wdbgexts.h header
This header is used by debugger. For more information, see:
wdbgexts.h contains the following programming interfaces:
GetCurrentProcessAddr The GetCurrentProcessAddr function returns the location of the system data that describes the current process. |
GetCurrentProcessHandle The GetCurrentProcessHandle function returns the system handle for the current process. |
GetCurrentThreadAddr The GetCurrentThreadAddr function returns the location of the system data that describes the current thread. |
GetDebuggerCacheSize The GetDebuggerCacheSize function returns the size of the cache that is used by the debugger to hold data that was obtained from the target. |
GetDebuggerData The GetDebuggerData function retrieves information stored in a data block. |
GetExpressionEx The GetExpressionEx function evaluates an expression. The expression is evaluated using the MASM evaluator, and can contain aliases. |
GetFieldData The GetFieldData function returns the value of a member in a structure. |
GetFieldOffset The GetFieldOffset function returns the offset of a member from the beginning of a structure. |
GetFieldValue The GetFieldValue macro is a thin wrapper around the GetFieldData function. It is provided as a convenience for reading the value of a member in a structure. |
GetInputLine The GetInputLine function requests an input string from the debugger. |
GetKdContext The GetKdContext function returns the total number of processors and the number of the current processor in the structure ppi points to. |
GetPebAddress The GetPebAddress function returns the address of the process environment block (PEB) for a system process. |
GetSetSympath The GetSetSympath function can be used to either get or set the symbol search path. |
GetShortField The GetShortField function reads the value of a member in a structure if its size is less than or equal to 8 bytes, or initializes a structure so it can be read later. |
GetTebAddress The GetTebAddress function returns the address of the thread environment block (TEB) for the current operating system thread. |
GetTypeSize The GetTypeSize function returns the size in the target's memory of an instance of the specified type. |
IsPtr64 The IsPtr64 function determines if the target uses 64-bit pointers. |
ListType The ListType function calls a specified callback function for every element in a linked list. |
ReadControlSpace The ReadControlSpace function reads the processor-specific control space into the array pointed to by buf. |
ReadControlSpace64 The ReadControlSpace64 function reads the processor-specific control space into the array pointed to by buf. |
ReadIoSpace The ReadIoSpace function reads from the system I/O locations. |
ReadIoSpace64 The ReadIoSpace64 function reads from the system I/O locations. |
ReadIoSpaceEx The ReadIoSpaceEx function is an extended version of ReadIoSpace. |
ReadIoSpaceEx64 The ReadIoSpaceEx64 function is an extended version of ReadIoSpace64. |
ReadListEntry The ReadListEntry function reads a doubly-linked list entry from the target's memory. |
ReadMsr The ReadMsr function reads the contents of a Model-Specific Register (MSR). |
ReadPhysical The ReadPhysical function reads from physical memory. |
ReadPhysicalWithFlags The ReadPhysicalWithFlags function reads from physical memory. |
ReadPointer The ReadPointer function reads a pointer from the target. |
ReadPtr The ReadPtr function reads a pointer from the target. ReadPointer should be used instead of this function as the return value of ReadPointer is more consistent with the rest of the WdbgExts API. |
ReloadSymbols The ReloadSymbols function deletes symbol information from the debugger so that it can be reloaded as needed. This function behaves the same way as the debugger command .reload. |
SearchMemory The SearchMemory function searches the target's virtual memory for a specified pattern of bytes. |
SetThreadForOperation The SetThreadForOperation function sets the thread to use for the next StackTrace call. |
SetThreadForOperation64 The SetThreadForOperation64 function sets the thread to use for the next StackTrace call. |
TranslateVirtualToPhysical The TranslateVirtualToPhysical function translates a virtual memory address into a physical memory address. |
WriteControlSpace The WriteControlSpace function writes to the processor-specific control space of the current target. |
WriteIoSpace The WriteIoSpace function writes to the system I/O locations. |
WriteIoSpace64 The WriteIoSpace64 function writes to the system I/O locations. |
WriteIoSpaceEx The WriteIoSpaceEx function is an extended version of WriteIoSpace. |
WriteIoSpaceEx64 The WriteIoSpaceEx64 function is an extended version of WriteIoSpace64. |
WriteMsr The WriteMsr function writes to a Model-Specific Register (MSR). |
WritePhysical The WritePhysical function writes to physical memory. |
WritePhysicalWithFlags The WritePhysicalWithFlags function writes to physical memory. |
WritePointer The WritePointer function writes a pointer to the target. |
Callback functions
