WriteCodeFragment task
Generates a temporary code file from the specified generated code fragment. Does not delete the file.
The following table describes the parameters of the WriteCodeFragment
Parameter | Description |
AssemblyAttributes |
Optional ITaskItem[] parameter.Description of the attributes to write. The item Include value is the full type name of the attribute, for example, System.AssemblyVersionAttribute .Each metadata is the name-value pair of a parameter. Parameters are assumed to be of type String in MSBuild 17.6 and earlier, but in MSBuild 17.7 and later, you can also use types other than String that are part of mscorlib . For example, you can use true and false Boolean values, integers, enums, and floating point types. The type is automatically inferred from the syntax. For a type not in mscorlib , specify the type for the parameter by providing metadata values in the form {parameter}_TypeName .Some attributes only allow positional constructor arguments. However, you can use such arguments in any attribute. To set positional constructor attributes, use metadata names that resemble _Parameter1 , _Parameter2 , and so on. A parameter index can't be skipped.In MSBuild 17.7 or later, you can also specify metadata of the form {parameter}_IsLiteral to instruct the task to interpret the parameter value text as is, without surrounding with quotes (as is done in the default case for string values). |
Language |
Required String parameter.Specifies the language of the code to generate. Language can be any language for which a CodeDom provider is available, for example, "C#" or "VisualBasic." The emitted file will have the default file name extension for that language. |
OutputDirectory |
Optional ITaskItem parameter. Specifies the destination folder for the generated code, typically the intermediate folder. |
OutputFile |
Optional ITaskItem output parameter. Specifies the path of the file that was generated. If this parameter is set by using a file name, the destination folder is prepended to the file name. If it's set by using a root, the destination folder is ignored. If this parameter isn't set, the output file name is the destination folder, an arbitrary file name, and the default file name extension for the specified language. |
In addition to having the parameters that are listed in the table, this task inherits parameters from the TaskExtension class, which itself inherits from the Task class. For a list of these additional parameters and their descriptions, see TaskExtension base class.
This task isn't normally used directly in user code.
Generate assembly-level attributes
In MSBuild 17.7 and later, this task was updated to support a greater variety of parameter types for assembly-level attributes. MSBuild 17.6 and earlier supported only String
as a parameter type for assembly-level attributes. With MSBuild 17.7 and later, you can construct any .NET assembly attribute, not only those whose parameters were string types, as in earlier versions of MSBuild.
For example, to define the assembly-level attribute CLSCompliant(true)
, which uses a Boolean parameter, you can use the following syntax:
<AssemblyAttribute Include="System.CLSCompliantAttribute">
The code generated depends on the target language. For C#, it would be as follows:
[assembly: System.CLSCompliantAttribute(true)]
Types defined in mscorlib
are automatically inferred, such as Boolean in the previous example. You can define metadata of the form {parameter}_TypeName
to specify types that can't be inferred.
<AssemblyAttribute Include="Microsoft.Owin.OwinStartup">
The code generated in C# is as follows:
[assembly: Microsoft.Owin.OwinStartup(typeof(Microsoft.Examples.Startup))]
For more complicated parameter values, you can use the {parameter}_IsLiteral
<AssemblyAttribute Include="NUnit.Framework.Parallelizable">
The previous example produces the following assembly attribute in C#:
[assembly: NUnit.Framework.Parallelizable(NUnit.Framework.ParallelScope.Fixtures)]
You can use any syntax that would normally be allowed in an attribute declaration in the language of the project. For an array parameter, you can use code like the following:
<AssemblyAttribute Include="TestAttribute">
<_Parameter1>new int[] { 1, 3, 5 } /* odd numbers */</_Parameter1>
When you use IsLiteral
, the syntax is interpreted by the appropriate compiler, and is therefore language-specific. If you have situations where more than one language share the same MSBuild import files and/or project files, you might need to use conditional syntax to ensure the code compiles with the relevant project-specific language.
The syntax described in this section (_TypeName
and _IsLiteral
suffixes) isn't supported in F#.
A typical use case for the WriteCodeFragment
task is in a target that generates a file that defines an assembly-level attribute and adds that to the build. With AssemblyAttribute
defined, you can invoke the WriteCodeFragment
task as in the following code.
<Target Name="AddAssemblyVersion" BeforeTargets="Build">
<AssemblyAttribute Include="AssemblyVersion">
<WriteCodeFragment AssemblyAttributes="@(AssemblyAttribute)"
<Output TaskParameter="OutputFile" ItemName="Compile" />
<Output TaskParameter="OutputFile" ItemName="FileWrites" />
The OutputFile
is given a specific filename; if not specified, a filename is randomly generated. Also, to add the generated file to the build, the Compile
item list is given as an output. The file is also added to the FileWrites
item list, so that it is deleted when the Clean
target is run.
Handle incremental build
You might need to take special care to ensure that your use of the WriteCodeFragment
task doesn't break incremental build. When you write out a code file, you don't want to force everything to rebuilt unless the content changed. To accomplish this, you can emit a file using WriteLinesToFile
and use that as an input for the task that invokes WriteCodeFragment
. The input can't just be a property, there has to be a file timestamp comparison in order for the incremental build mechanism to work. The following example shows how you might implement AddAssemblyVersion
in real-world code to preserve incremental build:
<Project DefaultTargets="WriteFile">
<!-- This target ensures that we cache the inputs to the generated C# file so that we only run that generation
when the inputs change. Since some inputs are not Files, we have to 'elevate' them to the file level
in some way. The easiest way is to literally write a file.
There are no inputs/outputs because we need to compute paths everytime -
however we get 'incrementality' because the WriteLinesToFile task will only write the file if the
contents are different.
We need to
* write the cache file to use as an input to the next target
* compute the generated file path to use an an output in the next target
<Target Name="ComputeVersionFileWrite">
<WriteLinesToFile File="$(IntermediateOutputPath)AssemblyVersion_cache.txt" Lines="$(Version)"
Overwrite="true" />
<FileWrites Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)AssemblyVersion_cache.txt" />
<_GeneratedAssemblyVersionFile Include="$(IntermediateOutputPath)AssemblyVersion.cs" />
<!-- With all the work done above, this Target is straightforward. The main thing we do here
is, if we write a file, add it to FileWrites for cleanup. -->
<Target Name="WriteFile" DependsOnTargets="ComputeVersionFileWrite" Inputs="$(IntermediateOutputPath)AssemblyVersion_cache.txt" Outputs="@(_GeneratedAssemblyVersionFile)">
<AssemblyAttribute Include="AssemblyVersion">
<WriteCodeFragment AssemblyAttributes="@(AssemblyAttribute)"
OutputFile="AssemblyVersion.cs" >
<Output TaskParameter="OutputFile" ItemName="FileWrites" />