KsGetMediaType function (ksproxy.h)

The KsGetMediaType function retrieves information about a media type on a pin factory identifier.


  [in]  int           Position,
  [out] AM_MEDIA_TYPE *AmMediaType,
  [in]  HANDLE        FilterHandle,
  [in]  ULONG         PinFactoryId


[in] Position

Offset into the data range item that KsGetMediaType fills. Note that the data type of Position is int to conform to underlying calls.

[out] AmMediaType

Pointer to a variable that receives information in a AM_MEDIA_TYPE structure.

[in] FilterHandle

Handle to the filter that contains the pin factory to query.

[in] PinFactoryId

Identifier of the pin factory against which the information for a media type is being returned.

Return value

Returns NOERROR if successful; otherwise, returns an error code.


The KsGetMediaType function queries the list of data ranges and performs a data intersection on the specified data range, thus producing a data format. It then converts that data format to a media type.

For more information about AM_MEDIA_TYPE, see the Microsoft Windows SDK documentation.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header ksproxy.h (include Ksproxy.h)
Library Ksproxy.lib

See also
