IDebugRegisters2::OutputRegisters2 method (dbgeng.h)

The OutputRegisters2 method formats and outputs the target's registers.


HRESULT OutputRegisters2(
  [in] ULONG OutputControl,
  [in] ULONG Source,
  [in] ULONG Flags


[in] OutputControl

Specifies which clients should be sent the output of the formatted registers. See DEBUG_OUTCTL_XXX for possible values.

[in] Source

Specifies the register source to query.

The possible values are listed in the following table.

Value Register source
DEBUG_REGSRC_DEBUGGEE Fetch register information from the target.
DEBUG_REGSRC_EXPLICIT Fetch register information from the current explicit register context.
DEBUG_REGSRC_FRAME Fetch register information from the current scope's register context.
Note   Stack unwinding does not guarantee accurate updating of the register context, so the scope frame's register context might not be accurate in all cases.

[in] Flags

Specifies which register sets to print. This can either be DEBUG_REGISTERS_DEFAULT to print commonly used registers, DEBUG_REGISTERS_ALL to print all of the register sets, or a combination of the values listed in the following table.

Value Description
DEBUG_REGISTERS_INT32 Print the 32-bit register set.
DEBUG_REGISTERS_INT64 Print the 64-bit register set.
DEBUG_REGISTERS_FLOAT Print the floating-point register set.

Return value

This list does not contain all the errors that might occur. For a list of possible errors, see HRESULT Values.

Return code Description
The method was successful.


The registers are formatted in a way that is specific to the target architecture's register set.

The method OutputRegisters performs the same task as this method but always uses the target as the register source.

For an overview of the IDebugRegisters interface and other register-related methods, see Registers.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header dbgeng.h (include DbgEng.h)

See also

