Managers using the Team Summary dashboard in Viva Glint

The Team Summary manager dashboard experience displays results from the most recently closed program. You can choose to see results from previous programs as well. This guide describes each section in the manager dashboard.

Understand the survey title card

The title section includes:

  • The current survey title chosen
  • The date the survey closed or is closing on: For Recurring and Ad Hoc surveys
  • Viewing window, for Employee Lifecycle and Always-On surveys
  • Settings button, for filtering comparison and outcome items
  • Switch Program button, for changing to view another completed program

Manager Concierge visibility

Your manager sees the following four steps:

  1. Step 1: Give feedback
  2. Step 2: Interpret results
  3. Step 3: Discuss with your team
  4. Step 4: Commit to next steps

What else does your manager see on their dashboard?

The manager dashboard defaults to showing the results from the most recent survey program. Switch to another program by using the Switch Program drop down menu.

Survey participation

In this section, you see

  • Response Rate: The percentage of how many team members responded to the survey, compared to a benchmark response rate.
  • Comments: The number of comments overall, which question received the most comments and the opportunity to view the comments (if the confidentiality threshold is met). You can drill down to see comments, but we recommend reviewing reports at a high-level first.


Managers may see an animated Celebrations display if there are positive trends or the number of items above benchmark are improved compared to past reports. The criteria for a celebration to show up is "Our team’s scores for X questions are above [the company’s/the benchmark/all my teams]!", allowing Celebrations to show even in a new survey.

This table describes other factors considered when populating this section:

Improved Score type Compared to Minimum Response Count and score difference Celebration message
Focus Area Previous survey < 50 responses: Five points
50-99 responses: Two points
100+ responses: One point
Our team Focus Area increased by [#] points from [month, year] from the survey where this question was previously asked!
Focus Area All historical data (from at least two historical surveys) < 50 responses: Five points
50-99 responses: Two points
100+ responses: One point

Our team’s [key outcome] score trended up over the past [#] surveys!
Key Outcome (e.g., Engagement) All historical data (from at least two historical surveys) < 50 responses: Five points
50-99 responses: Two points
100+ responses: One point

Our team’s [key outcome] score trended up over the past [#] surveys!
Questions Selected benchmark < 50 responses: Five points
50-99 responses: Two points
100+ responses: One point

Our team’s scores for X questions are above [the company’s/the benchmark/all my teams]!


Users with Live reporting access may see confetti fly before the survey is closed and that conclusion may not be indicative of actual results when the survey is completed. Keep in mind that the Celebrations section is not party-worthy until your survey is closed!


This section contains the metrics for the key outcome of the survey. The number in the blue box is the overall result for this survey.

In this section, you see:

  • Trend survey: Your current score versus any previous scores. Note that trend results aren't available for the first survey.

  • Your team score compared to the Company score. To view your team score in comparison to the external comparison score (outside your organization), use the Settings button to switch to Benchmark. The Benchmark may be global, or it may be industry or location specific. Your administrator made this choice when setting up your survey program.

  • Favorability breakdown of responses to your key outcome question - on a 5-point scale (recommended), favorability is based on the following response scores:

    • A score of 4-5 indicates favorable: Blue
    • A 3 indicates the responder was neutral: Gray
    • A score of 1-2 indicates unfavorable: Red

Use the right-facing arrow to drill down for more information and suggested actions for each item.



This section shows the Top Strengths and Top Opportunities that drive your business. Strengths and opportunities are derived from a manager’s Driver Impact report. Color coding:

  • Blue: Strength
  • Red: Opportunity
  • Gray: Excluded; items may be excluded from a Strength & Opportunity calculation because they don't have a benchmark comparison, or a high impact on engagement.

Top Strengths

The Top Strengths are:

  • Up to three high impact strength scores with their correlating driver and survey item
  • Benchmark comparison where applicable
  • Link to comments
  • A video selected by your admin that enhances your attention to your team’s strengths. Videos are available in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Simplified Chinese, Italian, Polish, Turkish, and Russian.

Top Opportunities

The Top Opportunities are:

  • Up to three high impact opportunity scores with their correlating key driver and question
  • Benchmark comparison where applicable
  • Link to comments
  • A video selected by your admin that provides guidance for working with your team to achieve opportunities. Videos are available in English, French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Simplified Chinese, Italian, Polish, Turkish, and Russian.

All scores

This section provides an overview of every item within your survey.

Other reports

The following reports are selected by the admin for viewing within the Reports tab Summary:

  • Broader Team Insights (BTI)
  • Heat Map
  • Comments
  • View All Reports

To learn about other survey reports, see Reports.