Learning paths in Viva Learning

A learning path is a collection of learning objects or a sequence of learning activities relevant to the learning goals of employees, such as skill improvements or onboarding.

In Viva Learning, you can curate a learning path using learning content from different learning providers enabled for your organization.


Creating a learning path requires a premium license for Viva Learning or Viva Suite.

You also need admin or knowledge manager permissions to create a learning path in Viva Learning.

Create a Learning path

  1. Go to the Admin tab in Viva Learning and select on Learning path on the left menu.

  2. Select Create new.

    Image of the Learning Path navigation on the admin tab.

  3. Add a title and description. Upload a thumbnail or choose a default option.

  4. Select Create.

    Image of create new Learning path description fields.

  5. Select Add content to add your content.

    Image of the add content button option within the Edit Learning Path navigation

  6. You can take the following actions.

    1. Add a section title and description.

    2. Search for relevant learning content from learning providers within Viva Learning or add link to content

    3. Select the content of your choice and select Add.

    4. Reorder the content by dragging the added courses.

      Image of add content view with section title, description, and search view for finding courses.

  7. Select Add Section if you want to add another section to your learning path.

    Image of a set learning path with multiple segments that includes the option of adding another section

  8. Reorder sections using the arrows if needed.

  9. Select Save.

    Image of a completed section of a learning path with additional sections added

Your learning path is saved in drafts. You can discard saved changes, edit, preview, or publish the learning path now to make it available to employees in your organizations.

View and manage Learning path options

You can always view and manage your existing learning paths under the Learning path section in the Admin tab. You can perform the following options by selecting:

Image of options used to edit learning paths in Viva Learning.

  • Publish to publish the learning path and make it available for the organization employees. You can also make a note while publishing a learning path.
  • Edit to update the learning path details. You can also edit the content and metadata for both draft and published learning paths. Editing the learning path doesn't change its copy URL. Editing a published learning path can change the progress and experience of learners. You can also make a note while editing a learning path.
  • Preview to display a preview of how the learning path appears to the learner once published.
  • Duplicate to create a copy of an existing learning path, which you can further modify and publish.
  • Delete to delete the learning path. Once deleted, the learning path is no longer discoverable to employees in your organization. Deleting the learning path would remove any references like bookmarks or recommendation for that learning path.

Once a learning path is published, it shows up on the Home page in the Browse courses by the provider section under your tenant's name carousel.

Employees can discover and play the course by clicking on the learning path card, navigating to the details page, and selecting the course thumbnail.

You can find details of users' learning path completion for each version or edit by going to Manage Content Metadata and exporting the content metadata for learners.