The class driver sends this request to initiate a data transfer to the host on the specified pipe.
Major code
Input buffer
A pointer to a USBFNPIPEID type that specifies the pipe ID.
Input buffer length
The size of a USBFNPIPEID type.
Output buffer
The output buffer points to a buffer containing the data to be sent. The IN direction is from the host perspective representing an outbound transfer from the device to the host.
Output buffer length
The length of the data to be sent.
Status block
If the request is successful, the USB function class extension (UFX) returns STATUS_SUCCESS, or another status value for which NT_SUCCESS(status) equals TRUE. Otherwise it returns a status value for which NT_SUCCESS(status) equals FALSE.
This request must be sent after sending the IOCTL_INTERNAL_USBFN_ACTIVATE_USB_BUS request.
UFX forwards this IOCTL request to the transfer queue created for the endpoint by UfxEndpointCreate.
Requirement | Value |
Header | usbfnioctl.h |