Package manifest schema reference for Windows 10

This reference provides details for each element, attribute, and data type that defines the schema for the app package manifest for Windows 10 apps. The schema definition files are UapManifestSchema.xsd, FoundationManifestSchema.xsd, AppxManifestTypes.xsd, and others.

UapManifestSchema.xsd and FoundationManifestSchema.xsd import one another's namespaces, and they both import the namespace of AppxManifestTypes.xsd.

The following table lists all of the elements in this schema, sorted alphabetically by name.

Element Description
ActivatableClass (type: CT_InProcessActivatableClass) Declares a runtime class associated with the extensibility point.
ActivatableClass (type: CT_OutOfProcessActivatableClass) Declares a runtime class associated with the extensibility point.
ActivatableClassAttribute Defines an attribute of the class that is stored in the Windows Runtime property store.
Application Represents an app that comprises part of or all of the functionality delivered in the package.
Applications Represents one or more apps that comprise the package.
Arguments Specifies the list of comma-separated arguments to pass to the executable.
BackgroundTasks Defines an app extensibility point of type windows.backgroundTasks. Background tasks run in a dedicated background host; that is, without a UI.
Capabilities Declares the access to protected user resources that the package requires.
Capability Declares a capability required by a package.
Certificate A certificate for use with the package and placed in the system certificate stores.
Certificates Declares a package extensibility point of type windows.certificates. The app requires one or more certificates from the specified certificate stores.
cloudFiles:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app that registers the handlers implemented in an application and context menu options for cloud-based placeholder files.
cloudFiles:CloudFiles Registers the handlers implemented in an application and context menu options for cloud-based placeholder files.
cloudFiles:BannersHandler Registration of a Windows Shell BannersHandler for cloud based placeholder files.
cloudFiles:CloudFilesContextMenus Registration of a context menu for a cloud based placeholder file.
cloudFiles:ContentUriSource Registration of a Windows Shell CustomStateHandler for cloud based placeholder files.
cloudFiles:CustomStateHandler Windows Shell icon overlay handlers for cloud based placeholder files.
cloudFiles:DesktopIconOverlayHandler Declares a package extensibility point of type windows.certificates. The app requires one or more certificates from the specified certificate stores.
cloudFiles:DesktopIconOverlayHandlers Contains Windows Shell icon overlay handlers for cloud based placeholder files.
cloudFiles:ExtendedPropertyHandler Registration of a Windows Shell ExtendedPropertyHandler for cloud based placeholder files.
cloudFiles:ThumbnailProviderHandler Registration of a Windows Shell ThumbnailProviderHandler for cloud based placeholder files.
cloudFiles:Verb Defines the verbs associated with a file context menu
Registration of a Windows Shell StorageProviderStatusUI for cloud-based placeholder files.
cloudFiles2:StorageProviderStatusUISourceFactory Registration of a Windows shell IStorageProviderStatusUISourceFactory for cloud-based placeholder files.
Registration of a Windows Shell StorageProviderStatusUI for cloud-based placeholder files.
com:Aspect (in ExeServer/Class) Specifies the desired data or view aspect of the object when drawing or getting data.
com:Aspect (in SurrogateServer/Class) Specifies the desired data or view aspect of the object when drawing or getting data.
com:Class (in ExeServer) Defines an ExeServer class registration.
com:Class (in SurrogateServer/Class) Defines a SurrogateServer class registration.
com:ComInterface (in Application/Extensions) Declares a package extension point of type windows.comInterface. The comInterface extension may include three types of registrations: Interface, ProxyStub, or TypeLib.
com:ComServer Declares a package extension point of type windows.comServer. The comServer extension may include four types of registrations: ExeServer, SurrogateServer, ProgId, or TreatAsClass.
com:Conversion (in ExeServer/Class) Specifies the formats an application can read and write.
com:Conversion (in SurrogateServer/Class) Specifies the formats an application can read and write.
com:DataFormat (in ExeServer/Class) The data format supported by an application.
com:DataFormat (in SurrogateServer/Class) The data format supported by an application.
com:DataFormats (in ExeServer/Class) Specifies the default and main data formats supported by an application.
com:DataFormats (in SurrogateServer/Class) Specifies the default and main data formats supported by an application.
com:DefaultIcon (in ExeServer/Class) Provides default icon information for iconic presentations of objects.
