printoem.h header
This header is used by print. For more information, see:
printoem.h contains the following programming interfaces:
GET_PSCRIPT5_PRIVATE_DEVMODE_SIZE Returns PScript5's private DEVMODE structure to allow its plugins to determine its size. |
GET_UNIDRV_PRIVATE_DEVMODE_SIZE Returns PScript5's private DEVMODE structure to allow its plugins to determine its size. |
OEMAlphaBlend Describes the OEMAlphaBlend function. |
OEMBitBlt The OEMBitBlt function provides general bit-block transfer capabilities between device-managed surfaces, between GDI-managed standard-format bitmaps, or between a device-managed surface and a GDI-managed standard-format bitmap. |
OEMCommand Describes the OEMCommand function. |
OEMCommandCallback Describes the OEMCommandCallback function. |
OEMCommonUIProp Describes the OEMCommonUIProp function. |
OEMCompression Describes the OEMCompression function. |
OEMCopyBits The OEMCopyBits function performs translations between device-managed raster surfaces and GDI standard-format bitmaps. |
OEMDeviceCapabilities Describes the OEMDeviceCapabilities function. |
OEMDevicePropertySheets Describes the OEMDevicePropertySheets function. |
OEMDevMode Describes the OEMDevMode function. |
OEMDevQueryPrintEx Describes the OEMDevQueryPrintEx function. |
OEMDisableDriver This function is obsolete. |
OEMDisablePDEV This function (OEMDisablePDEV) is obsolete. |
OEMDitherColor The OEMDitherColor function requests the device to create a brush dithered against a device palette. |
OEMDocumentPropertySheets Describes the OEMDocumentPropertySheets function. |
OEMDownloadCharGlyph Describes the OEMDownloadCharGlyph function. |
OEMDownloadFontHeader Describes the OEMDownloadFontHeader function. |
OEMDriverDMS Describes the OEMDriverDMS function. |
OEMEnableDriver Describes the OEMEnableDriver function. |
OEMEnablePDEV Describes the OEMEnablePDEV function. |
OEMEndDoc The OEMEndDoc function is called by the GDI when it has finished sending a document to the driver for rendering. |
OEMEscape The OEMEscape function retrieves information from a device that is not available in a device-independent device driver interface; the particular query depends on the value of the iEsc parameter. |
OEMFillPath The OEMFillPath function handles the filling of closed paths. |
OEMFilterGraphics Describes the OEMFilterGraphics function. |
OEMFontInstallerDlgProc Describes the OEMFontInstallerDlgProc function. |
OEMFontManagement The OEMFontManagement function is an optional entry point provided for PostScript devices. |
OEMGetGlyphMode The OEMGetGlyphMode function informs the GDI how to cache glyph information. |
OEMGetInfo Describes the OEMGetInfo function. |
OEMGradientFill The OEMGradientFill function shades the specified primitives. |
OEMHalftonePattern Describes the OEMHalftonePattern function. |
OEMIcmCreateColorTransform The OEMIcmCreateColorTransform function creates an ICM color transform. |
OEMIcmDeleteColorTransform The OEMIcmDeleteColorTransform function deletes the specified color transform. |
OEMImageProcessing Describes the OEMImageProcessing function. |
OEMLineTo The OEMLineTo function draws a single, solid, integer-only cosmetic line. |
OEMMemoryUsage This function (OEMMemoryUsage) is obsolete. |
OEMNextBand The OEMNextBand function is called by GDI when it has finished drawing a band for a physical page, so that the driver can send the band to the printer. |
OEMOutputCharStr This function (OEMOutputCharStr) is obsolete. |
OEMPaint The OEMPaint function is obsolete, and is no longer called by GDI in Windows 2000 and later. See DrvPaint. |
OEMPDriverEvent Describes the OEMPDriverEvent function. |
OEMPlgBlt The OEMPlgBlt function provides rotate bit-block transfer capabilities between combinations of device-managed and GDI-managed surfaces. |
