ISynthSinkDMus::Render method (dmusicks.h)

The Render method renders wave data into a destination sink.


void Render(
  [in] PBYTE    pBuffer,
  [in] DWORD    dwLength,
  [in] LONGLONG llPosition


[in] pBuffer

Pointer to the buffer that the synth sink wants data written to

[in] dwLength

Specifies the length (in bytes) of the data to be rendered.

[in] llPosition

Specifies the position (in bytes) in the PCM buffer at which to begin rendering. Rendering continues from this position for the number of bytes specified in dwLength.

Return value



The port driver's synth-sink object calls this method when the miniport driver needs to render more wave data into the destination buffer.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header dmusicks.h (include Dmusicks.h)