IDebugDataSpaces::ReadDebuggerData method (dbgeng.h)
The ReadDebuggerData method returns information about the target that the debugger engine has queried or determined during the current session. The available information includes the locations of certain key target kernel locations, specific status values, and a number of other things.
HRESULT ReadDebuggerData(
[in] ULONG Index,
[out] PVOID Buffer,
[in] ULONG BufferSize,
[out, optional] PULONG DataSize
[in] Index
Specifies the index of the data to retrieve. The following values are valid:
Value | Return Type | Description |
DEBUG_DATA_KernBase | ULONG64 | Returns the base address of the kernel image. |
DEBUG_DATA_BreakpointWithStatusAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel function BreakpointWithStatusInstruction. |
DEBUG_DATA_SavedContextAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of saved context record during a bugcheck. It is only valid after a bugcheck. |
DEBUG_DATA_KiCallUserModeAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel function KiCallUserMode. |
DEBUG_DATA_KeUserCallbackDispatcherAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the kernel variable KeUserCallbackDispatcher. |
DEBUG_DATA_PsLoadedModuleListAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable PsLoadedModuleList. |
DEBUG_DATA_PsActiveProcessHeadAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable PsActiveProcessHead. |
DEBUG_DATA_PspCidTableAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable PspCidTable. |
DEBUG_DATA_ExpSystemResourcesListAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable ExpSystemResourcesList. |
DEBUG_DATA_ExpPagedPoolDescriptorAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable ExpPagedPoolDescriptor. |
DEBUG_DATA_ExpNumberOfPagedPoolsAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable ExpNumberOfPagedPools. |
DEBUG_DATA_KeTimeIncrementAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable KeTimeIncrement. |
DEBUG_DATA_KeBugCheckCallbackListHeadAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable KeBugCheckCallbackListHead. |
DEBUG_DATA_KiBugcheckDataAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the kernel variable KiBugCheckData. |
DEBUG_DATA_IopErrorLogListHeadAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable IopErrorLogListHead. |
DEBUG_DATA_ObpRootDirectoryObjectAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable ObpRootDirectoryObject. |
DEBUG_DATA_ObpTypeObjectTypeAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable ObpTypeObjectType. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSystemCacheStartAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSystemCacheStart. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSystemCacheEndAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSystemCacheEnd. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSystemCacheWsAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSystemCacheWs. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmPfnDatabaseAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmPfnDatabase. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSystemPtesStartAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the kernel variable MmSystemPtesStart. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSystemPtesEndAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the kernel variable MmSystemPtesEnd. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSubsectionBaseAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSubsectionBase. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmNumberOfPagingFilesAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmNumberOfPagingFiles. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmLowestPhysicalPageAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmLowestPhysicalPage. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmHighestPhysicalPageAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmHighestPhysicalPage. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmNumberOfPhysicalPagesAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmNumberOfPhysicalPages. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytesAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmMaximumNonPagedPoolInBytes. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmNonPagedSystemStartAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmNonPagedSystemStart. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmNonPagedPoolStartAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmNonPagedPoolStart. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmNonPagedPoolEndAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmNonPagedPoolEnd. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmPagedPoolStartAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmPagedPoolStart. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmPagedPoolEndAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmPagedPoolEnd. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmPagedPoolInformationAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmPagedPoolInfo. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmPageSize | ULONG64 | Returns the page size. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytesAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSizeOfPagedPoolInBytes. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmTotalCommitLimitAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmTotalCommitLimit. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmTotalCommittedPagesAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmTotalCommittedPages. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSharedCommitAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSharedCommit. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmDriverCommitAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmDriverCommit. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmProcessCommitAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmProcessCommit. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmPagedPoolCommitAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmPagedPoolCommit. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmExtendedCommitAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmExtendedCommit.. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmZeroedPageListHeadAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmZeroedPageListHead. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmFreePageListHeadAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmFreePageListHead. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmStandbyPageListHeadAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmStandbyPageListHead. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmModifiedPageListHeadAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmModifiedPageListHead. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmModifiedNoWritePageListHeadAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmModifiedNoWritePageListHead. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmAvailablePagesAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmAvailablePages. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmResidentAvailablePagesAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmResidentAvailablePages. |
DEBUG_DATA_PoolTrackTableAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable PoolTrackTable. |
DEBUG_DATA_NonPagedPoolDescriptorAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable NonPagedPoolDescriptor. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmHighestUserAddressAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmHighestUserAddress. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSystemRangeStartAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSystemRangeStart. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmUserProbeAddressAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmUserProbeAddress. |
DEBUG_DATA_KdPrintCircularBufferAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the kernel variable KdPrintDefaultCircularBuffer. |
DEBUG_DATA_KdPrintCircularBufferEndAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the end of the array KdPrintDefaultCircularBuffer |
DEBUG_DATA_KdPrintWritePointerAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable KdPrintWritePointer. |
DEBUG_DATA_KdPrintRolloverCountAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable KdPrintRolloverCount. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmLoadedUserImageListAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmLoadedUserImageList. |
Returns TRUE when the target system has PAE enabled.
Returns FALSE otherwise. |
DEBUG_DATA_SharedUserData | ULONG64 |
Returns the address in the target of the shared user-mode structure, KUSER_SHARED_DATA. The KUSER_SHARED_DATA structure is defined in ntddk.h (in the Windows Driver Kit) and ntexapi.h (in the Windows SDK).
Some of the information contained in this structure is displayed by the debugger extension !kuser. |
DEBUG_DATA_ProductType | ULONG |
Returns the value of the NtProductType field in the shared user-mode page.
