Debug multiple services (VS Code)


Microsoft plans to no longer actively maintain the Bridge to Kubernetes project. Over the next few months, we will transition the project to an archival state. In the meantime, the project is still available to use and download. During this period, we hope to explore and recommend community projects that provide similar benefits to Bridge to Kubernetes for your future use. If you have questions, please contact us on our issues board at GitHub.

Bridge to Kubernetes provides the ability to debug your Kubernetes services in a local environment, as described in Use Bridge to Kubernetes (VS Code). With Bridge to Kubernetes, you redirect traffic to a locally running instance of a service and can debug using VS Code's debugger. However, in some scenarios, you want to work with more than one service and debug into them all at the same time. You can debug multiple services in parallel by following these steps.

To debug multiple services at the same time

  1. Make sure that your services listen on different ports locally. The port numbers are service-specific, so look to the service code to determine what ports it listens on. If multiple services you want to debug listen on the same ports, you won't be able to debug them at the same time.

  2. Open the folder corresponding to your first service in VS Code.

  3. In VS Code, select File > Add Folder to Workspace…, and pick the folder corresponding to your other service.

  4. Open the Command Palette (CTRL+SHIFT+P or Cmd+Shift+P on a Mac), and run the command Bridge to Kubernetes: Configure and, for each of your services, go through the configuration steps.


    If you configured your services to run isolated, make sure that they’re using the same isolateAs value in their .vscode/tasks.json files. This value is the prefix that Bridge to Kubernetes uses to direct traffic for an isolated service. By default, when configuring them, they will have different values. You can choose one of the values and hand-edit the tasks.json files for the other services to give them all the same value.

    "tasks": [
           "label": "bridge-to-kubernetes.service",
           "type": "bridge-to-kubernetes.service",
           "service": "service-name",
           "ports": [
           "isolateAs": "<copy-same-value-for-all-debugged-services>",
           "useKubernetesServiceEnvironmentVariables": false
  5. Set up any breakpoints that you need in each service.

  6. Start debugging (F5) with Bridge for each of the services by launching the debugger in each service's folder. The previous step created launch configurations for each service, which VS Code's debugger uses when you start the VS Code debugger from that workspace.

Next steps

Learn more about how Bridge to Kubernetes works at How Bridge to Kubernetes works.