Communicate with Viva Glint Nudges

Microsoft Viva Glint Nudges is a system of intelligent, personalized email notifications designed to meet managers where they are in their flow of work. Nudges encourage managers to take simple steps to drive their team’s engagement and performance. Nudge notifications can include a link to the manager dashboard.

Who receives a Nudge - and which Nudge - is set up at the User Role level.

Nudges has filters to ensure they're only sent when relevant. If a user repeatedly doesn't open or interact with Nudge emails, they're automatically unsubscribed.

Nudges are sent on a recurring schedule

Recurring communications keep employees on track over time. Managers receive unique messages with each Nudge to keep the experience fresh, focused, and relevant. Nudges simplify key behaviors into lightweight, bite-sized steps and make action taking collaborative.

Notifications that survey results are ready for viewing aren't sent to managers of small teams or to managers who didn’t receive enough feedback to meet confidentiality thresholds.

If a user is in multiple recipient groups, they may receive emails from either group depending on the cadence of each group and its next send date. Users are guaranteed to never receive more than one email per week.


Nudge communications might not send exactly between the two hour window specified during platform configuration. The total email send time is dependent upon the number of communications being sent.

Understand Nudge terminology

Term Definition
Recipient group Defines who receives Nudges and at what frequency
Teammates This term has a different meaning dependent upon the employee role:
- Individual contributors: Managers + peers
- First-line manager: Manager + directs
- Manager of Mangers: Manager + direct

How admins set up Nudges

To set up Nudges, recipient groups must be created and enabled. Only one User Role can be selected per recipient group. You may create multiple groups to reach more User Roles or choose to send Nudges at a different frequency for each group.

From the Glint admin dashboard, select Configure, then Nudges in the Notifications section.


Nudge configuration may also be accessed via the Communications set up page in Program Summary for a specific survey.

Add a new recipient group

There are several sections to set up.


  1. Select + New Recipient Group.
  2. Choose who receives the Nudges:
    1. User Role: Select a role from the dropdown menu. Add only one User Role per group. If you have one User Role that includes all managers, it reduces the number of recipient groups you need to create.
    2. Exclude: Select individual users or Distribution Lists from the search bar. A Distribution List must already be created for it to be available.
    3. Recipient List: Download the list of recipients to a .csv file to have it for reference.


Defines when and how frequently users receive Nudges.

  • Frequency: From the dropdown menu, choose to send Nudges from every one to eight weeks. Frequency can be adjusted after a survey launches.


    Send Nudges every two to four weeks. Send Day: Choose a business day of the week. Window: Select the number of days Nudge messages will send after a survey closes.
    Align Nudges to your survey cadence, i.e., 90 days for quarterly surveys, 180 days for biannual survey.


Configure the emails that are sent to your recipient group.

Select the Nudge # to enable, disable, or preview. The corresponding slider window opens.

  • Enable or disable by using ON and OFF.
  • Preview what your Nudge looks like: It includes your company logo, the survey name, highlight where the user is in the results process, and a link to view results.
  • Results process:
    • Nudge #1: Interpret results
    • Nudge #2: Share with your team
    • Nudge #3: Choose a Focus Area (or whatever term your organization uses)
    • Nudge #4: Focus Area reminder

Enabled programs

Nudges are enabled at the program level within each specific survey program. Your Recipient Group shows on the Nudges landing page under Configuration.

Edit Nudge details

Once Nudge details are saved, they can't be edited within specific programs or cycles. All editing must be done by selecting Configure on the admin dashboard, then Nudges. To make changes to a recipient group:

  1. Select Disable, then Disable Recipient Group, then Edit Details.
  2. Make changes and select Save Changes.
  3. Select Enable and then Enable Recipient Group on the Configuration section of the Nudges landing page to incorporate the changes into your programs.

How long will Nudges continue to send?

Nudges send within 90 days of the survey closing, regardless of the date Nudges are enabled. For example, if a program is on a quarterly cadence, Nudges stop when the next cycle starts.

Include or exclude programs from receiving Nudges

Switch the Eligible for Nudges feature to YES or NO on the Program Setup page in Program Summary. Suggested Action Plans must be switched to ON, to enable Nudges.

View a list of programs enabled for roles in Nudges

From the admin dashboard select Nudges, then View Details (for an enabled User Role within the Configuration section). The Recipient Group Setup page opens for that User Role. The bottom section displays Enabled Programs.