IDebugHostPublic::GetLocation method (dbgmodel.h)

For data which has an address, the GetLocation method will return the abstract location (address) of the field.

If the given public does not have a static location, the GetLocation method will fail.


HRESULT GetLocation(
  Location *location



The abstract location (e.g.: address) of the data will be returned here.

Return value

This method returns HRESULT which indicates success or failure.


Sample Code

ComPtr<IDebugHostPublic> spPublic; /* get a public symbol (see EnumerateChildren) */

Location publicLocation;
if (SUCCEEDED(spPublic->GetLocation(&publicLocation)))
    // For public symbols which indicate they have a static location 
    // via GetLocationKind, publicLocation will be the location of the symbol


Requirement Value
Header dbgmodel.h

See also

IDebugHostPublic interface