NuGetCommand@2 - NuGet v2 task
Use this task to restore, pack, or push NuGet packages, or run a NuGet command. This task supports and authenticated feeds like Azure Artifacts and MyGet. This task also uses NuGet.exe and works with .NET Framework apps. For .NET Core and .NET Standard apps, use the .NET Core task.
# NuGet v2
# Restore, pack, or push NuGet packages, or run a NuGet command. Supports and authenticated feeds like Azure Artifacts and MyGet. Uses NuGet.exe and works with .NET Framework apps. For .NET Core and .NET Standard apps, use the .NET Core task.
- task: NuGetCommand@2
command: 'restore' # 'restore' | 'pack' | 'push' | 'custom'. Required. Command. Default: restore.
restoreSolution: '**/*.sln' # string. Alias: solution. Required when command = restore. Path to solution, packages.config, or project.json. Default: **/*.sln.
#packagesToPush: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.nupkg;!$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.symbols.nupkg' # string. Alias: searchPatternPush. Required when command = push. Path to NuGet package(s) to publish. Default: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.nupkg;!$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.symbols.nupkg.
#nuGetFeedType: 'internal' # 'internal' | 'external'. Required when command = push. Target feed location. Default: internal.
#publishVstsFeed: # string. Alias: feedPublish. Required when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal. Target feed.
#allowPackageConflicts: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal. Allow duplicates to be skipped. Default: false.
#publishFeedCredentials: # string. Alias: externalEndpoint. Required when command = push && nuGetFeedType = external. NuGet server.
#packagesToPack: '**/*.csproj' # string. Alias: searchPatternPack. Required when command = pack. Path to csproj or nuspec file(s) to pack. Default: **/*.csproj.
#configuration: '$(BuildConfiguration)' # string. Alias: configurationToPack. Optional. Use when command = pack. Configuration to package. Default: $(BuildConfiguration).
#packDestination: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)' # string. Alias: outputDir. Optional. Use when command = pack. Package folder. Default: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory).
#arguments: # string. Required when command = custom. Command and arguments.
# Feeds and authentication
feedsToUse: 'select' # 'select' | 'config'. Alias: selectOrConfig. Required when command = restore. Feeds to use. Default: select.
#vstsFeed: # string. Alias: feedRestore. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = select && command = restore. Use packages from this Azure Artifacts/TFS feed. Select from the dropdown or enter [project name/]feed name.
#includeNuGetOrg: true # boolean. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = select && command = restore. Use packages from Default: true.
#nugetConfigPath: # string. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = config && command = restore. Path to NuGet.config.
#externalFeedCredentials: # string. Alias: externalEndpoints. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = config && command = restore. Credentials for feeds outside this organization/collection.
# Advanced
#noCache: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = restore. Disable local cache. Default: false.
#disableParallelProcessing: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = restore. Disable parallel processing. Default: false.
#restoreDirectory: # string. Alias: packagesDirectory. Optional. Use when command = restore. Destination directory.
#verbosityRestore: 'Detailed' # 'Quiet' | 'Normal' | 'Detailed'. Optional. Use when command = restore. Verbosity. Default: Detailed.
# Advanced
#publishPackageMetadata: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal. Publish pipeline metadata. Default: true.
#verbosityPush: 'Detailed' # 'Quiet' | 'Normal' | 'Detailed'. Optional. Use when command = push. Verbosity. Default: Detailed.
# Pack options
#versioningScheme: 'off' # 'off' | 'byPrereleaseNumber' | 'byEnvVar' | 'byBuildNumber'. Required when command = pack. Automatic package versioning. Default: off.
#includeReferencedProjects: false # boolean. Optional. Use when versioningScheme = off && command = pack. Include referenced projects. Default: false.
#versionEnvVar: # string. Required when versioningScheme = byEnvVar && command = pack. Environment variable.
#majorVersion: '1' # string. Alias: requestedMajorVersion. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Major. Default: 1.
#minorVersion: '0' # string. Alias: requestedMinorVersion. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Minor. Default: 0.
#patchVersion: '0' # string. Alias: requestedPatchVersion. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Patch. Default: 0.
