Third Party Driver
This is to ensure that there is no 3rd party driver for a Windows pen device that is connected via a Windows-supported bus.
Test name
- 3rd Party Driver
Core requirements tested
- Device.Input.Digitizer.Pen.ThirdPartyDrivers.
Test purpose
- Verifies that the pen does not have a 3rd party driver if the device is on a USB, I²C, or Bluetooth bus.
Tools required
- None.
Validation steps
Run the test case for 3rd party drivers.
In the dialog box that appears, answer "Yes" if your device is on a USB, I²C, or Bluetooth bus, otherwise, answer "No."
Note: If wake-on-touch is enabled, answer "No" to the "Is the following input device on an in-box supported bus?" question, even if the input device is on an in-box supported bus. Answering "No" under any other cases when on an in-box supported bus is a violation of policy.
Common error messages
"Must not require additional drivers."
Occurs if the pen fails the third party driver requirement.
Passing criteria
- 1/1 test iterations must pass for the test to succeed.