This value should be interpreted the same way as the wProductType field of the structure OSVERSIONINFOEX, which is documented in the Windows SDK. |
Returns the value of the SuiteMask field in the shared user-mode page.
This value should be interpreted the same way as the wSuiteMask field of the structure OSVERSIONINFOEX, which is documented in the Windows SDK. |
DEBUG_DATA_DumpWriterStatus | ULONG | Returns the status of the writer of the dump file. This value is operating system and dump file type specific. |
The following values are valid for Windows XP and later versions of Windows:
Value | Return Type | Description |
DEBUG_DATA_NtBuildLabAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable NtBuildLab. |
DEBUG_DATA_KiNormalSystemCall | ULONG64 | (Itanium only) Returns the address of the kernel function KiNormalSystemCall. |
DEBUG_DATA_KiProcessorBlockAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the kernel variable KiProcessorBlock. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmUnloadedDriversAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmUnloadedDrivers. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmLastUnloadedDriverAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmLastUnloadedDriver. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmTriageActionTakenAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable VerifierTriageActionTaken. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSpecialPoolTagAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSpecialPoolTag. |
DEBUG_DATA_KernelVerifierAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable KernelVerifier. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmVerifierDataAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmVerifierData. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmAllocatedNonPagedPoolAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmAllocatedNonPagedPool. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmPeakCommitmentAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmPeakCommitment. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmTotalCommitLimitMaximumAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmTotalCommitLimitMaximum. |
DEBUG_DATA_CmNtCSDVersionAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable CmNtCSDVersion. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmPhysicalMemoryBlockAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmPhysicalMemoryBlock. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSessionBase | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSessionBase. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSessionSize | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSessionSize. |
DEBUG_DATA_MmSystemParentTablePage | ULONG64 | (Itanium only) Returns the address of the kernel variable MmSystemParentTablePage. |
The following values are valid for Windows Server 2003 and later versions of Windows:
Value | Return Type | Description |
DEBUG_DATA_MmVirtualTranslationBase | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable MmVirtualTranslationBase. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetKThreadNextProcessor | USHORT | Returns the offset of the NextProcessor field in the KTHREAD structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetKThreadTeb | USHORT | Returns the offset of the Teb field in the KTHREAD structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetKThreadKernelStack | USHORT | Returns the offset of the KernelStack field in the KTHREAD structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetKThreadInitialStack | USHORT | Returns the offset of the InitialStack field in the KTHREAD structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetKThreadApcProcess | USHORT | Returns the offset of the ApcState.Process field in the KTHREAD structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetKThreadState | USHORT | Returns the offset of the State field in the KTHREAD structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetKThreadBStore | USHORT | (Itanium only) Returns the offset of the InitialBStore field in the KTHREAD structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetKThreadBStoreLimit | USHORT | (Itanium only) Returns the offset of the BStoreLimit field in the KTHREAD structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_SizeEProcess | USHORT | Returns the size of the EPROCESS structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetEprocessPeb | USHORT | Returns the offset of the Peb field in the EPROCESS structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetEprocessParentCID | USHORT | Returns the offset of the InheritedFromUniqueProcessId field in the EPROCESS structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetEprocessDirectoryTableBase | USHORT | Returns the offset of the DirectoryTableBase field in the EPROCESS structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_SizePrcb | USHORT | Returns the size of the KPRCB structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetPrcbDpcRoutine | USHORT | Returns the offset of the DpcRoutineActive field in the KPRCB structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetPrcbCurrentThread | USHORT | Returns the offset of the CurrentThread field in the KPRCB structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetPrcbMhz | USHORT | Returns the offset of the MHz field in the KPRCB structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetPrcbCpuType | USHORT |
For Itanium processors: Returns the offset of the ProcessorModel field in the KPRCB structure.
For all other processors: Returns the offset of the CpuType field in the KPRCB structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetPrcbVendorString | USHORT |
For Itanium processors: Returns the offset of the ProcessorVendorString field in the KPRCB structure.
For all other processors: Returns the offset of the VendorString field in the KPRCB structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetPrcbProcessorState | USHORT | Returns the offset of the ProcessorState.ContextFrame field in the KPRCB structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_OffsetPrcbNumber | USHORT | Returns the offset of the Number field in the KPRCB structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_SizeEThread | USHORT | Returns the size of the ETHREAD structure. |
DEBUG_DATA_KdPrintCircularBufferPtrAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable KdPrintCircularBuffer. |
DEBUG_DATA_KdPrintBufferSizeAddr | ULONG64 | Returns the address of the kernel variable KdPrintBufferSize. |
[out] Buffer
Receives the value of the specified debugger data. The "Return Type" column in the above table specifies the data type that is returned. The data can be accessed by casting Buffer to a pointer to that type.
[in] BufferSize
Specifies the size in bytes of the buffer Buffer.
[out, optional] DataSize
Receives the number of bytes used in the buffer Buffer. If DataSize is NULL, this information is not returned.
Return value
Return code | Description |
The method was successful. |
This method can also return error values. See Return Values for more details.
Some or all of the values may be unavailable in certain debugging sessions. For example, some of the values are only available for particular versions of the operating system.
For details on the different values returned by ReadDebuggerData, see Microsoft Windows Internals by David Solomon and Mark Russinovich, the Microsoft Windows SDK, and the Windows Driver Kit (WDK).
Requirement | Value |
Target Platform | Desktop |
Header | dbgeng.h (include Dbgeng.h) |