#packTimezone: 'utc' # 'utc' | 'local'. Optional. Use when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Time zone. Default: utc.
#includeSymbols: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = pack. Create symbols package. Default: false.
#toolPackage: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = pack. Tool Package. Default: false.
# Advanced
#buildProperties: # string. Optional. Use when command = pack. Additional build properties.
#basePath: # string. Optional. Use when command = pack. Base path.
#verbosityPack: 'Detailed' # 'Quiet' | 'Normal' | 'Detailed'. Optional. Use when command = pack. Verbosity. Default: Detailed.
# NuGet v2
# Restore, pack, or push NuGet packages, or run a NuGet command. Supports and authenticated feeds like Azure Artifacts and MyGet. Uses NuGet.exe and works with .NET Framework apps. For .NET Core and .NET Standard apps, use the .NET Core task.
- task: NuGetCommand@2
command: 'restore' # 'restore' | 'pack' | 'push' | 'custom'. Required. Command. Default: restore.
restoreSolution: '**/*.sln' # string. Alias: solution. Required when command = restore. Path to solution, packages.config, or project.json. Default: **/*.sln.
#packagesToPush: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.nupkg;!$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.symbols.nupkg' # string. Alias: searchPatternPush. Required when command = push. Path to NuGet package(s) to publish. Default: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.nupkg;!$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.symbols.nupkg.
#nuGetFeedType: 'internal' # 'internal' | 'external'. Required when command = push. Target feed location. Default: internal.
#publishVstsFeed: # string. Alias: feedPublish. Required when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal. Target feed.
#allowPackageConflicts: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal. Allow duplicates to be skipped. Default: false.
#publishFeedCredentials: # string. Alias: externalEndpoint. Required when command = push && nuGetFeedType = external. NuGet server.
#packagesToPack: '**/*.csproj' # string. Alias: searchPatternPack. Required when command = pack. Path to csproj or nuspec file(s) to pack. Default: **/*.csproj.
#configuration: '$(BuildConfiguration)' # string. Alias: configurationToPack. Optional. Use when command = pack. Configuration to package. Default: $(BuildConfiguration).
#packDestination: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)' # string. Alias: outputDir. Optional. Use when command = pack. Package folder. Default: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory).
#arguments: # string. Required when command = custom. Command and arguments.
# Feeds and authentication
feedsToUse: 'select' # 'select' | 'config'. Alias: selectOrConfig. Required when command = restore. Feeds to use. Default: select.
#vstsFeed: # string. Alias: feedRestore. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = select && command = restore. Use packages from this Azure Artifacts/TFS feed.
#includeNuGetOrg: true # boolean. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = select && command = restore. Use packages from Default: true.
#nugetConfigPath: # string. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = config && command = restore. Path to NuGet.config.
#externalFeedCredentials: # string. Alias: externalEndpoints. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = config && command = restore. Credentials for feeds outside this organization/collection.
# Advanced
#noCache: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = restore. Disable local cache. Default: false.
#disableParallelProcessing: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = restore. Disable parallel processing. Default: false.
#restoreDirectory: # string. Alias: packagesDirectory. Optional. Use when command = restore. Destination directory.
#verbosityRestore: 'Detailed' # 'Quiet' | 'Normal' | 'Detailed'. Optional. Use when command = restore. Verbosity. Default: Detailed.
# Advanced
#publishPackageMetadata: true # boolean. Optional. Use when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal. Publish pipeline metadata. Default: true.
#verbosityPush: 'Detailed' # 'Quiet' | 'Normal' | 'Detailed'. Optional. Use when command = push. Verbosity. Default: Detailed.
# Pack options
#versioningScheme: 'off' # 'off' | 'byPrereleaseNumber' | 'byEnvVar' | 'byBuildNumber'. Required when command = pack. Automatic package versioning. Default: off.
#includeReferencedProjects: false # boolean. Optional. Use when versioningScheme = off && command = pack. Include referenced projects. Default: false.
#versionEnvVar: # string. Required when versioningScheme = byEnvVar && command = pack. Environment variable.
#majorVersion: '1' # string. Alias: requestedMajorVersion. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Major. Default: 1.
