KsStreamPointerAdvanceOffsetsAndUnlock function (ks.h)

The KsStreamPointerAdvanceOffsetsAndUnlock function advances StreamPointer the specified number of bytes into the stream (adjusting the OffsetIn and OffsetOut fields of StreamPointer as requested) and unlocks it.


void KsStreamPointerAdvanceOffsetsAndUnlock(
  [in] PKSSTREAM_POINTER StreamPointer,
  [in] ULONG             InUsed,
  [in] ULONG             OutUsed,
  [in] BOOLEAN           Eject


[in] StreamPointer

A pointer to a KSSTREAM_POINTER structure representing the stream pointer to advance and unlock.

[in] InUsed

This parameter contains the number of input bytes used. AVStream advances the input offset by this number of bytes. This must be less than the total number of remaining unused bytes in the frame referenced by StreamPointer. If InUsed is equal to the remaining number of bytes in the frame referenced by StreamPointer, AVStream advances StreamPointer to the next available data frame.

[in] OutUsed

This parameter contains the number of output bytes used. AVStream advances the output offset by this number of bytes. This must be less than the total number of remaining unused bytes in the frame referenced by StreamPointer. If OutUsed is equal to the remaining number of bytes in the frame referenced by StreamPointer, AVStream advances StreamPointer to the next available data frame.

[in] Eject

This parameter indicates whether StreamPointer should be advanced. If this parameter is set to TRUE, AVStream advances the stream pointer to the next available data frame regardless of the values in InUsed and OutUsed.

Return value



If using the specified number of bytes in the stream pointer results in zero remaining bytes to process in the current frame, AVStream advances the stream pointer to the next available frame. Minidrivers can force advancement to the next frame regardless of the number of bytes used by setting Eject.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Microsoft Windows XP and later operating systems and DirectX 8.0 and later DirectX versions.
Target Platform Universal
Header ks.h (include Ks.h)
Library Ks.lib

See also




