Use Viva Glint’s Executive Summary report
The Executive Summary is a group of reports useful to admins for presenting high level results to your team, leaders, or the company.
Choose reports to share on your Executive Summary
There are many reports that you be part of this dashboard view. The descriptor table provides you with instructions on how to add reports or sections. Some items appear separately, and others may group as part of a related section.
For the Executive Summary Report in Employee Lifecycle Programs: If program settings allow, and a unique user submits more than one survey response, an entry row is included in the raw data export representing each of the unique user's submissions. However, the UI counts them only once.
Report or section | Description |
Survey Results | Overview of the most recent results from a survey |
Scores Trend | A historical graphic display of score variance over time, as available |
Scores Trend by Demographic | How a score varies over time by demographic |
Score by Demographic | How a score varies by demographic |
Demographic breakdown by Attribute | How demographic breakdown varies by attribute |
Survey Overview | Overview of the key results item/question |
Survey Participation | Overview of the response rate and comments for the survey |
Question/Item Overview | Overview of just a single item or question from the survey |
History | How key item/question, response rate, and favorability changed over time, as available |
Scores | View of the overall survey score |
All Scores | Detailed view of each item/question score |
Heat Map by Demographic | How all items vary by demographic |
Heat Map by Survey Date | How all questions/items vary over time, if applicable |
Celebration | Highlights improvements from previous pulse |
Driver Impact | Surfaces key strengths and opportunities across the entire survey |
Strengths | Top strengths relative to comparator |
Opportunities | Top opportunities relative to comparator |
Response Rate History | How response rates have changed over time, if applicable |
Response Rate by Demographic | How response rates vary by demographic |
Multiple Choice Questions by Demographic | How response rates to a multiple-choice question vary by demographic |
Radial by Demographic | How the key question/item varies by demographic |
Score Benchmarks | How my teams score against the entire company |
Non-Rating Questions | How people respond to each non-rating item |
Driver Impact by Demographic | How a single item score and impact vary by demographic |
Comments Overview | Overview of comments including overall sentiment and top topics |
Comments Questions | How questions/items vary by volume and sentiment |
Comments Topics | Top comment topics and how they're related to each other |
Keywords | A visual of top keywords from comments |
All Comments | Read representative, prescriptive, or all comments |
To learn about other reports available, see Report types.
Edit a report
The settings button opens a window where you can choose the right comparison data to interpret survey results within the context of how others are doing. Glint provides four options for comparison reporting:
- Benchmark: Provides a comparison point for feedback based on survey data compiled from all Glint customers. Helpful for admins and first-time survey results analysis.
- Company: Displays team scores in comparison to company-wide scores for the same questions. Helpful for users with more than one area of responsibility.
- My Teams: Compares a team's score to an overall score derived from a user’s data access. Helpful for users with more than one area of responsibility.
- Average Question: Presents a single, overall score for all questions and respondents within your access. Helpful for users looking for some level of variance in their score.
Your company may have substituted custom terms for the Viva Glint terminology used in our guidance.
Filter a report
Most reports are filterable by attribute and hierarchy. Use the filter symbol.
Add or delete a report
To add a report, select the More dropdown button at the bottom of the page and then + Add Section.
If you already have reports displayed but want to add others, the More button isn't available - select +Add Section at the bottom of the page.
If you choose not to share one of the reports that already appears, choose Delete on the vertical ellipses next to the report.
Export a report
Use the dropdown arrow in the Export button to choose your method of export.