#minorVersion: '0' # string. Alias: requestedMinorVersion. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Minor. Default: 0.
#patchVersion: '0' # string. Alias: requestedPatchVersion. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Patch. Default: 0.
#packTimezone: 'utc' # 'utc' | 'local'. Optional. Use when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Time zone. Default: utc.
#includeSymbols: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = pack. Create symbols package. Default: false.
#toolPackage: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = pack. Tool Package. Default: false.
# Advanced
#buildProperties: # string. Optional. Use when command = pack. Additional build properties.
#basePath: # string. Optional. Use when command = pack. Base path.
#verbosityPack: 'Detailed' # 'Quiet' | 'Normal' | 'Detailed'. Optional. Use when command = pack. Verbosity. Default: Detailed.
# NuGet v2
# Restore, pack, or push NuGet packages, or run a NuGet command. Supports and authenticated feeds like Package Management and MyGet. Uses NuGet.exe and works with .NET Framework apps. For .NET Core and .NET Standard apps, use the .NET Core task.
- task: NuGetCommand@2
command: 'restore' # 'restore' | 'pack' | 'push' | 'custom'. Required. Command. Default: restore.
restoreSolution: '**/*.sln' # string. Alias: solution. Required when command = restore. Path to solution, packages.config, or project.json. Default: **/*.sln.
#packagesToPush: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.nupkg;!$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.symbols.nupkg' # string. Alias: searchPatternPush. Required when command = push. Path to NuGet package(s) to publish. Default: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.nupkg;!$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.symbols.nupkg.
#nuGetFeedType: 'internal' # 'internal' | 'external'. Required when command = push. Target feed location. Default: internal.
#publishVstsFeed: # string. Alias: feedPublish. Required when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal. Target feed.
#allowPackageConflicts: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal. Allow duplicates to be skipped. Default: false.
#publishFeedCredentials: # string. Alias: externalEndpoint. Required when command = push && nuGetFeedType = external. NuGet server.
#packagesToPack: '**/*.csproj' # string. Alias: searchPatternPack. Required when command = pack. Path to csproj or nuspec file(s) to pack. Default: **/*.csproj.
#configuration: '$(BuildConfiguration)' # string. Alias: configurationToPack. Optional. Use when command = pack. Configuration to package. Default: $(BuildConfiguration).
#packDestination: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)' # string. Alias: outputDir. Optional. Use when command = pack. Package folder. Default: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory).
#arguments: # string. Required when command = custom. Command and arguments.
# Feeds and authentication
feedsToUse: 'select' # 'select' | 'config'. Alias: selectOrConfig. Required when command = restore. Feeds to use. Default: select.
#vstsFeed: # string. Alias: feedRestore. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = select && command = restore. Use packages from this Azure Artifacts/TFS feed.
#includeNuGetOrg: true # boolean. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = select && command = restore. Use packages from Default: true.
#nugetConfigPath: # string. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = config && command = restore. Path to NuGet.config.
#externalFeedCredentials: # string. Alias: externalEndpoints. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = config && command = restore. Credentials for feeds outside this account/collection.
# Advanced
#noCache: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = restore. Disable local cache. Default: false.
#disableParallelProcessing: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = restore. Disable parallel processing. Default: false.
#restoreDirectory: # string. Alias: packagesDirectory. Optional. Use when command = restore. Destination directory.
#verbosityRestore: 'Detailed' # 'Quiet' | 'Normal' | 'Detailed'. Optional. Use when command = restore. Verbosity. Default: Detailed.
# Advanced
#verbosityPush: 'Detailed' # 'Quiet' | 'Normal' | 'Detailed'. Optional. Use when command = push. Verbosity. Default: Detailed.
# Pack options
#versioningScheme: 'off' # 'off' | 'byPrereleaseNumber' | 'byEnvVar' | 'byBuildNumber'. Required when command = pack. Automatic package versioning. Default: off.
#includeReferencedProjects: false # boolean. Optional. Use when versioningScheme = off && command = pack. Include referenced projects. Default: false.
#versionEnvVar: # string. Required when versioningScheme = byEnvVar && command = pack. Environment variable.
