acxdevice.h header
This header is used by the ACX audio class extensions.
For more information, see:
acxdevice.h contains the following programming interfaces:
ACX_DEVICE_CONFIG_INIT The ACX_DEVICE_CONFIG_INIT function initializes an ACX_DEVICE_CONFIG structure to be used when calling the AcxDeviceInitialize function. |
AcxDeviceAddCircuit The AcxDeviceAddCircuit function adds an ACX circuit to a WDFDEVICE to create an audio endpoint. |
AcxDeviceAddCircuitDevice The AcxDeviceAddCircuitDevice function adds an ACX circuit device to a specified parent device representing an audio path. |
AcxDeviceAddFactoryCircuit The AcxDeviceAddFactoryCircuit function adds a factory circuit to a WDFDEVICE for creating audio circuits. |
AcxDeviceDetachCircuit The AcxDeviceDetachCircuit function detaches an audio circuit from a WDFDEVICE prior to removal. |
AcxDeviceGetCurrentDxExitLatency The AcxDeviceGetCurrentDxExitLatency function gets the current audio device sleep state exit latency value. |
AcxDeviceInitialize The AcxDeviceInitialize function initializes an audio class extension (ACX) device. |
AcxDeviceInitInitialize The client driver must call AcxDeviceInitInitialize in its EVT_WDF_DRIVER_DEVICE_ADD callback, before calling WdfDeviceCreate. |
AcxDeviceRemoveCircuit The AcxDeviceRemoveCircuit function removes the specified audio circuit from an ACX device. |
AcxDeviceRemoveCircuitDevice The AcxDeviceRemoveCircuitDevice function removes an ACX circuit device from a specified parent device. |
AcxDeviceRemoveFactoryCircuit The AcxDeviceRemoveFactoryCircuit function removes a factory circuit for creating audio circuits from a WDFDEVICE. |
ACX_DEVICE_CONFIG The ACX_DEVICE_CONFIG structure provides configuration information to the class extension. |
ACX_DEVICEINIT_CONFIG The ACX_DEVICEINIT_CONFIG structure provides configuration information to the class extension. |
ACX_DEVICE_CONFIG_FLAGS The ACX_DEVICE_CONFIG_FLAGS enum defines values used to configure the audio class extension. |
ACX_DEVICEINIT_CONFIG_FLAGS The ACX_DEVICEINIT_CONFIG_FLAGS enum defines values used to initialize the audio class extension. |
ACX_DX_EXIT_LATENCY The ACX_DX_EXIT_LATENCY enum defines values that define the ACX device exit latency. |