
Enumerates the various source link blobs contained in the data source.


IDiaEnumSourceLink2 : IDiaEnumSourceLink

Methods in Vtable Order

The following table shows the methods of IDiaEnumSourceLink2.

Method Description
IDiaEnumSourceLink2::SizeOfNext2 Retrieves the size of the next source link blob, without advancing the enumeration.
IDiaEnumSourceLink2::Next2 Retrieves the next source link blob and advances the enumeration.


IDiaEnumSourceLink2 extends IDiaEnumSourceLink to support larger source link blobs that might exceed the limits of a DWORD (32-bit unsigned integer).

Notes for Callers

Obtain this interface by calling the IDiaSessionEx::getSourceLinkInfo method then calling IUnknown::QueryInterface with the riid parameter set to IID_IDiaEnumSourceLink2.

See also