com:DefaultIcon (in SurrogateServer/Class) Provides default icon information for iconic presentations of objects.
com:ExeServer Registers an ExeServer with one or many class registrations.
com:Extension Provides functionality to expose COM registrations to clients outside of the app package.
com:Format (in ExeServer/Readable) Specifies the file format an application can read (convert from).
com:Format (in ExeServer/ReadWritable) Specifies the file format an application can read and write (activate as).
com:Format (in SurrogateServer/Readable) Specifies the file format an application can read (convert from).
com:Format (in SurrogateServer/ReadWritable) Specifies the file format an application can read and write (activate as).
com:ImplementedCategories (in ExeServer/Class) Specifies categories implemented by the class.
com:ImplementedCategories (in SurrogateServer/Class) Specifies categories implemented by the class.
com:ImplementedCategory (in ExeServer/Class) Indicates that the class has implemented the specified category.
com:ImplementedCategory (in SurrogateServer/Class) Indicates that the class has implemented the specified category.
com:Interface Registers new COM Interfaces.
com:MiscStatus (in ExeServer/Class) Specifies how to create and display an object.
com:MiscStatus (in SurrogateServer/Class) Specifies how to create and display an object.
com:ProgId A programmatic identifier (ProgID) that can be associated with a CLSID. The ProgID identifies a class but with less precision than a CLSID because it is not guaranteed to be globally unique.
com:ProxyStub (in ComInterface) Registers a proxy stub.
com:Readable (in ExeServer) Specifies that an application can only read files.
com:Readable (in SurrogateServer) Specifies that an application can only read files.
com:ReadWritable (in ExeServer) Specifies that an application can read and write files.
com:ReadWritable (in SurrogateServer) Specifies that an application can read and write files.
com:SurrogateServer Registers a SurrogateServer with one or many class registrations.
com:ToolboxBitmap32 (in ExeServer/Class) Identifies the module name and resource ID for a 16 x 16 bitmap to use for the face of a toolbar or toolbox button.
com:ToolboxBitmap32 (in SurrogateServer/Class) Identifies the module name and resource ID for a 16 x 16 bitmap to use for the face of a toolbar or toolbox button.
com:TreatAsClass A registration that corresponds to a CLSID registration with the TreatAs subkey.
com:TypeLib (in ComInterface) Registers a type library.
com:TypeLib (in Interface) A type library for an interface.
com:Verb (in ExeServer/Class) The verb to be registered for an application.
com:Verb (in SurrogateServer/Class) The verb to be registered for an application.
com:Verbs (in ExeServer/Class) Specifies the verbs to be registered for an application.
com:Verbs (in SurrogateServer/Class) Specifies the verbs to be registered for an application.
com:Version (in ComInterface/TypeLib) Version number and additional information about the type library.
com:Win32Path (in ComInterface/TypeLib) A path to the 32-bit type library.
com:Win64Path (in ComInterface/TypeLib) A path to the 64-bit type library.
com2:ComInterface Declares a package extension point of type windows.comInterface. The comInterface extension may include three types of registrations: Interface, ProxyStub, or TypeLib.
com2:ComServer Declares a package extension point of type windows.comServer. The comServer extension may include a ServiceServer registration.
com2:Extension Provides functionality to expose COM registrations to clients outside of the app package.
com2:ProxyStubDll Specifies the path and processor architecture of a ProxyStub DLL.
com3:Class DDefines a class registration in a COM server hosted in a Windows service that is registered in a com3:ServiceServer element.
com3:ExeServer Registers an ExeServer with one or many class registrations.
com3:ProgId A programmatic identifier (ProgID) that can be associated with a CLSID for a com3:ServiceServer class registration. The ProgID identifies a class but with less precision than a CLSID because it is not guaranteed to be globally unique.
com3:ServiceServer Registers a COM server (with one or more class registrations) hosted in a Windows service that is declared with a corresponding desktop6:Service element.
com3:SurrogateServer Registers a SurrogateServer with one or many class registrations.
com3:TreatAsClass A registration that corresponds to a CLSID registration with the TreatAs subkey for a com3:ServiceServer class.
com4:Class Defines a class registration in a COM server hosted in a Windows service that is registered in a com4:ComServer element.
com4:ExeServer Registers an ExeServer with one or many class registrations.
