Using the DECLARE_API Macro
Each extension command in a WdbgExts extension DLL is declared using the DECLARE_API macro. This macro is defined in wdbgexts.h.
The basic format of the code for an extension command is:
DECLARE_API( myextension )
code for myextension
The DECLARE_API macro sets up a standard interface for extension commands. For example, if the user passed any arguments to the extension command, the entire argument string will be stored as a string, and a pointer to this string (PCSTR) will be passed to the extension function as args.
If you are using 64-bit pointers, the DECLARE_API macro is defined as follows:
#define DECLARE_API(s) \
s( \
HANDLE hCurrentProcess, \
HANDLE hCurrentThread, \
ULONG64 dwCurrentPc, \
ULONG dwProcessor, \
PCSTR args \
If you are using 32-bit pointers, DECLARE_API remains the same, except that dwCurrentPc will be of the type ULONG instead of ULONG64. However, 64-bit pointers are recommended for any extension that you are writing. See 32-Bit Pointers and 64-Bit Pointers for details.