#majorVersion: '1' # string. Alias: requestedMajorVersion. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Major. Default: 1.
#minorVersion: '0' # string. Alias: requestedMinorVersion. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Minor. Default: 0.
#patchVersion: '0' # string. Alias: requestedPatchVersion. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Patch. Default: 0.
#packTimezone: 'utc' # 'utc' | 'local'. Optional. Use when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack. Time zone. Default: utc.
#includeSymbols: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = pack. Create symbols package. Default: false.
#toolPackage: false # boolean. Optional. Use when command = pack. Tool Package. Default: false.
# Advanced
#buildProperties: # string. Optional. Use when command = pack. Additional build properties.
#basePath: # string. Optional. Use when command = pack. Base path.
#verbosityPack: 'Detailed' # 'Quiet' | 'Normal' | 'Detailed'. Optional. Use when command = pack. Verbosity. Default: Detailed.
- Command
. Required. Allowed values: restore
, pack
, push
, custom
. Default value: restore
Specifies the NuGet command to run. Use the custom
value to add arguments or to use a different command.
- Path to solution, packages.config, or project.json
Input alias: solution
. string
. Required when command = restore
. Default value: **/*.sln
Specifies the path to the solution, packages.config
, or project.json
file that references the packages to be restored.
- Feeds to use
Input alias: selectOrConfig
. string
. Required when command = restore
. Allowed values: select
(Feed(s) I select here), config
(Feeds in my NuGet.config). Default value: select
Specifies a feed from Azure Artifacts and/or for the task to use with the select
value. Alternatively, you can commit a NuGet.config
file to your source code repository and set its path as the value using the config
- Use packages from this Azure Artifacts/TFS feed. Select from the dropdown or enter [project name/]feed name.
Input alias: feedRestore
. string
. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = select && command = restore
Specifies the selected feed in the generated NuGet.config
. You must have Package Management installed and licensed to specify a feed here.
- Use packages from this Azure Artifacts/TFS feed
Input alias: feedRestore
. string
. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = select && command = restore
Specifies the selected feed in the generated NuGet.config
. You must have Package Management installed and licensed to specify a feed here.
- Use packages from
. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = select && command = restore
. Default value: true
Includes in the generated NuGet.config
- Path to NuGet.config
. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = config && command = restore
Specifies the path to the NuGet.config
in your repository that determines the feeds from which to restore packages.
- Credentials for feeds outside this organization/collection
Input alias: externalEndpoints
. string
. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = config && command = restore
Specifies the credentials to use for external registries located in the selected NuGet.config
. This is the name of your NuGet service connection. For feeds in this organization or collection, leave this blank; the build's credentials are used automatically.
- Credentials for feeds outside this account/collection
Input alias: externalEndpoints
. string
. Optional. Use when selectOrConfig = config && command = restore
Specifies the credentials to use for external registries located in the selected NuGet.config
. This is the name of your NuGet service connection. For feeds in this account or collection, leave this blank; the build's credentials are used automatically.
- Disable local cache
. Optional. Use when command = restore
. Default value: false
Prevents NuGet from using packages from local machine caches when set to true
- Disable parallel processing
. Optional. Use when command = restore
. Default value: false
Prevents NuGet from installing multiple packages in parallel processes when set to true
- Destination directory
Input alias: packagesDirectory
. string
. Optional. Use when command = restore
Specifies the folder in which packages are installed. If no folder is specified, packages are restored into a packages/
folder alongside the selected solution, packages.config
, or project.json
- Verbosity
. Optional. Use when command = restore
. Allowed values: Quiet
, Normal
, Detailed
. Default value: Detailed
Specifies the amount of detail displayed in the output.
- Path to NuGet package(s) to publish
Input alias: searchPatternPush
. string
. Required when command = push
. Default value: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.nupkg;!$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.symbols.nupkg
Specifies the pattern to match or path to nupkg
files to be uploaded. Multiple patterns can be separated by a semicolon.
- Target feed location
. Required when command = push
. Allowed values: internal
(This organization/collection), external
(External NuGet server (including other accounts/collections)). Default value: internal
Specifies whether the target feed is an internal feed/collection or an external NuGet server.
