Data (Debug Interface Access SDK)

All variables, such as parameters, local variables, global variables, and class members, are identified by SymTagData symbols. Constant values (LocIsConstant) are also identified with this type.


The following table shows the properties that are valid for this symbol type.

Property Data type Description
IDiaSymbol::get_access DWORD If a field, then one of the values of the CV_access_e Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_addressOffset DWORD Offset part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_addressSection DWORD Section part of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_addressTaken BOOL TRUE if this data's address is referenced by another symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_bitPosition DWORD Bit position of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration (not supported in Debug Interface Access (DIA) SDK v8.0).
IDiaSymbol::get_classParent IDiaSymbol* Symbol for the class, if this is a structure, union, or class field.
IDiaSymbol::get_classParentId DWORD ID of the class parent symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_compilerGenerated BOOL TRUE if the data was generated by the compiler.
IDiaSymbol::get_constType BOOL TRUE if the data is marked as being constant.
IDiaSymbol::get_dataKind DWORD One of the DataKind Enumeration values.
IDiaSymbol::get_isAggregated BOOL TRUE if the data is part of an aggregated data type (only in DIA SDK v8.0 and later).
IDiaSymbol::get_isSplitted BOOL TRUE if data is has been split into an aggregate of multiple symbols (only in DIA SDK v8.0 and later).
IDiaSymbol::get_length ULONGLONG Length of bitfield; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParent IDiaSymbol* Symbol for the enclosing compiland, function, or block.
IDiaSymbol::get_lexicalParentId DWORD ID of the lexical parent symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_locationType DWORD Any of the allowable location types; for details, see Symbol Locations
IDiaSymbol::get_name BSTR Name of the variable.
IDiaSymbol::get_offset LONG Offset from register contents; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_registerId DWORD Register designator of location; for details, see the LocationType Enumeration.
IDiaSymbol::get_relativeVirtualAddress DWORD Relative position of the data within its block.
IDiaSymbol::get_slot DWORD Gets slot number of the data.
IDiaSymbol::get_symIndexId DWORD Index ID of symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_symTag DWORD Returns SymTagData (one of the SymTagEnum Enumeration values).
IDiaSymbol::get_token DWORD The metadata token representing the data.
IDiaSymbol::get_type IDiaSymbol* Symbol for the variable type.
IDiaSymbol::get_typeId DWORD ID of the variable type symbol.
IDiaSymbol::get_unalignedType BOOL TRUE if the data is unaligned.
IDiaSymbol::get_value VARIANT The value of constant data.
IDiaSymbol::get_virtualAddress ULONGLONG Position of the data within the executable.
IDiaSymbol::get_volatileType BOOL TRUE if the data is marked as volatile.

See also