Windows Device Testing Framework (WDTF)
Overview of the Windows Device Testing Framework (WDTF) technology.
To develop Windows Device Testing Framework (WDTF), you need these headers:
- comtracing.h
- interruption.h
- itestresource.h
- logcontext.h
- logcontroller.h
- logtestresults.h
- preservelasterror.h
- resourcelist.h
- runtimeparameters.h
- screencapture.h
- te.common.h
- testdata.h
- testnotification.h
- throw.h
- tracing.h
- verify.h
- wdtf.h
- wdtfedtaction.h
- wdtfinterfaces.h
- wdtfinterfacessup.h
- wdtflogging.h
- wdtfpnpaction.h
- wdtfsimulatedbatterysystemaction.h
- wdtfsystemaction.h
- wex.common.h
- wex.logger.h
- wexassert.h
- wexdebug.h
- wexexception.h
- wexlogtrace.h
- wexstring.h
- wextestclass.h
- wextypes.h
- wppdefs.h
For the programming guide, see Windows Device Testing Framework (WDTF).
TTraceLevel The TTraceLevel enumeration defines a set of levels for tracing in WDTF. The meaning on each level depends on registry settings for the ITracer interface. |
Add Add a single action to the collection. |
Add Adds a single long number to the collection. |
Add Adds a single number to the collection. |
Add Adds a single string to the collection. |
Add Add a single item to the collection. |
Clear Removes all items from the collection. |
Clear Learn how the method removes all items from the collection. |
Close Closes the device. |
ConnectedStandby Puts the system into Connected Standby state and exits Connected Standby state after the desired time has passed. This method only works on a computer that supports Always On Always Connected (AOAC). |
Continue Continues the I/O. |
ContinueAsync Asynchronously signals the I/O to continue. |
Disable Disables the Enhanced Device Test (EDT) filter driver on the target device. |
Disable Learn how the method disables the Enhanced Device Test (EDT) filter driver on the target device. |
DisableDevice Disables the target device. |
DisableDevice Learn how the method disables the target device. |
DisableObjectErrorLogging Disables object error logging for the action. |
DisableObjectErrorLogging Disable object error logging for all actions in the collection. |
DisableObjectErrorLogging Disables object error logging for all objects. |
DisableObjectLogging Disables object logging for the action. |
DisableObjectLogging Disable object logging for all actions in the collection. |
DisableObjectLogging Disables object logging for all objects. |
DisableRealBatteries Disables real batteries if they are present in the system. |
DisableSimulatedBattery Disables the simulated battery. |
EDTCancelRemoveDevice Sends an IRP_MN_CANCEL_REMOVE_DEVICE event to the target device. |
EDTCancelRemoveDevice Learn how the method sends an IRP_MN_CANCEL_REMOVE_DEVICE event to the target device. |
EDTCancelStopDevice Sends an IRP_MN_CANCEL_STOP_DEVICE event to the target device. |
EDTCancelStopDevice Learn how the method sends an IRP_MN_CANCEL_STOP_DEVICE event to the target device. |
EDTSurpriseRemoveDevice Sends an IRP_MN_SURPRISE_REMOVAL event to the target device. |
EDTSurpriseRemoveDevice Learn how the method sends an IRP_MN_SURPRISE_REMOVAL event to the target device. |
EDTTryStopDevice Attempts to send an IRP_MN_STOP_DEVICE event to the target device. |
EDTTryStopDevice Learn how the method attempts to send an IRP_MN_STOP_DEVICE event to the target device. |
EDTTryStopDeviceFailRestart This method attempts to send an IRP_MN_STOP_DEVICE event to the target device and then fail the subsequent device restart. |
EDTTryStopDeviceFailRestart Learn how the EDTTryStopDeviceFailRestart method attempts to send an IRP_MN_STOP_DEVICE event to the target device and then fail the subsequent device restart. |
EDTTryStopDeviceRequestNewResources Attempts to send an IRP_MN_STOP_DEVICE event to the target device and assign new resources to the target device. |
EDTTryStopDeviceRequestNewResources Learn how the method attempts to send an IRP_MN_STOP_DEVICE event to the target device and assign new resources to the target device. |
Enable Enables the Enhanced Device Test (EDT) filter driver on the target device. |
Enable Learn how the method enables the Enhanced Device Test (EDT) filter driver on the target device. |
EnableDevice Enables the target device. |
EnableDevice Learn how the method enables the target device. |
EnableObjectErrorLogging Enables object error logging for the action. |
EnableObjectErrorLogging Enable object error logging for all actions in the collection. |
EnableObjectErrorLogging Enables object error logging for all objects. |
EnableObjectLogging Enables object logging for the action. |
EnableObjectLogging Enable object logging for all actions in the collection. |
EnableObjectLogging Enables object logging for all objects. |
EnableRealBatteries Enables real batteries if they are present in the system. |
EnableSimulatedBattery Enables the simulated battery. |
EndTestCase Marks the end of a test case. |
Eval Evaluate whether this target matches an SDEL statement. |
Eval Evaluates whether all items in the collection match an SDEL statement. |
get__NewEnum Gets a new iteration variable that the For Each loop structure implicitly uses. |
get__NewEnum Learn how this IWDTFDeviceDepot2 interface method gets a new iteration variable that the For Each loop structure implicitly uses. |
get__NewEnum Learn how the get__NewEnum method of the IWDTFLongNumbers2 interface gets a new iteration variable that the For Each loop structure implicitly uses. |
