IPrintSchemaOption::GetPropertyValue method (printerextension.h)

Gets the XML node for the value child element of a Property or a ScoredProperty element with the given name.


HRESULT GetPropertyValue(
  [in] BSTR     bstrName,
  [in] BSTR     bstrNamespaceUri,
       IUnknown **ppXmlValueNode


[in] bstrName

The base value of the name attribute of the Property or the ScoredProperty element.

[in] bstrNamespaceUri

The namespace URI value of the name attribute of the Property or the ScoredProperty element.


The XML node for the value child element.

Return value

Returns an HRESULT value. If the method call was not successful, it returns the appropriate HRESULT error code.


When the requested feature, option or property is not found, this method returns S_FALSE and sets a NULL pointer on the output object of the feature, option or property.

If the IPrintSchemaTicket object does not contain the specified feature, option or property, the app must obtain an IPrintSchemaCapabilities object and query it via IPrintSchemaCapabilities::GetFeatureByKeyName or via IPrintSchemaCapabilities::GetFeature.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012
Target Platform Desktop
Header printerextension.h

See also


