D3DKMT_CREATEPAGINGQUEUE structure (d3dkmthk.h)

D3DKMT_CREATEPAGINGQUEUE is used with D3DKMTCreatePagingQueue to create a device paging queue that can be used to synchronize with video memory management operations for the device, such as making the device resource resident.


  [in]  D3DKMT_HANDLE               hDevice;
  [out] D3DKMT_HANDLE               hPagingQueue;
  [out] D3DKMT_HANDLE               hSyncObject;
  [out] VOID                        *FenceValueCPUVirtualAddress;
  [in]  UINT                        PhysicalAdapterIndex;


[in] hDevice

Device to create a new paging queue object for.

[in] Priority

Scheduling priority relative to other paging queues on this device. Paging queues with higher priority values will be processed ahead of paging queues with lower priority values.

[out] hPagingQueue

A paging queue handle that will be used to synchronize paging operations.

[out] hSyncObject

Handle to the monitored fence object used to synchronize paging operations for this paging queue. Destroying the paging queue (either implicitly or explicitly) will automatically destroy this sync object.

[out] FenceValueCPUVirtualAddress

A read-only mapping of the paging fence object value for the CPU. This is a user mode address readable from the process that created the monitored fence object.

[in] PhysicalAdapterIndex

Physical adapter index (engine ordinal) for the queue.


A device can have multiple paging queues created for it. Paging queues can be destroyed either explicitly by calling D3DKMTDestroyPagingQueue, or by implicitly destroying the device they belong to. After the latter, paging queue handles will become invalid.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016
Header d3dkmthk.h (include D3dkmthk.h)

See also

