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Watches for execution (or stops watching for execution) to occur on the given thread.


int WatchForThreadStep( 
   IDebugProgram2 pOriginatingProgram,
   uint           dwTid,
   int            fWatch,
   uint           dwFrame


[in] An IDebugProgram2 object representing the program being stepped.

[in] Specifies the identifier of the thread to watch.

[in] Non-zero (TRUE) means start watching for execution on the thread identified by dwTid; otherwise, zero (FALSE) means stop watching for execution on dwTid.

[in] Specifies a frame index that controls the step type. When this is value is zero (0), the step type is "step into" and the program should stop whenever the thread identified by dwTid executes. When dwFrame is non-zero, the step type is "step over" and the program should stop only if the thread identified by dwTid is running in a frame whose index is equal to or higher on the stack than dwFrame.

Return Value

If successful, returns S_OK; otherwise, returns an error code.


When the session debug manager (SDM) steps a program, identified by the pOriginatingProgram parameter, it notifies all other attached programs by calling this method.

This method is applicable only to same-thread stepping.

See also