WdbgExts Target Information

To determine if the target uses 32-bit or 64-bit pointers for memory addresses, use the function IsPtr64.

For information about the target's operating system, use the Ioctl operation IG_GET_KERNEL_VERSION. To get the total number of processors on the target and find out which one is the current processor, use the function GetKdContext.

The GetDebuggerData function returns a KDDEBUGGER_DATA64 or KDDEBUGGER_DATA32 structure that contains information about the target that the debugger engine has queried or determined during the current session. This information includes certain key target locations and specific status values.

The debugger caches some information obtained from the target. The function GetDebuggerCacheSize will return the size of this cache.

Additional Information

For a more powerful target API, see Target Information in the Using the Debugger Engine API section of this documentation.