PFNKSIRPLISTCALLBACK callback function (ks.h)

A streaming minidriver's KStrIrpListCallback routine is called to determine whether the passed in IRP should be moved from the source list to the destination list, or if IRP enumeration should be terminated.


PFNKSIRPLISTCALLBACK Pfnksirplistcallback;

NTSTATUS Pfnksirplistcallback(
  [in] PIRP Irp,
  [in] PVOID Context


[in] Irp

Pointer to the IRP to possibly move to the destination list from the source list.

[in] Context

Passed from KsMoveIrpsOnCancelableQueue.

Return value

Returns STATUS_SUCCESS to indicate the passed in IRP should be moved from the source list to the destination list. Returns STATUS_NO_MATCH if the passed in IRP should not be moved. Returns any other value to terminate enumeration.


KStrIrpListCallback is called at DISPATCH_LEVEL.

KStrIrpListCallback is always called at least once at the end of list processing with a NULL IRP value in order to complete list processing.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header ks.h (include Ks.h)

See also
