one destination file

Source Code Comment
CopyFiles.A = 12
CopyFiles.B = 12
[DDInstallSection_A] CopyFiles = CopyFiles.A
[DDInstallSection_B] CopyFiles = CopyFiles.B

Pick where files go manually
DesiredFileName1,SourceFile1A ; HW Version A
DesiredFileName2,SourceFile2A ; HW Version A
[CopyFiles.B] DesiredFileName1,SourceFile1B ; HW Version B DesiredFileName2,SourceFile2B ; HW Version B

File copy technique: Renaming files so the DDInstall Section being installed picks the source file to get copied over to the destination file path that the driver is linked to.

This doesn’t work in the case that all files for all DDInstall Sections get copied over before install.

Details for udating by using AddReg HKR entries

Source Code Comment
CopyFiles.A = 13
CopyFiles.B = 13

Best practice is to leave everything in the driver store directory (Dirid 13)
CopyFiles = CopyFiles.A
[DDInstallSection_A.HW] AddReg = A.AddReg
[DDInstallSection_B] CopyFiles = CopyFiles.B
[DDInstallSection_B.HW] AddReg = B.AddReg

Add an AddReg section for each DDInstall Section.HW to keep track of the files needed for that install.
HKR,, FileName1Path, "%13%\SourceFile1A"
HKR,, FileName2Path, "%13%\SourceFile2A"
[B.AddReg] HKR,, FileName1Path, "%13%\SourceFile1A" HKR,, FileName2Path, "%13%\SourceFile2A"

Multiple source file locations mapped to one registry value. This works because HKR AddReg from a DDInstall or DDInstall.HW section are stored in device settings. When a device is installed with this driver package, it will only be using one of the DDInstall sections so only one of the HKR AddReg will be used and there will not be a conflict.
SourceFile1A ; HW Version A
SourceFile2A ; HW Version A
[CopyFiles.B] SourceFile1B ; HW Version B SourceFile2B ; HW Version B

All files map to their own location so no functionality errors and INF passes InfVerif.
Don’t use CopyFiles to rename a file for which DestinationDirs includes Dirid 13.

Accessing the file location from the driver (pseudo-code)

Before (Fixed Filename):

After (Dynamic Filename):
    OpenDeviceRegistryKey(Device, &KeyHandle)
    RegistryKeyQueryValue(KeyHandle, FileNamePath1, &SourceFile)

Accessing the file location from User Mode

When accessing the target file from User Mode, you won't have the device context that a driver has. In this case you need to add an additional step. Before opening the key handle, find the device that contains the registry value indicating what file to load.

See Run from the driver store to learn how to filter a device list to find your device and open the handle to the registry location in user mode, using Dirid 13 for best practices.

Errors 1331 - 1333

Errors 1331 - 1333 are all the same problem but relating to registy values, registry values within services, and services respectively. The examples in documentation for error 1330 cover techniques to resolve errors 1331 - 1333.