Question mapping

Once you select items that align to your organizational strategies, you may decide to compare trending data from previous surveys to your current survey in Microsoft Viva Glint. If you do decide to compare historical data to new items moving forward, it's vital that the previous and new questions are truly comparable. 

Results can be misinterpreted if there aren't clear connections from historical data to new insights. To ensure true comparisons between previous and new results, it's essential to map items accurately before importing data to Viva Glint.​

Mapping guidelines

To map, consider the wording, item intention, and referents.

Maps to Viva Glint taxonomy Same intent Same referent
Yes Yes Yes
No Yes No
No No Yes

Item intention

If items have different wording, they can still be mapped, provided the intention of the historical item aligns with the intention of the item it’s being mapped to – they must have the same aimed purpose and outcome:

Shares intent Viva Glint item Historical item
Yes My manager cares about me as a person. My manager shows sincere interest in me as a person.
Yes I can get the support I need from my manager. I can get the help I need from my manager.
No I feel satisfied with the recognition or praise I receive for my work. I receive recognition when I do a good job.
No Where I work, we have clear priorities. Where I work, we set clear strategic goals.

Item referent

To gain specific insights, an item always has a referent (for example, Company, senior leadership, direct manager, team, coworkers, or even the employee themselves). If two items have similar intentions but are aimed at different referents, they can't be mapped.

Same referent Viva Glint item Historical item
Yes I have confidence in the leadership team. I have confidence in the organization's executive leadership.
Yes Teams at this company collaborate effectively to get things done. We cooperate well across the company to get things done.
No This organization does a good job communicating with employees. This organization does a good job communicating with me.
No My performance is evaluated fairly. People are evaluated fairly at this organization.