get__NewEnum The get__NewEnum method gets a new iteration variable that the For Each loop structure implicitly uses. |
get__NewEnum Learn how the get__NewEnum method of the IWDTFStrings2 interface gets a new iteration variable that the For Each loop structure implicitly uses. |
get__NewEnum Learn how this IWDTFTargets2 interface method gets a new iteration variable that the For Each loop structure implicitly uses. |
get_Config Gets the WDTF configuration object. |
get_Context Gets and sets a name-value pair that represents user data for the target. |
get_Count Gets the number of actions in this collection. |
get_Count Gets the number of devices that are currently provided by the DeviceDepot. |
get_Count Gets the number of long numbers in the collection. |
get_Count Gets the number of numbers in the collection. |
get_Count Gets the number of strings in the collection. |
get_Count Gets the number of items in this collection. |
get_Critical Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the system power state is critical. |
get_DeviceDepot Gets the DeviceDepot object. |
get_IsRestarted Gets a value that indicates whether the test script restarted as a result of a call to RebootRestart or RebootRestartWithContext. |
get_Item Gets an individual action in the collection. |
get_Item Gets an individual device in the DeviceDepot. |
get_Item Gets an individual long number in the collection. |
get_Item Gets an individual number in the collection. |
get_Item Gets an individual string in the collection. |
get_Item Gets an individual item in the collection. |
get_Log Gets the WDTF log object. |
get_RootDevice Gets the root device. |
get_SleepWakeTimeInSeconds Gets or sets the time in seconds when the system will wake from the sleep state. |
get_SystemDepot Gets the SystemDepot object. |
get_Target Gets the target to which this action refers. |
get_ThisSystem Gets an IWDTFTarget2 value that represents the local computer. |
get_Type Gets a value that identifies the depot that the target comes from. |
get_WDTF Learn how this property gets the main WDTF aggregation object. |
get_WDTF This property gets the main WDTF aggregation object. |
get_WDTF This method gets the main WDTF aggregation object. |
get_WDTF Learn how this method gets the main WDTF aggregation object. |
GetBits The GetBits method returns the set of tracing flags for a coclass as a bit mask, given a specified TTraceLevel value and the CLSID of the coclass. |
GetFirstSleepState Returns the first supported sleep state. |
GetInterface Returns an action for the target. |
GetInterfaces Returns a collection of actions that support the interface - one IWDTFAction2 for each item that has one. |
GetInterfacesIfExist Learn how the method returns a collection of actions that support the interface - one IWDTFAction2 for each item that has one. |
GetNextSleepState Returns the next supported sleep state. |
GetRelations Returns a collection of related targets. |
GetStatus Returns the status code for the last operation. |
GetStatusString Returns the status for the last operation as a string. |
GetValue Returns a value from the target that is associated with a specified attribute. |
GetValueBool Returns a boolean value from the target that is associated with a specified attribute. |
GetValueLongNumber Returns a long number value from the target that is associated with a specified attribute. |
GetValueLongNumbers Returns a collection of long number values from the target that are associated with a specified attribute. |
GetValueNumber Returns a number value from the target that is associated with a specified attribute. |
GetValueNumbers Returns a collection of number values from the target that are associated with a specified attribute. |
GetValueString Returns a string value from the target that is associated with a specified attribute. |
GetValueStrings Returns a collection of string values from the target that are associated with a specified attribute. |
HasContext Determines whether a given context exists for the target. |
HasInterface Determines whether the target supports a given interface. |
IsEnabled Gets a value that indicates whether the Enhanced Device Test (EDT) filter driver is enabled on the target device. |
IsEnabled Learn how the method gets a value that indicates whether the Enhanced Device Test (EDT) filter driver is enabled on the target device. |
IsRebootRequired Gets a value that indicates whether the Enhanced Device Test (EDT) filter driver requires a reboot. |
IsRebootRequired Learn how the method gets a value that indicates whether the Enhanced Device Test (EDT) filter driver requires a reboot. |
IsRestartedWithContext Gets a value that indicates whether the test script was restarted for a specific context. |
IsStatusSuccess Gets a value that indicates whether the last operation was successful. |
Open Opens the device. |
OutputError Writes an error entry to the test case log. |
OutputInfo Writes an informational entry to the test case log. |
Pause Pauses the I/O. |
PerformIO Performs a small amount of simple I/O to the device. |
PowerAnalyzeTraceByFile Analyzes a power trace session that has already been collected and stored in the associated trace message (.etl) log file. This method will only work on Windows 8 and above. |
PowerTracingEnd This method ends a power trace session. |
