RtlInitUTF8StringEx function (ntifs.h)

RtlInitUTF8StringEx initializes a counted string of UTF-8 characters.


  PUTF8_STRING          DestinationString,
  __drv_aliasesMem PCSZ SourceString



Pointer to the UTF8_STRING structure to be initialized. The ntdef.h header file defines this structure to be identical to the ANSI_STRING structure.


Pointer to a null-terminated character string. SourceString is used to initialize the counted string that DestinationString points to.

Return value

RtlInitUTF8StringEx returns STATUS_NAME_TOO_LONG if the SourceString is too long. Otherwise, this routine returns STATUS_SUCCESS.


RtlInitUTF8StringEx sets the members of the UTF8_STRING structure that DestinationString points to as follows:

  • Copies the pointer value of SourceString into the Buffer member.

  • Sets the Length member to the length, in bytes, of the source string, excluding the terminating null.

  • Sets the MaximumLength member to the length, in bytes, of the source string, including the terminating null.

If SourceString is NULL, Length and MaximumLength are both set to zero.

RtlInitStringEx does not alter the source string pointed to by SourceString.

Callers of RtlInitStringEx can be running at IRQL <= DISPATCH_LEVEL if the DestinationString buffer is nonpageable. Usually, callers run at IRQL = PASSIVE_LEVEL because most other RtlXxxString routines cannot be called at IRQL > PASSIVE_LEVEL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10, version 2004
Header ntifs.h

See also