printerextension.h header
This header is used by print. For more information, see:
printerextension.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IPrinterBidiSetRequestCallback Describes the signature of the callback object that receives the Bidi response. |
IPrinterExtensionAsyncOperation Provides the context associated with an asynchronous operation. |
IPrinterExtensionContext Represents the context for the activation of a UWP device app for printers. |
IPrinterExtensionContextCollection Exposes a collection of IPrinterExtensionContext objects. |
IPrinterExtensionEvent The IPrinterExtensionEvent interface represents the event delegate implemented by desktop printer extensions for activation. |
IPrinterExtensionEventArgs Represents the context for the desktop printer extension activation. |
IPrinterExtensionManager The IPrinterExtensionManager interface is retrieved by CoCreating the PrinterExtensionManager class. |
IPrinterExtensionRequest Completes the given extension event with either a cancellation or success. |
IPrinterPropertyBag Provides strongly-typed get and set methods. |
IPrinterQueue Represents a single printer queue. |
IPrinterQueue2 Learn how IPrinterQueue2 represents a single printer queue. |
IPrinterQueueEvent Provides the event delegate for printer queue events. |
IPrinterQueueView Provides a way to change the range of print jobs being monitored. |
IPrinterQueueViewEvent Provides the signature of the event handler. |
IPrinterScriptablePropertyBag The IPrinterScriptablePropertyBag interface is the property bag interface passed to script clients. |
IPrinterScriptablePropertyBag2 Defines the IPrinterScriptablePropertyBag2 interface. |
IPrinterScriptableSequentialStream The IPrinterScriptableSequentialStream interface is an ISequentialStream-like interface that works in JavaScript. Instead of reading and writing byte arrays, it reads and writes JavaScript arrays of bytes, which are values between 0 and 255. |
IPrinterScriptableStream The IPrinterScriptableStream interface builds on IPrinterScriptableSequentialStream and adds IStream-like semantics. |
IPrinterScriptContext Passed to all third-party constraints JavaScript functions, and provides access to relevant objects. |
IPrintJob Contains properties that represent a print job. |
IPrintJobCollection This interfaces provides an enumeration of the jobs in the print queue. |
IPrintSchemaAsyncOperation Represents an asynchronous operation context for validation, merge or commit operations. |
IPrintSchemaAsyncOperationEvent Exposes a validation, merge, or commit completion event delegate. |
IPrintSchemaCapabilities Provides the primary method to access PrintCapabilities. |
IPrintSchemaCapabilities2 The IPrintSchemaCapabilities2 interface represents an extension to the IPrintSchemaCapabilities object, which provides wrapper methods over a print capabilities document. |
IPrintSchemaDisplayableElement Provides the displayable string for a PrintCapabilites PrintSchema element. |
IPrintSchemaElement Provides access to the underlying XML node and name attribute information for a Print Schema element. |
IPrintSchemaFeature Exposes a Print Schema Feature element. |
IPrintSchemaNUpOption Exposes a Print Schema NUp Option element. |
IPrintSchemaOption Exposes a Print Schema Option object. |
IPrintSchemaOptionCollection Exposes a collection of IPrintSchemaOption objects. |
IPrintSchemaPageImageableSize Exposes the PageImageableSize property of PrintCapabilities. The properties of this interface map directly to those in the PageImageableSize property of PrintCapabilities. |
IPrintSchemaPageMediaSizeOption Exposes a Print Schema PageMediaSize Option element. |
IPrintSchemaParameterDefinition The IPrintSchemaParameterDefinition interface represents a parameter definition, as defined in the Print Schema Specification. |
IPrintSchemaParameterInitializer The IPrintSchemaParameterInitializer interface represents a parameter initialization value, as defined in the print schema specification. |
IPrintSchemaTicket Provides the primary method to access and validate a PrintTicket. |
IPrintSchemaTicket2 The IPrintSchemaTicket2 interface is an extension to the IPrintSchemaTicket interface, which provides wrapper methods over a print ticket document. |
PrintJobStatus This enumeration is a one-to-one mapping to the spooler flags supplied in the JOB_INFO_X structures. |
PrintSchemaConstrainedSetting The PrintSchemaConstrainedSetting enumeration specifies whether the Option is available based on the current device configuration. The constrained attribute appears only in a PrintCapabilities document. |
PrintSchemaParameterDataType The PrintSchemaParameterDataType enumeration identifies the allowed data types for the Print Schema parameter. |
PrintSchemaSelectionType The PrintSchemaSelectionType enumeration identifies how a Feature's options should be selected. This property appears only in a PrintCapabilities document. |