PowerTracingStart Starts a trace session for power state transitions and saves the trace message file (Wdtfpwr.etl) in the current working directory. This method is available starting with Windows 8. |
PowerTracingStartByFile Starts a trace session for power state transitions and saves the trace message file (.etl) using the specified path. This method is available starting with Windows 8. |
put_Context Learn how the method gets and sets a name-value pair that represents user data for the target. |
put_Critical Sets or gets a value that indicates whether the system power state is critical. |
put_SkipRestart Sets a value that indicates whether the target device should be restarted by default. |
put_SkipRestart Learn how the method sets a value that indicates whether the target device should be restarted by default. |
put_SleepWakeTimeInSeconds Sets or gets the time in seconds when the system will wake from the sleep state. |
Query Returns a subset of the devices in the DeviceDepot. |
Query Returns a subset of the items in the collection. |
QuerySingle Returns a single target device from the DeviceDepot. |
QuerySingle Returns a single item from the collection. |
RebootRestart Restart the system and the current test. |
RebootRestartWithContext Reboots the system and restarts the test script with context data. |
Remove Remove an action from the collection. |
Remove Removes a long number from the collection. |
Remove Removes a number from the collection. |
Remove Removes a string from the collection. |
Remove Removes an item from the collection. |
RemoveDevice Removes the device. |
RemoveDevice Learn how the method removes the device. |
RequestEjectDevice Initiates a device eject. |
RequestEjectDevice Learn how the method initiates a device eject. |
RescanDevice Rescans the target device. |
RescanDevice Learn how the method rescans the target device. |
RescanParentDevice Rescans and re-enumerates the target device's parent device. |
RescanParentDevice Learn how the method rescans and re-enumerates the target device's parent device. |
RestartDevice Initiates a device restart. |
RestartDevice Learn how the method initiates a device restart. |
SetSimulatedBatteryChargePercentage Sets the charge percentage reported to the OS by the simulated battery. |
SetSimulatedBatteryToAC Sets the simulated battery status to AC power. |
SetSimulatedBatteryToDC Sets the simulated battery status to DC power. |
SetTarget The SetTarget method is used internally by WDTF. Do not call this method directly. |
SetTraceLevel The SetTraceLevel method sets the tracing level for an object. |
Sleep Puts the system into the desired sleep state. |
Start Learn how the method opens the device. |
StartAsync Asynchronously signals a start event to occur. |
StartTestCase Marks the start of a test case. |
Stop Stops the device. |
StopAsync Asynchronously signals the stop event to occur. |
WaitAsyncCompletion Waits for the completion of any of the asynchronous events. |
IAction The IAction interfaces are plug-ins that can control an instance of the IWDTFTarget2 interface. |
ITracer The ITracer interface enables individual instances of every WDTF interface to determine the specific tracing settings for a given implementation coclass. These settings are recorded in the registry. |
ITracing The ITracing interface sets an object's TTraceLevel value. This interface is a base interface for most of the WDTF interfaces. |
IWDTF2 Defines properties for the WDTF collection. |
IWDTFAction2 Defines operations and properties that can control an instance of the IWDTFTarget2 interface. |
IWDTFActions2 Defines operations and properties for the collection of actions that the IWDTFTargets::GetInterfaces method returns. |
IWDTFCONFIG2 Defines operations that control WDTF objects within a test script. |
IWDTFDeviceDepot2 Defines properties and operations for the collection of devices on a computer. |
IWDTFEnhancedDeviceTestSupportAction2 Defines operations and properties that support the Enhanced Device Test (EDT) filter driver. |
IWDTFEnhancedDeviceTestSupportActions2 Defines operations and properties that support the collection of Enhanced Device Test (EDT) actions. |
IWDTFLOG2 Defines operations that enable the test case author to add to the WDTF test log. |
IWDTFLongNumbers2 Defines operations and properties for a collection of long numbers. |
IWDTFNumbers2 Defines operations and properties for a collection of numbers. |
IWDTFPNPAction2 Defines operations and properties for the Plug and Play (PNP) device-related test interfaces. |
IWDTFPNPActions2 Defines operations and properties for the collection of Plug and Play (PNP) device-related test interfaces. |
IWDTFSimpleIOEx2 Defines operations for a simple synchronous I/O functionality test. |
IWDTFSimpleIOStressAction2 Defines operations for a simple asynchronous I/O functionality test. |
IWDTFSimpleIOStressActions2 Defines operations for a collection of simple asynchronous I/O functionality tests. |
IWDTFSimulatedBatterySystemAction IWDTFSimulatedBatterySystemAction Interface |
IWDTFStrings2 Defines operations and properties for a collection of strings. |
IWDTFSystemAction2 Defines operations and properties that support driver testing. |
IWDTFSystemDepot2 Defines operations and properties for the SystemDepot - the object that represents the local computer. |
IWDTFTarget2 Defines operations and properties for a testable item. |
IWDTFTargets2 Defines properties and operations for the collection. |