Use the Viva Glint Culture Survey template

A Culture Survey program is designed to assess and measure the beliefs, values, norms, and overall work culture of an organization. It helps companies understand the attitudes and perceptions of their employees, identify areas for improvement, and align the culture with the company’s strategic goals. It can foster a positive work environment, enhance employee satisfaction and retention, and ultimately contribute to the organization’s success. Culture is driven by mindsets, values, and shared beliefs. Culture influences how decisions are made and how people behave. It shapes experiences and determines how work gets done.

Glint offers a Culture Survey template as part of its library of recurring engagement surveys. The Glint Culture Survey measures the facets of culture Viva People Science knows to be important predictors of business performance and engagement. The Culture Survey is available in all languages supported by Glint.

How does Glint measure culture?

Glint focuses on measuring observable group behaviors that impact important performance outcomes. This approach is the most valid way of measuring organizational culture. It's important to measure culture by asking about the group, rather than about an individual. Culture is a group phenomenon which is created and reinforced through the interactions of many. By rating various group behaviors, rather than asking individuals what they think or how they feel, the survey items are more actionable.

Key outcomes and goals of a culture survey program

A cultural measure helps leaders check on the alignment of their intended culture against the actual culture experienced by employees. The survey informs priorities and actions that require attention at the organizational level. The Viva Glint Culture Survey answers whether your company has the culture needed to be successful in the future.

What kind of organization is the Culture Survey intended for?

This program is for organizations interested in gaining a baseline understanding of their current culture to support transformation. Transformation can include identifying an ideal culture to move toward or can be in accordance with a business or leadership change. Organizations going through a merger or acquisition often use culture as an indicator to support a smooth integration.


Include all employees for the most accurate insight into your organization’s cultural health. Including all employees also creates awareness and support for cultural transformation.

Investing in culture is good for business

Companies that proactively manage their culture show:

  • 516% higher revenue growth over a 10 year period
  • 30% higher levels of innovation
  • 40% higher retention

What does the Viva Glint culture survey include?

  • Research-validated survey to measure eight key outcomes of culture.
  • Key drivers to understand how cultural behaviors influence engagement and business outcomes.
  • Access to intuitive and insightful data at the executive level.
  • Narrative Intelligence to synthesize open-ended feedback and surface key themes.
  • Easy integration of Culture items into existing agile survey programs.
  • Cultural benchmarks.

Viva Glint Culture Survey items

Item # Item name Item text
1 Collaboration - Across Groups People at [Company Name] collaborate well across groups to get things done.
2 Purpose - Customer Focus People at [Company Name] make decisions with their impact on the customer in mind.
3 Future Success [Company Name] has the right culture for us to be successful in the future.
4 Collaboration - Speak Up People at [Company Name] openly express their thoughts and ideas without fear of negative consequences.
5 Humanity - Wellbeing People at [Company Name] take a genuine interest in each other's wellbeing.
6 Alignment - Goal Alignment People at [Company Name] align their goals with the goals and strategy of the company.
7 Integrity - Transparency People at [Company Name] communicate openly and honestly with each other.
8 Execution - Deliver Reliably People at [Company Name] reliably deliver on their commitments.
9 Humanity - Belonging People at [Company Name] foster an environment of belonging.
10 Learning - Learn from Mistakes People at [Company Name] take the time to learn from mistakes.
11 Adaptability - Better Ways People at [Company Name] find new and better ways of doing things.
12 Execution - Timely Decisions People at [Company Name] make decisions in a timely manner.
13 Integrity - Fair Decisions People at [Company Name] make decisions fairly and objectively.
14 Purpose - Mission Driven People at [Company Name] make decisions that align with the mission.
15 Learning - Seek Feedback People at [Company Name] seek feedback to learn and grow.
16 Adaptability - Adapt to Change People at [Company Name] adapt well to changes.
17 Alignment - Balance Demands People at [Company Name] balance short-term demands with long-term direction.
18 Improve What are some words to describe the aspects of your company's culture that can be improved upon?
19 Strengths What are some words to describe the aspects of your company's culture that you see as strengths?

Additional culture drivers to consider

Item name Item text
eSat How happy are you working at [Company Name]?
Inclusive Leaders Leaders at [Company Name] value different perspectives.
Culture [Company Name] has a great culture.
Humanity-Respect People at [Company Name] treat each other with respect and dignity.
Inclusiveness [Company Name] has an inclusive environment.
Demonstrate Culture People at [Company Name] demonstrate the stated culture and values at work.
Collaboration-Direct Communication People at [Company Name] interact with each other in a direct and constructive way.
Integrity People at [Company Name] behave with integrity at work.
Integrity-Do What They Say People at [Company Name] behave in a way that is consistent with what they say.
Adaptability-Take Chances People at [Company Name] behave in a way that is consistent with what they say.
Collaboration-Point of View People at [Company Name] work hard to understand others' point of view.
Describe How would you describe the culture at [Company Name] to a friend?
Innovation-Culture [Company Name] is innovative.
Learning-Growth Mindset People at [Company Name] continuously develop abilities outside their current skillset.
Resilience [Company Name] is resilient.
Rewarded What behaviors or actions get rewarded at [Company Name]?
Safety [Company Name] is a very safe place to work.
Trust [Company Name] is trustworthy.
Learning-Incorporate Learning People at [Company Name] incorporate learning into their day-to-day work.
Adaptability-Change Support People at [Company Name]> support each other in their efforts to adapt to organizational changes.
Collaboration-Involve Others People at [Company Name] get input from others when making decisions.
Integrity-Equality of Ideas People at [Company Name] judge ideas based on quality and not on who expresses them.
Collaboration-Team Oriented People at [Company Name] work in teams to get things done.
Company Performance [Company Name] is a high performing organization.
Execution-Implement New Things People at [Company Name] excel at implementing new things.
Perseverance People at [Company Name] continue to be productive during times of uncertainty or stress.
Purpose-Better World People at [Company Name] focus on making the world a better place.

Should our Culture Survey be combined with other Glint survey programs?

​​​Combining culture and engagement surveys isn't recommended. Length and competing core drivers are often hard for participants to manage. There is, however, an opportunity to measure culture in every stage of the employee lifecycle, from recruiting to exit.

Within the Culture Survey, other outcomes can be determined if you choose to add more questions, such as:

  • Current culture
  • Safety
  • Innovation
  • Trust
  • Inclusiveness

Best Practice recommendations for cultural transformation

  • Define, state, and role model your organization’s collective culture and values.
  • Align your desired culture with all aspects of the employee experience. Reinforce culture across the employee lifecycle, including hiring, onboarding, development, performance practices, engagement, and exit. Connect the cultural insights.
  • Ask employees about their cultural experience regularly. Asking employees about their cultural experience annually to be sure that the desired culture is the one that employees are experiencing.
  • Build trust by ensuring cultural consistency and alignment. People learn by observation and repetition. A strong culture is one that is predictable.

Admins setting up a Viva Glint Culture survey

From the admin configuration dashboard:

  1. Select Survey Programs > and then select + New Program

    Screenshot of the Viva Glint Culture Survey template card in Create a Program.

  2. Choose the Viva Glint Culture Survey card and then Create Program.

  3. Configure the program within the Program Summary windows.

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