OEMPrinterEvent Describes the OEMPrinterEvent function. |
OEMQueryAdvanceWidths The OEMQueryAdvanceWidths function returns character advance widths for a specified set of glyphs. |
OEMQueryColorProfile Describes the OEMQueryColorProfile function. |
OEMQueryDeviceSupport The OEMQueryDeviceSupport function returns requested device-specific information. |
OEMQueryFont The OEMQueryFont function is used by GDI to get the IFIMETRICS structure for a given font. |
OEMQueryFontData The OEMQueryFontData function retrieves information about a realized font. |
OEMQueryFontTree The OEMQueryFontTree function provides GDI with a pointer to a structure that defines mapping of glyph and kerning handles. |
OEMRealizeBrush The OEMRealizeBrush function requests that the driver realize a specified brush for a specified surface. |
OEMResetPDEV Describes the OEMResetPDEV function. |
OEMSendFontCmd This function (OEMSendFontCmdSW) is obsolete. |
OEMSendPage The OEMSendPage function is called by GDI when it has finished drawing a physical page, so that the driver can send the page to the printer. |
OEMStartBanding The OEMStartBanding function is called by GDI when it is ready to start sending bands of a physical page to the driver for rendering. |
OEMStartDoc The OEMStartDoc function is called by GDI when it is ready to start sending a document to the driver for rendering. |
OEMStartPage The OEMStartPage function is called by GDI when it is ready to start sending the contents of a physical page to the driver for rendering. |
OEMStretchBlt The OEMStretchBlt function provides stretching bit-block transfer capabilities between any combination of device-managed and GDI-managed surfaces. |
OEMStretchBltROP The OEMStretchBltROP function performs a stretching bit-block transfer using a raster operation (ROP). |
OEMStrokeAndFillPath The OEMStrokeAndFillPath function concurrently strokes and fills a path. |
OEMStrokePath The OEMStrokePath function strokes a path. |
OEMTextOut The OEMTextOut function calls for the driver to render a set of glyphs at specified positions. |
OEMTextOutAsBitmap Describes the OEMTextOutAsBitmap function. |
OEMTransparentBlt The OEMTransparentBlt function provides bit-block transfer capabilities with transparency. |
OEMTTDownloadMethod Describes the OEMTTDownloadMethod function. |
OEMTTYGetInfo Describes the OEMTTYGetInfo function. |
OEMUpdateExternalFonts Describes the OEMUpdateExternalFonts function. |
OEMUpgradePrinter Describes the OEMUpgradePrinter function. |
OEMUpgradeRegistry Describes the OEMUpgradeRegistry function. |
Callback functions
OEMCUIPCALLBACK The OEMCUIPCALLBACK function type is used for defining callback functions that are specified by a user interface plug-in's IPrintOemUI::CommonUIProp method. The structure is defined in printoem.h. |
PFN_DrvGetDriverSetting The DrvGetDriverSetting function is obsolete. |
PFN_DrvGetStandardVariable This DrvGetStandardVariable function is obsolete. |
PFN_DrvUnidriverTextOut The DrvUnidriverTextOut function is obsolete. |
PFN_DrvUpdateUISetting The DrvUpdateUISetting function is obsolete. |
PFN_DrvUpgradeRegistrySetting The DrvUpgradeRegistrySetting function is obsolete. |
PFN_DrvWriteAbortBuf The DrvWriteAbortBuf function is obsolete. |
PFN_DrvWriteSpoolBuf The DrvWriteSpoolBuf function pointed to by this function pointer is obsolete. |
PFN_DrvXMoveTo The DrvXMoveTo function is obsolete. |
PFN_DrvYMoveTo The DrvYMoveTo function is obsolete. |
PFNGETINFO The UNIFONTOBJ_GetInfo callback function is provided by the Unidrv driver so that rendering plug-ins can obtain font or glyph information. |
DEVOBJ The DEVOBJ structure is used as an input argument to several of a rendering plug-in's COM interface methods. |
OEMCUIPPARAM The OEMCUIPPARAM structure is used as an input parameter to a user interface plug-in's IPrintOemUI::CommonUIProp method. |
