KsAllocateDeviceHeader function (ks.h)

The KsAllocateDeviceHeader function allocates and initializes the required device extension header.


KSDDKAPI NTSTATUS KsAllocateDeviceHeader(
  [out]          KSDEVICE_HEADER       *Header,
  [in]           ULONG                 ItemsCount,
  [in, optional] PKSOBJECT_CREATE_ITEM ItemsList


[out] Header

Points to the location in which to return a pointer to the initialized header.

[in] ItemsCount

Specifies the number of subitems in the ItemsList. This should be zero if an ItemsList is not passed.

[in, optional] ItemsList

Optional. Points to a KSOBJECT_CREATE_ITEM structure for each subitem. If there are no subitems, this value should be NULL and ItemsCount should be zero.

Return value

The KsAllocateDeviceHeader function returns STATUS_SUCCESS if successful or STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES if unable to allocate the necessary resources.


The KsAllocateDeviceHeader function allocates memory for the KSDEVICE_HEADER structure for a device. When the header is no longer needed, the driver should call the KsFreeDeviceHeader function to free the memory allocated.

If subobjects exist for a given device, the driver must, before calling KsAllocateDeviceHeader, allocate a buffer of either paged or nonpaged memory of sufficient size to hold a KSOBJECT_CREATE_ITEM structure for each subobject. For example:

/* Allocate a buffer for 4 subobjects for a given streaming device */
ULONG bufferSize  = (sizeof (KSOBJECT_CREATE_ITEM)) * 4 ;

               ExAllocatePoolWithTag (PagedPool, bufferSize) ;

Drivers must not free the memory allocated for the subobject KSOBJECT_CREATE_ITEM list until after calling KsFreeDeviceHeader. Failure to do so can result in a bug check condition.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Universal
Header ks.h (include Ks.h)
Library Ks.lib

See also