- Target feed location
. Required when command = push
. Allowed values: internal
(This account/collection), external
(External NuGet server (including other accounts/collections)). Default value: internal
Specifies whether the target feed is an internal feed/collection or an external NuGet server.
- Target feed
Input alias: feedPublish
. string
. Required when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal
Specifies a feed hosted in this account. You must have Azure Artifacts installed and licensed to select a feed here.
- Publish pipeline metadata
. Optional. Use when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal
. Default value: true
Changes the version number of the subset of changed packages within a set of continually published packages.
- Allow duplicates to be skipped
. Optional. Use when command = push && nuGetFeedType = internal
. Default value: false
Reports task success even if some of your packages are rejected with 409 Conflict errors.
This option is currently only available on Azure Pipelines and Windows agents. If NuGet.exe
encounters a conflict, the task will fail. This option will not work and publishing will fail if you are within a proxy environment.
- NuGet server
Input alias: externalEndpoint
. string
. Required when command = push && nuGetFeedType = external
Specifies the NuGet service connection that contains the external NuGet server’s credentials.
- Verbosity
. Optional. Use when command = push
. Allowed values: Quiet
, Normal
, Detailed
. Default value: Detailed
Specifies the amount of detail displayed in the output.
- Path to csproj or nuspec file(s) to pack
Input alias: searchPatternPack
. string
. Required when command = pack
. Default value: **/*.csproj
Specifies the pattern that the task uses to search for csproj directories to pack.
You can separate multiple patterns with a semicolon, and you can make a pattern negative by prefixing it with !
. Example: **\*.csproj;!**\*.Tests.csproj
- Configuration to package
Input alias: configurationToPack
. string
. Optional. Use when command = pack
. Default value: $(BuildConfiguration)
Specifies the configuration to package when using a csproj file.
- Package folder
Input alias: outputDir
. string
. Optional. Use when command = pack
. Default value: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)
Specifies the folder where the task creates packages. If the value is empty, the task creates packages at the source root.
- Automatic package versioning
. Required when command = pack
. Allowed values: off
, byPrereleaseNumber
(Use the date and time), byEnvVar
(Use an environment variable), byBuildNumber
(Use the build number). Default value: off
Applies automatic package versioning depending on the specified value. This string cannot be used with includeReferencedProjects
. The allowed values are:
- Use the date and time: The task will generate a SemVer-compliant version formatted asX.Y.Z-ci-datetime
, where you specify the values of X, Y, and Z.byEnvVar
- Use an environment variable: The task will use an environment variable that you specify and contains the version number you want to use.byBuildNumber
- Use the build number: The task will use the build number to version the package.
Under General, set the build format to be $(BuildDefinitionName)_$(Year:yyyy).$(Month).$(DayOfMonth)$(Rev:.r)
- Include referenced projects
. Optional. Use when versioningScheme = off && command = pack
. Default value: false
Includes referenced projects either as dependencies or as part of the package. Cannot be used with automatic package versioning. If a referenced project has a corresponding nuspec
file that has the same name as the project, then that referenced project is added as a dependency. Otherwise, the referenced project is added as part of the package. Learn more about using the pack command for NuGet CLI to create NuGet packages.
- Environment variable
. Required when versioningScheme = byEnvVar && command = pack
Specifies the variable name without $
, $env
, or %
- Major
Input alias: requestedMajorVersion
. string
. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack
. Default value: 1
The X
in version X.Y.Z.
- Minor
Input alias: requestedMinorVersion
. string
. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack
. Default value: 0
The Y
in version X.Y.Z.
- Patch
Input alias: requestedPatchVersion
. string
. Required when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack
. Default value: 0
The Z
in version X.Y.Z.
- Time zone
. Optional. Use when versioningScheme = byPrereleaseNumber && command = pack
. Allowed values: utc
, local
(Agent local time). Default value: utc
Specifies the desired time zone used to produce the version of the package. Selecting utc
is recommended if you're using hosted build agents, as their date and time might differ.
