Reads the Advanced Access Content System (AACS) binding nonce starting at the specified byte offset on the disc, as part of the protocol for reading a protected data area.

Major code


Input buffer

The buffer at Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer contains a structure of type AACS_READ_BINDING_NONCE that specifies the DVD_SESSION_ID, the starting logical block address and the number of sectors for which the logical unit should generate a binding nonce.

Input buffer length

Length of a AACS_READ_BINDING_NONCE structure.

Output buffer

The buffer at Irp->AssociatedIrp.SystemBuffer contains the value of type AACS_BINDING_NONCE that specifies the binding nonce.

Output buffer length

Length of a AACS_READ_BINDING_NONCE structure.

Status block

The Information field is set to the number of bytes transferred. The Status field is set to STATUS_SUCCESS or possibly STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES.


The IOCTL_AACS_READ_BINDING_NONCE request corresponds to the part of the AACS authentication protocol that is responsible for reading a protected data area. For a complete description of this protocol, see the Advanced Access Content System, Introduction and Common Cryptographic Elements specification that is published by Advanced Access Content System Licensing Administrator (AACS LA).

The AGID is automatically released after the IOCTL_AACS_READ_BINDING_NONCE request completes.

Clients that do not use file system support must set the Handle member of AACS_READ_BINDING_NONCE to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE and specify explicit values for the StartLBA and NumberOfSectors members.

When the CDROM driver receives the IOCTL, it will fail the IOCTL immediately with STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER if either the StartLBA field is set to MAXULONGLONG or the NumberOfSectors field is set to MAXULONG. In this case, the caller should release the AGID manually.


Requirement Value
Header ntddcdvd.h (include Ntddcdvd.h)