usbcamdi.h header
This header is used by stream. For more information, see:
usbcamdi.h contains the following programming interfaces:
ILOGENTRY Learn more about: ILOGENTRY macro |
USBCAMD_AdapterReceivePacket The USBCAMD_AdapterReceivePacket function allows USBCAMD to process an adapter-based stream request block (SRB). |
USBCAMD_ControlVendorCommand The USBCAMD_ControlVendorCommand function sends vendor-specific commands to the control pipe. |
USBCAMD_Debug_LogEntry The USBCAMD_Debug_LogEntry function is called by the camera minidriver to log debugging information to a file. |
USBCAMD_DriverEntry The USBCAMD_DriverEntry function registers the minidriver with USBCAMD, effectively binding USBCAMD and the minidriver together. |
USBCAMD_GetRegistryKeyValue The USBCAMD_GetRegistryKeyValue function retrieves the device-instance-specific registry key value. |
USBCAMD_InitializeNewInterface The USBCAMD_InitializeNewInterface function provides USBCAMD with all the necessary information to configure the camera minidriver to work correctly with the stream class driver and the USB bus driver. |
USBCAMD_SelectAlternateInterface The USBCAMD_SelectAlternateInterface function selects an alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface. |
Callback functions
PADAPTER_RECEIVE_PACKET_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's AdapterReceivePacket callback function processes adapter-based stream request blocks (SRBs) passed to it by the stream class driver. |
PCAM_ALLOCATE_BW_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamAllocateBandwidth callback function selects the appropriate alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface and prepares the device to stream. |
PCAM_ALLOCATE_BW_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamAllocateBandwidthEx callback function selects the appropriate alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface and prepares the device to stream. |
PCAM_CONFIGURE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamConfigure callback function configures the isochronous streaming interface. |
PCAM_CONFIGURE_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamConfigureEx callback function configures the isochronous streaming interface. |
PCAM_FREE_BW_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamFreeBandwidth callback function selects an alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface that uses no bandwidth. |
PCAM_FREE_BW_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamFreeBandwidthEx callback function selects an alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface that uses no bandwidth. |
PCAM_INITIALIZE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's callback function initializes the device or performs any minidriver-specific clean-up that is required. |
PCAM_NEW_FRAME_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamNewVideoFrame callback function initializes a new video frame context structure. |
PCAM_NEW_FRAME_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamNewVideoFrameEx callback function initializes a new video frame context structure. |
PCAM_PROCESS_PACKET_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamProcessUSBPacket callback function processes a USB packet. |
PCAM_PROCESS_PACKET_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamProcessUSBPacketEx callback function processes a USB packet. |
PCAM_PROCESS_RAW_FRAME_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamProcessRawVideoFrame callback function decodes a raw video frame. |
PCAM_PROCESS_RAW_FRAME_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamProcessRawVideoFrameEx callback function decodes a raw video frame. |
PCAM_START_CAPTURE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamStartCapture callback function selects the appropriate alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface and prepares the device to stream. |
PCAM_START_CAPTURE_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamStartCaptureEx callback function selects the appropriate alternate setting within the USB video streaming interface and prepares the device to stream. |
PCAM_STATE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's state callback function restores a previously saved device context state or saves the current device context state. |
PCAM_STOP_CAPTURE_ROUTINE A camera minidriver's CamStopCapture callback function performs any processing after the stream is stopped. |
PCAM_STOP_CAPTURE_ROUTINE_EX A camera minidriver's CamStopCaptureEx callback function performs any processing after the stream is stopped. |
PCOMMAND_COMPLETE_FUNCTION A camera minidriver's CommandCompleteFunction callback function allows the camera minidriver to perform any additional tasks necessary to complete certain USBCAMD services |
PFNUSBCAMD_BulkReadWrite The USBCAMD_BulkReadWrite service performs a read or write operation on the specified bulk pipe. |
PFNUSBCAMD_CancelBulkReadWrite The USBCAMD_CancelBulkReadWrite service cancels a pending bulk read or write request. |
PFNUSBCAMD_SetIsoPipeState The USBCAMD_SetIsoPipeState service permits the camera minidriver to control the streaming state on the isochronous pipe. |
PFNUSBCAMD_SetVideoFormat The USBCAMD_SetVideoFormat service is used to notify USBCAMD that the video format has changed. |
PFNUSBCAMD_WaitOnDeviceEvent The USBCAMD_WaitOnDeviceEvent service is used to perform a read from the interrupt pipe if the camera has an interrupt pipe for external event notifications. |
PSTREAM_RECEIVE_PACKET Learn more about: PSTREAM_RECEIVE_PACKET callback function |
USBCAMD_DEVICE_DATA This structure is obsolete and is provided to maintain backward compatibility with the original USBCAMD. |
USBCAMD_DEVICE_DATA2 The USBCAMD_DEVICE_DATA2 structure specifies the entry points for a camera minidriver's functions that USBCAMD calls. |
USBCAMD_INTERFACE The USBCAMD_INTERFACE structure defines a set of services related to the USB bus interfaces. |
USBCAMD_Pipe_Config_Descriptor The USBCAMD_Pipe_Config_Descriptor structure describes the association between pipes and streams. |
USBCAMD_CamControlFlags Learn more about: USBCAMD_CamControlFlags enumeration |