- Create symbols package
. Optional. Use when command = pack
. Default value: false
Specifies that the package contains sources and symbols. When used with a .nuspec
file, this creates a regular NuGet package file and the corresponding symbols package.
- Tool Package
. Optional. Use when command = pack
. Default value: false
Determines if the output files of the project should be in the tool folder.
- Additional build properties
. Optional. Use when command = pack
Specifies a list of token=value pairs, separated by semicolons, where each occurrence of $token$
in the .nuspec
file will be replaced with the given value. Values can be strings in quotation marks.
- Base path
. Optional. Use when command = pack
Specifies the base path of the files defined in the nuspec
- Verbosity
. Optional. Use when command = pack
. Allowed values: Quiet
, Normal
, Detailed
. Default value: Detailed
Specifies the amount of detail displayed in the output.
- Command and arguments
. Required when command = custom
Specifies the command and arguments that will be passed to NuGet.exe
for execution. If NuGet 3.5 or later is used, authenticated commands like list
, restore
, and publish
against any feed in this organization or collection that the Project Collection Build Service has access to will be automatically authenticated.
Task control options
All tasks have control options in addition to their task inputs. For more information, see Control options and common task properties.
Output variables
The NuGet Authenticate task is the new recommended way to authenticate with Azure Artifacts and other NuGet repositories. This task no longer takes new features, and only critical bugs are addressed.
Use this task to install and update NuGet package dependencies, or package and publish NuGet packages. Uses NuGet.exe and works with .NET Framework apps. For .NET Core and .NET Standard apps, use the .NET Core task.
If your code depends on NuGet packages, make sure to add this step before your Visual Studio Build task. Also make sure to clear the deprecated Restore NuGet Packages checkbox in that task.
If you are working with .NET Core or .NET Standard, use the .NET Core task, which has full support for all package scenarios and is currently supported by dotnet.
This version of the NuGet task uses NuGet 4.1.0 by default. To select a different version of NuGet, use the Tool Installer.
Versioning schemes
For byPrereleaseNumber, the version will be set to the values you choose for the major version, the minor version, and the patch, plus the date and time, in the format yyyymmdd-hhmmss
For byEnvVar, the version will be set to the value of the environment variable that has the name specified by the versionEnvVar parameter, e.g. MyVersion
(no $, just the environment variable name). Make sure the environment variable is set to a proper SemVer, such as 1.2.3
or 1.2.3-beta1
For byBuildNumber, the version will be set using the pipeline run's build number. This is the value specified for the pipeline's name
property, which gets saved to the BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
environment variable). Ensure that the build number being used contains a proper SemVer, such as 1.0.$(Rev:r)
. When using byBuildNumber, the task will extract the dotted version,
, from the build number string, and use only that portion. The rest of the string will be dropped. If you want to use the build number as is, you can use byEnvVar as described above, and set versionEnvVar to BUILD_BUILDNUMBER
Migrate from NuGetInstaller@0 or NuGetRestore@1
and NuGetRestore@1
are deprecated, and you should replace them in your pipeline with NuGetCommand@2
If you were using NuGetInstaller@0
with restoreMode: restore
, configure the following inputs when using NuGetCommand@2
NuGetCommand@2 task input | Value |
command |
restore |
restoreSolution |
Path the .sln file |
If you were using NuGetInstaller@0
with restoreMode: install
, configure the following inputs when using NuGetCommand@2
NuGetCommand@2 task input | Value |
command |
custom |
arguments |
What the full install command would look like in the NuGet CLI. For example, if you want to run the equivalent of nuget install ninject -OutputDirectory c:\proj in your pipeline, then the arguments parameter would be install ninject -OutputDirectory c:\proj . If you were using the NuGetInstaller@0 nuGetRestoreArgs parameter these also now go in arguments . |
If you were using NuGetRestore@1
, configure the following inputs when using NuGetCommand@2
NuGetCommand@2 task input | Value |
command |
restore |
restoreSolution |
Path the .sln file |
Similar to using NuGetRestore@1
or the NuGetInstaller@0
option, NuGetCommand@2
has inputs to set the feed, decide between select
or config
, specify the path to the NuGet.config
file, and use packages from
For more information, see the following examples.