com4:Extension Provides functionality to expose COM registrations to clients outside of the app package.
com4:InProcessHandler Registers an in-process handler with one or many class registrations.
com4:InProcessServer Registers an in-process server with one or many class registrations.
com4:Interface Registers new COM interface.
com4:ManagedInProcessServer Registers a managed in-process server with one or many class registrations.
com4:ProgId A programmatic identifier (ProgID) that can be associated with a CLSID.
com4:ProxyStub Registers a proxy stub.
com4:ServiceServer Registers a ServiceServer with one or many class registrations.
com4:SurrogateServer Registers a SurrogateServer with one or many class registrations.
com4:TreatAsClass A registration that corresponds to a CLSID registration with the TreatAs subkey.
com4:TypeLib Registers a type library.
Dependencies Declares other packages that a package depends on to complete its software.
deployment:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app that specifies an undocked deployment extension handler (DEH).
deployment:DeploymentExtensionHandler Allows an app to specify one or more DLL files that provide DEH functionality that ships outside of an OS release.
deployment:Files Contains one or more File elements specifying DLL files that provide DEH functionality that ships outside of an OS release.
deployment:File Specifies one or more DLL files that provide DEH functionality that ships outside of an OS release.
Description A friendly description that can be displayed to users.
desktop:ExecutionAlias The executable of a UWP app to be activated from a command prompt.
desktop:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
desktop:FullTrustProcess Represents a desktop process that runs in full-trust.
desktop:SearchProtocolHandler Represents a desktop process handles the search protocol for the app.
desktop:StartupTask Represents a desktop process that runs during app startup.
desktop:ToastNotificationActivation Allows toast notification to be received within the app.
desktop2:AppPrinter Enables the ability to install software file printers in Windows Desktop Bridge apps.
desktop2:DesktopEventLogging Enables Windows Desktop Bridge apps to register for Windows event logging.
desktop2:DesktopPreviewHandler Enables declaration of a preview handler for a file type association.
desktop2:DesktopPropertyHandler Enables declaration of a property handler for a file type association.
desktop2:EventMessageFiles Contains event message files.
desktop:Extension (in Application/Extensions) Declares an extensibility point for the app.
desktop:FullTrustProcess Represents a desktop process that runs in full-trust.
desktop:ParameterGroup Represents a group of command-line parameters for a full-trust process.
desktop2:Extension (in Application/Extensions) Declares an extensibility point for the app.
desktop2:Extension (in Package/Extensions) Declares an extensibility point for the app.
desktop2:File Specifies the path to an event message file.
desktop2:FilterExtension Specifies the file type to be registered by the app.
desktop2:FirewallRules Specifies firewall exception rules used by Windows Desktop Bridge apps.
desktop2:OleClass Enables OLE to get the OLE class registered for a given file extension.
desktop2:Rule Defines a firewall exception rule.
desktop2:SearchFilterHandler Enables Windows Desktop Bridge apps to register IFilters to extract file properties for searching.
desktop2:SearchPropertyHandler Enables Windows Desktop Bridge apps to install property handlers on your system. These handlers are used to read properties from files for indexing and search.
desktop2:ThumbnailHandler Enables a ThumbnailProvider for a file type association.
desktop2:TypesSupported Contains the event log types that are supported.
desktop2:TypeSupported Specifies the types of events that are supported.
desktop3:AutoPlayHandler Handler for AutoPlay, which can present your app as an option when a user connects a device to their PC.
desktop3:BannersHandler Registration of a Windows Shell BannersHandler for cloud based placeholder files.
desktop3:CloudFiles Registration for the handlers implemented in an application and context menu options for cloud based placeholder files.
desktop3:CloudFilesContextMenus Registration of a context menu for a cloud based placeholder file.
desktop3:Content Defines the content information of an AutoPlayHandler.
desktop3:CustomStateHandler Registration of a Windows Shell CustomStateHandler for cloud based placeholder files.
desktop3:Device Defines the device information of an AutoPlayHandler.
desktop3:ExtendedPropertyHandler Registration of a Windows Shell ExtendedPropertyHandler for cloud based placeholder files.
desktop3:InvokeAction Contains content and device information for invoking an AutoPlay action.
desktop3:PropertyList Contains the properties that are under the Properties tab of a file.
desktop3:PropertyLists Contains a list of properties to show under the properties tab of a file.
