Viva Glint's Overall Results Report

Screenshot of the Overall Results Report in the Reports tab.

As the name implies, this report shows the overall results for your survey. Drilling down, you can focus on a specific question. You can also go back to the previous survey data or filter by demographic data, hierarchy data, or other attributes to gain insights about a specific group.

Screenshot of an Overall Results report.


For the Executive Summary Report in Employee Lifecycle programs: If program settings allow, and a unique user submits more than one survey response, an entry row is included in the raw data export representing each of the unique user's submissions. However, the UI counts them only once.

Change report settings

Filters depend on the employee data your company sends to Viva Glint, and confidentiality requirements must be met to display data.

Use the More dropdown menu

Selecting the More dropdown menu gives you the option to add sections to your report and search comments. Each option opens a new window. Follow the on-screen guidance.

Use the Settings button to select your internal benchmark

Viva Glint provides four default options for comparison reporting. In addition to the following four settings, your company may have one or more internal comparisons configured (for example, Division or Business Unit).

Comparator Description When to use
Benchmark Provides a comparison point for feedback based on survey data compiled from all Viva Glint customers, not just within your organization. Helpful for admins and first-time survey results analysis
Company Displays team scores in comparison to company-wide scores for the same questions. Helpful for users with more than one area of responsibility
My Teams Compares a manager's team score to an overall score derived from a filter. This setting is the superset of access and is best used with custom access or managers with large organizations
Average Question Presents a single, overall score for all questions and respondents within your access. Helpful for users looking for some level of variance in their score

Export and Share

Share your results with leaders and stakeholders in the way that works best for you. Select the Export and Share button for access:

Screenshot of exporting and sharing options.