Support for Newer Ubuntu Hosted Images
Starting with Ubuntu 24.04, Microsft-hosted agents will not ship with mono which is required to run the underlying NuGet client that powers NuGetCommand@2
. Users of this task on Ubuntu should migrate to the long term supported cross-platform task NuGetAuthenticate@1
with .NET CLI.
Migrating to .NET CLI on Ubuntu
The NuGet Authenticate task will handle injecting credentials into the needed places for client tools to authenticate as your pipeline identity. Please see the linked documentation for instructions, FAQs, and examples for using NuGet Authenticate
with dotnet.
If dotnet CLI commands do not support your scenario, please report this to the .NET CLI team as an issue. You may continue to pin your agent image to Ubuntu 22.04 or earlier. Ubuntu 22.04 support will continue until Ubuntu 26.04 is made generally available, no earlier than 2026.
Restore all your solutions with packages from a selected feed.
# Restore from a project scoped feed in the same organization
- task: NuGetCommand@2
command: 'restore'
feedsToUse: 'select'
vstsFeed: 'my-project/my-project-scoped-feed'
includeNuGetOrg: false
restoreSolution: '**/*.sln'
# Restore from an organization scoped feed in the same organization
- task: NuGetCommand@2
command: 'restore'
feedsToUse: 'select'
vstsFeed: 'my-organization-scoped-feed'
restoreSolution: '**/*.sln'
# Restore from a feed in a different organization
- task: NuGetCommand@2
command: 'restore'
feedsToUse: config
nugetConfigPath: ./nuget.config
restoreSolution: '**/*.sln'
externalFeedCredentials: 'MyServiceConnectionName'
noCache: true
continueOnError: true
# Restore from feed(s) set in nuget.config
- task: NuGetCommand@2
command: 'restore'
feedsToUse: 'config'
nugetConfigPath: 'nuget.config'
Create a NuGet package in the destination folder.
# Package a project
- task: NuGetCommand@2
command: 'pack'
packagesToPack: '**/*.csproj'
packDestination: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
Pipeline artifacts are downloaded to the Pipeline.Workspace
directory, and to the System.ArtifactsDirectory
directory for classic release pipelines. packagesToPush
value can be set to $(Pipeline.Workspace)/**/*.nupkg
or $(System.ArtifactsDirectory)/**/*.nupkg
Push/Publish a package to a feed defined in your NuGet.config.
# Push a project - task: NuGetCommand@2 inputs: command: 'push' packagesToPush: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/**/*.nupkg' feedsToUse: 'config' nugetConfigPath: '$(Build.WorkingDirectory)/NuGet.config'
Push/Publish a package to an organization scoped feed
# Push a project - task: NuGetCommand@2 inputs: command: 'push' nuGetFeedType: 'internal' publishVstsFeed: 'my-organization-scoped-feed'
Push/Publish a package to a project scoped feed
# Push a project - task: NuGetCommand@2 inputs: command: 'push' nuGetFeedType: 'internal' publishVstsFeed: 'my-project/my-project-scoped-feed'
Push/Publish a package to
# Push a project - task: NuGetCommand@2 inputs: command: 'push' feedsToUse: 'config' includeNugetOrg: 'true'
Run any other NuGet command besides the default ones: pack, push, and restore.
# list local NuGet resources.
- task: NuGetCommand@2
displayName: 'list locals'
command: custom
arguments: 'locals all -list'
Requirement | Description |
Pipeline types | YAML, Classic build, Classic release |
Runs on | Agent, DeploymentGroup |
Demands | None |
Capabilities | This task does not satisfy any demands for subsequent tasks in the job. |
Command restrictions | Any |
Settable variables | Any |
Agent version | 2.144.0 or greater |
Task category | Package |
Requirement | Description |
Pipeline types | YAML, Classic build, Classic release |
Runs on | Agent, DeploymentGroup |
Demands | None |
Capabilities | This task does not satisfy any demands for subsequent tasks in the job. |
Command restrictions | Any |
Settable variables | Any |
Agent version | 2.115.0 or greater |
Task category | Package |