PSHED_PI_RETRIEVE_ERROR_INFO callback function (ntddk.h)

A PSHED plug-in's RetrieveErrorInfo callback function retrieves platform-specific error information about a hardware error that has occurred.



NTSTATUS PshedPiRetrieveErrorInfo(
  [in, out, optional] PVOID PluginContext,
  [in]                PWHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_DESCRIPTOR ErrorSource,
  [in]                ULONGLONG BufferLength,
  [in, out]           PWHEA_ERROR_PACKET Packet


[in, out, optional] PluginContext

A pointer to the context area that was specified in the Context member of the WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_REGISTRATION_PACKET structure when the PSHED plug-in called the PshedRegisterPlugin function to register itself with the PSHED.

[in] ErrorSource

A pointer to a WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure that describes the error source that reported the hardware error.

[in] BufferLength

The size, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by the Packet parameter.

[in, out] Packet

A pointer to a WHEA_ERROR_PACKET structure that describes the hardware error packet for the hardware error.

Return value

A PSHED plug-in's RetrieveErrorInfo callback function returns one of the following NTSTATUS codes:

Return code Description
STATUS_SUCCESS The hardware error packet was successfully updated with any platform-specific error information.
STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL The size of the buffer pointed to by the Packet parameter as specified by the BufferLength parameter is too small to contain the hardware error packet if it is updated with the platform-specific error information.
STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED The PSHED plug-in does not support the specified error source.
STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL An error occurred.


A PSHED plug-in that participates in error information retrieval sets the Callbacks.RetrieveErrorInfo, Callbacks.FinalizeErrorRecord, and Callbacks.ClearErrorStatus members of the WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_REGISTRATION_PACKET structure to point to its RetrieveErrorInfo, FinalizeErrorRecord, and ClearErrorStatus callback functions when the plug-in calls the PshedRegisterPlugin function to register itself with the PSHED. The PSHED plug-in must also set the PshedFAErrorInfoRetrieval flag in the FunctionalAreaMask member of the WHEA_PSHED_PLUGIN_REGISTRATION_PACKET structure.

Each low-level hardware error handler (LLHEH) calls into the PSHED to retrieve any platform-specific error information about a hardware error that has occurred. If a PSHED plug-in is registered to participate in error information retrieval, the PSHED calls the PSHED plug-in's RetrieveErrorInfo callback function so that it can update the hardware error packet with any platform-specific error information. The PSHED plug-in can modify the existing contents of the hardware error packet as well as add supplementary information to the hardware error packet. Supplementary information is added to a hardware error packet beginning at the offset specified by the RawDataOffset member of the WHEA_ERROR_PACKET structure.

A PSHED plug-in must ensure that it does not add supplementary information beyond the end of the hardware error packet. The amount of memory that an LLHEH allocates for a buffer to contain a particular hardware error packet is calculated from the MaxRawDataLength member of the WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure that describes the error source. If a PSHED plug-in requires additional buffer space to contain the supplementary information, it must participate in error source discovery and increase the value in the MaxRawDataLength member of the WHEA_ERROR_SOURCE_DESCRIPTOR structure for each error source as appropriate to account for any supplemental information.

For all error sources, the PSHED plug-in's RetrieveErrorInfo callback function is called at a minimum IRQL of DISPATCH_LEVEL. The PSHED plug-in's RetrieveErrorInfo callback function must only perform operations and make calls to other functions that are permitted at that high IRQL level.

An important task of a PSHED plug-in's RetrieveErrorInfo callback function is to ensure that the severity of the error condition as specified by the ErrorSeverity member of the WHEA_ERROR_PACKET is appropriate. For example, if the severity level of the error condition is reported as WheaErrSevFatal by the LLHEH but the PSHED plug-in supports a recovery mechanism for the particular error condition that was reported, the PSHED plug-in can change the severity level to WheaErrSevRecoverable so that the operating system will attempt recovery from the error. Similarly, if the severity level of the error condition is reported as WheaErrSevRecoverable by the LLHEH but the PSHED plug-in recognizes that attempting recovery of the particular error condition that was reported would only cause further problems, the PSHED plug-in can change the severity level to WheaErrSevFatal so that the operating system will not attempt recovery from the error.

For corrected hardware errors, a PSHED plug-in must retrieve all of the error status information that it requires for processing the error condition from within its RetrieveErrorInfo callback function, as the remainder of the processing of the hardware error is not guaranteed to be synchronized with the LLHEH.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header ntddk.h (include Ntddk.h)

See also


