The EXT_TDOP_GET_POINTER_TO sub-operation of the DEBUG_REQUEST_EXT_TYPED_DATA_ANSIRequest operation returns a new typed data description that represents a pointer to specified typed data.
Set to EXT_TDOP_GET_POINTER_TO for this sub-operation.
Specifies the original typed data description to which a pointer is returned.
Receives a typed data description that represents a pointer to the typed data specified by InData.
Receives the status code returned by this sub-operation. This is the same as the value returned by Request.
EXT_TDOP_GET_POINTER_TO is a value in the EXT_TDOP enumeration.
The parameters for this sub-operation are members of the EXT_TYPED_DATA structure. The members of EXT_TYPED_DATA that are not listed in the preceding Parameters section are not used by this sub-operation and should be set to zero. The descriptions of the members in the preceding Parameters section specify what the members are used for. See EXT_TYPED_DATA for more details.