CUSTOMSIZEPARAM The CUSTOMSIZEPARAM structure holds information pertaining to a single custom page size parameter for a printer. |
DRVPROCS The DRVPROCS structure is obsolete and is not used with the COM interfaces for Microsoft printer drivers. |
FINVOCATION The FINVOCATION structure is used as input to the IPrintOemUni::SendFontCmd method. The structure is defined in printoem.h. |
GETINFO_FONTOBJ The GETINFO_FONTOBJ structure is used as input to the UNIFONTOBJ_GetInfo callback function. |
GETINFO_GLYPHBITMAP The GETINFO_GLYPHBITMAP structure is used as input to the UNIFONTOBJ_GetInfo callback function. |
GETINFO_GLYPHSTRING The GETINFO_GLYPHSTRING structure is used as input to the UNIFONTOBJ_GetInfo callback function. |
GETINFO_GLYPHWIDTH The GETINFO_GLYPHWIDTH structure is used as input to the UNIFONTOBJ_GetInfo callback function. |
GETINFO_MEMORY The GETINFO_MEMORY structure is used as input to the UNIFONTOBJ_GetInfo callback function. |
GETINFO_STDVAR The GETINFO_STDVAR structure is used as input to the UNIFONTOBJ_GetInfo callback function. |
IPPARAMS The IPPARAMS structure is used as an input parameter to a rendering plug-in's IPrintOemUni::ImageProcessing method. |
OEM_DMEXTRAHEADER The OEM_DMEXTRAHEADER structure must be used to define the first members of a set of private DEVMODEW structure members. |
OEMDMPARAM The OEMDMPARAM structure is used as an input parameter to the IPrintOemUI::DevMode, IPrintOemUni::DevMode, and IPrintOemPS::DevMode methods. |
OEMMEMORYUSAGE The OEMMEMORYUSAGE structure is used as an input parameter to a rendering plug-in's IPrintOemUni::MemoryUsage method. |
OEMUIOBJ The OEMUIOBJ structure is used as an input argument to several of the methods exported by user interface plug-ins. |
OEMUIPROCS The OEMUIPROCS structure is obsolete.The OEMUIPROCS structure contains the address of the DrvGetDriverSetting and DrvUpdateUISetting functions that are exported by Microsoft printer drivers. |
OEMUIPSPARAM The OEMUIPSPARAM structure is passed to a user interface plug-in's IPrintOemUI::DevicePropertySheets and IPrintOemUI::DocumentPropertySheets methods. |
PDEV_ADJUST_GRAPHICS_RESOLUTION The PDEV_ADJUST_GRAPHICS_RESOLUTION structure specifies a graphics resolution value. |
PDEV_ADJUST_IMAGEABLE_ORIGIN_AREA The PDEV_ADJUST_IMAGEABLE_ORIGIN_AREA structure specifies the imageable origin area. |
PDEV_ADJUST_PAPER_MARGIN The PDEV_ADJUST_PAPER_MARGIN structure specifies the imageable printing area. |
PDEV_HOSTFONT_ENABLED The PDEV_HOSTFONT_ENABLED structure indicates whether the Hostfont feature is enabled. |
PDEV_USE_TRUE_COLOR The PDEV_USE_TRUE_COLOR structure indicates whether the output color space should be color or grayscale. |
PSCRIPT5_PRIVATE_DEVMODE The PSCRIPT5_PRIVATE_DEVMODE structure enables Pscript5 plug-ins to determine the size of the private portion of Pscript5's DEVMODEW structure. |
PUBLISHERINFO The PUBLISHERINFO structure is used as an input parameter to the IPrintOemPS::GetInfo method. |
SIMULATE_CAPS_1 The SIMULATE_CAPS_1 structure contains information about the types of simulations a spooler supports. |
UNIDRV_PRIVATE_DEVMODE The UNIDRV_PRIVATE_DEVMODE structure enables Unidrv plug-ins to determine the size of the private portion of Unidrv's DEVMODEW structure. |
UNIFONTOBJ The UNIFONTOBJ structure is used as an input parameter to font functions in rendering plug-ins. |
USERDATA The USERDATA structure is used by Unidrv and Pscript to specify additional information about printer features. A USERDATA structure pointer is supplied as the UserData member for each OPTITEM structure. |
EATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE EATTRIBUTE_DATATYPE enumerates the possible data types for a global attribute, feature attribute or option attribute. |