PSYM_DUMP_FIELD_CALLBACK The PSYM_DUMP_FIELD_CALLBACK callback function is called by the debugger engine during the IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO Ioctl operation with information about a member in the specified symbol. |
PWINDBG_CHECK_CONTROL_C The PWINDBG_CHECK_CONTROL_C (CheckControlC) function checks to see if the user pressed CTRL+C. Use PWINDBG_CHECK_CONTROL_C in all loops to allow the user to press CTRL+C to end long processes. |
PWINDBG_CHECK_VERSION The PWINDBG_CHECK_VERSION (CheckVersion) callback function verifies that the extension module version matches the debugger version, and outputs a warning message if there is a mismatch. |
PWINDBG_DISASM The PWINDBG_DISASM (Disasm) function disassembles the instruction pointed to by lpOffset and places the printable string into lpBuffer. |
PWINDBG_EXTENSION_API_VERSION The PWINDBG_EXTENSION_API_VERSION (ExtensionApiVersion) callback function returns version information about the extension DLL. |
PWINDBG_EXTENSION_DLL_INIT The PWINDBG_EXTENSION_DLL_INIT ( WinDbgExtensionDllInit) callback function is used to load and initialize the extension module. |
PWINDBG_GET_EXPRESSION The PWINDBG_GET_EXPRESSION (GetExpression) function returns the value of expression. The expression is evaluated using the current expression evaluator, and can contain aliases. |
PWINDBG_GET_SYMBOL The PWINDBG_GET_SYMBOL (GetSymbol) function locates the symbol nearest to address. |
PWINDBG_GET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_GET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE (GetContext) function implements the functionality that is similar to the Microsoft Win32 GetThreadContext routine. It returns the context of the process being debugged. |
PWINDBG_IOCTL_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_IOCTL_ROUTINE (Ioctl) function performs a variety of different operations. Much of its functionality mirrors the functionality of other functions in wdbgexts.h. |
PWINDBG_OUTPUT_ROUTINE The callback function implements the functionality to print a formatted string to the Debugger Command window. |
PWINDBG_READ_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_READ_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE (ReadMemory) function works like the Win32 ReadProcessMemory function. It reads memory from the process being debugged. The entire area to be read must be accessible, or the operation fails. |
PWINDBG_SET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_SET_THREAD_CONTEXT_ROUTINE (SetContext) function is similar to the Win32 SetThreadContext routine. It sets the context of the process being debugged. |
PWINDBG_STACKTRACE_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_STACKTRACE_ROUTINE (StackTrace) function retrieves a stack trace for the process being debugged. Returns the number of frames read into the buffer pointed to by StackFrames. |
PWINDBG_WRITE_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE The PWINDBG_WRITE_PROCESS_MEMORY_ROUTINE (WriteMemory) function works like the Win32 WriteProcessMemory routine. It writes memory to the process being debugged. The entire area to be written must be accessible, or the operation fails. |
BUSDATA The IG_GET_BUS_DATA Ioctl operation reads data from a system bus and the IG_SET_BUS_DATA Ioctl operation writes data to a system bus. |
DBGKD_GET_VERSION64 The IG_GET_KERNEL_VERSION Ioctl operation receives information related to the operating system version of the target. |
DEBUG_TYPED_DATA The DEBUG_TYPED_DATA structure describes typed data in the memory of the target. |
EXT_TYPED_DATA The EXT_TYPED_DATA structure is passed to and returned from the DEBUG_REQUEST_EXT_TYPED_DATA_ANSI Request operation. It contains the input and output parameters for the operation as well as specifying which particular suboperation to perform. |
FIELD_INFO The FIELD_INFO structure is used by the IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFOIoctl operation to provide information about a member in a structure. |
POINTER_SEARCH_PHYSICAL The IG_POINTER_SEARCH_PHYSICAL Ioctl operation searches the target's physical memory for pointers lying within a specified range. |
READCONTROLSPACE Learn how the ReadControlSpace function reads the processor-specific control space into the array pointed to by buf. |
READCONTROLSPACE64 Learn how the ReadControlSpace64 function reads the processor-specific control space into the array pointed to by buf. |
SEARCHMEMORY Learn how the SearchMemory function searches the target's virtual memory for a specified pattern of bytes. |
SYM_DUMP_PARAM The IG_DUMP_SYMBOL_INFO Ioctl operation provides information about the type of a symbol. |
WDBGEXTS_THREAD_OS_INFO The IG_GET_THREAD_OS_INFO Ioctl operation returns information about an operating system thread in the target. When calling Ioctl with IoctlType set to IG_GET_THREAD_OS_INFO, IpvData should contain an instance of the WDBGEXTS_THREAD_OS_INFO structure. |
EXT_TDOP The EXT_TDOP enumeration is used in the Operation member of the EXT_TYPED_DATA structure to specify which suboperation the DEBUG_REQUEST_EXT_TYPED_DATA_ANSI Request operation will perform. |