Control access to features in Viva using PowerShell

You can use access policies in Viva to manage which users can access specific features in Viva apps with PowerShell. Feature access management lets you enable or disable specific features in Viva for specific groups or users in your tenant and so tailor your deployments to meet your local regulatory and business requirements.

An authorized admin in your tenant can create, assign, and manage access policies from PowerShell. When a user signs into Viva, the policy settings are applied, and they only see the features that haven't been disabled.


You can have multiple access policies for a feature active in your organization. That means that a user or group could be impacted by multiple policies. In that case, the most restrictive policy assigned directly to a user or group takes precedence. For more information, see How access policies work in Viva.


Before you can create an access policy in Viva, you need:


These features are not yet available in GCC High or DoD. For GCC, refer to the documentation for your specific app for availability.

Create and manage access policies for Viva features

Policies can be created and managed by a Viva admin who has permissions to do so in the Microsoft 365 admin center or by using PowerShell. Get all the details about creating and managing policies.

Get the featureID for the feature

Before you can create an access policy, use the ModuleID to get the featureID for the specific feature you want to control access to.

Module IDs

App ModuleID
Engage VivaEngage
Glint VivaGlint
Goals VivaGoals
Insights VivaInsights
Pulse VivaPulse
Skills VivaSkills

Use the Get-VivaModuleFeature PowerShell cmdlet to get a list of all of the features available in a specific Viva app and their associated IDs.

  1. Install Exchange Online PowerShell Version 3.2.0 or later:

    Install-Module -Name ExchangeOnlineManagement
  2. Connect to Exchange Online with admin credentials:


    Complete the authentication as the role required for the specific feature you're creating the policy for.

  3. Run the Get-VivaModuleFeature cmdlet to see the features that you can manage by using an access policy.

    For example, to see which features are supported in Viva Insights, run the following cmdlet:

    Get-VivaModuleFeature -ModuleId VivaInsights
  4. Find the feature that you'd like to create an access policy for and make note of its featureID.

Create an access policy

Now that you have the featureID, use the Add-VivaModuleFeaturePolicy PowerShell cmdlet to create an access policy for the feature.

You can assign a maximum of 10 policies per feature to users and groups. Each policy can be assigned to a maximum of 20 users or groups. You can assign one additional policy per feature to the entire tenant by using the -Everyone parameter, which will function as a global default state for that feature across your organization.

Run the Add-VivaModuleFeaturePolicy cmdlet to create a new access policy.


If your feature supports user controls for opt out, make sure you set the IsUserControlEnabled parameter when you create the policy. If you don't, user controls for the policy uses the default state for the feature.

For example, run the following to create an access policy, called UsersAndGroups, to restrict access to the Reflection feature in Viva Insights.

Add-VivaModuleFeaturePolicy -ModuleId VivaInsights -FeatureId Reflection -Name UsersAndGroups -IsFeatureEnabled $false -GroupIds, -UserIds,    

This example adds a policy for the Reflection feature in Viva Insights. The policy disables the feature for the specified users and group members. If you want to disable the feature for all users, use the -Everyone parameter instead.

Manage access policies

You can update an access policy to change whether a feature is enabled or disabled, as well as to change who the policy applies to (everyone, a user, or a group).

For example, building on our last example, to update who the policy applies to, run the following cmdlet:

Update-VivaModuleFeaturePolicy -ModuleId VivaInsights -FeatureId Reflection -PolicyId xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx -GroupIds,

Just like when you create the policy, if your policy supports user controls, include the IsUserControlEnabled parameter when you change the policy.


Values that you specify for the -UserIds and -GroupIds parameters or the -Everyone parameter overwrite any existing users or groups. To preserve the existing users and groups, you need to specify those existing users or groups and any additional users or groups that you want to add. Not including existing users or groups in the command effectively removes those specific users or groups from the policy. You can't update a policy for a particular user or group to include the entire tenant if a policy for the entire tenant already exists for the feature - only one tenant-wide policy is supported.

To check what features are disabled for a specific user or group, run the Get-VivaModuleFeatureEnablement cmdlet. This cmdlet returns what's called the enablement status for the user or group.

For example:

Get-VivaModuleFeatureEnablement -ModuleId VivaInsights -FeatureId Reflection -Identity

Delete an access policy

Use the Remove-VivaModuleFeaturePolicy cmdlet to delete an access policy.

For example, to delete the Reflection feature access policy, start by getting the specific UID for the access policy - you can get that by running Get-VivaModuleFeaturePolicy. Then, run the following cmdlet:

Remove-VivaModuleFeaturePolicy -ModuleId VivaInsights -FeatureId Reflection -PolicyId xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx


  • If you have issues creating or using access policies for Viva app features, confirm the feature you're trying to set a policy for is listed in the feature table and is available to your tenant.
  • If you see the error message "Requester was not authorized to complete the request" while you're running a PowerShell cmdlet, check if you have any conditional access policy set that blocks specific IP addresses. If so, either remove your IP address from that policy or create a new policy to allowlist your IP address. Learn more about Microsoft Entra Conditional Access and Troubleshooting Conditional Access using the What If tool.

More resources

Learn more about creating and managing policies

Control who can access features in Microsoft Viva using the Microsoft 365 admin center

Microsoft Viva Privacy

Microsoft Viva Security

Viva admin roles and tasks