desktop3:ThumbnailProviderHandler Registration of a Windows Shell ThumbnailProviderHandler for cloud based placeholder files.
desktop3:Verb Specifies the names of items in the File Explorer context menu for cloud based placeholder files.
desktop4:ContentUriSource Registration of a Windows Shell ContentUriSource enabling cloud storage providers to provide a file ID for a given local path.
desktop4:DesktopIconOverlayHandler Windows Shell icon overlay handlers for cloud based placeholder files.
desktop4:DesktopIconOverlayHandlers Contains Windows Shell icon overlay handlers for cloud based placeholder files.
desktop4:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
desktop4:FileExplorerContextMenus Registers items for the context menu of File Explorer.
desktop4:ItemType Contains the type of command to be registered in the context menu.
desktop4:Verb Names and class IDs of the commands registered in the Shell for a file explorer context menu.
desktop5:ItemType Contains the type of command to be registered in the context menu.
desktop5:Verb Names and class IDs of the commands registered in the Shell for a file explorer context menu.
desktop6:BinaryData Specifies binary data for a trigger event of a service.
desktop6:CustomInstall Enables your desktop application to specify one or more additional installer files (.exe or .msi) that are installed with your desktop application.
desktop6:DataItem Specifies a string value for a trigger event of a service.
desktop6:Dependencies Specifies one or more dependent services for the current service.
desktop6:DependentService Specifies a dependent service for the current service.
desktop6:Extension (child of Application) Declares an extensibility point for the app.
desktop6:Extension (child of Package) Declares an extensibility point for the app.
desktop6:FileSystemWriteVirtualization Indicates whether virtualization for the file system is enabled for your desktop application.
desktop6:InstallActions Specifies installer files (.exe or .msi) that are run before the first launch of your desktop application. This element is currently intended to be used only by desktop PC games that are packaged in an MSIXVC container.
desktop6:InstallAction Specifies an installer file (.exe or .msi) that is run before the first launch of your desktop application. This element is currently intended to be used only by desktop PC games that are packaged in an MSIXVC container.
desktop6:RegistryWriteVirtualization Indicates whether virtualization for the registry is enabled for your desktop application.
desktop6:KeywordAnyData Specifies a 64-bit unsigned integer value for a trigger event of a service.
desktop6:KeywordAllData Specifies a 64-bit unsigned integer value for a trigger event of a service.
desktop6:MutablePackageDirectories Enables your desktop application to specify one or more folders where users can modify the installation files for your application (for example, to install mods).
desktop6:MutablePackageDirectory Specifies a folder under the %ProgramFiles%\ModifiableWindowsApps path where the contents of your desktop application's install folder are projected so that users can modify the installation files (for example, to install mods).
desktop6:LevelData Specifies a byte value for a trigger event of a service.
desktop6:RepairActions Specifies installer files (.exe or .msi) that are run when the user selects the repair or reset options in the Settings page for your desktop application. This element is currently intended to be used only by desktop PC games that are packaged in an MSIXVC container.
desktop6:RepairAction Specifies an installer file (.exe or .msi) that is run when the user selects the repair or reset options in the Settings page for your desktop application. This element is currently intended to be used only by desktop PC games that are packaged in an MSIXVC container.
desktop6:Service Specifies a service that is installed and registered along with the app. These services can be configured to run under either the Local Service, Network Service or Local System account.
desktop6:StringData Specifies one or more string data values for a trigger event of a service.
desktop6:TriggerEvents Describes one or more trigger events for the current service.
desktop6:TriggerCustom Describes a trigger event for the current service.
desktop6:UninstallActions Specifies installer files (.exe or .msi) that are run when the user uninstalls your desktop application. This element is currently intended to be used only by desktop PC games that are packaged in an MSIXVC container.
desktop6:UninstallAction Specifies an installer file (.exe or .msi) that is run when the user uninstalls your desktop application. This element is currently intended to be used only by desktop PC games that are packaged in an MSIXVC container.
desktop7:ApplicationRegistration Registers an application, replacing the need to register the application in the system PATH variable.
desktop7:AppMigration Specifies the target of a deactivated shortcut that should be updated as part of the migration of a recently uninstalled app.
desktop7:AppMigrations Specifies a set of app migration entries for a deactivated shortcut for a recently uninstalled app.
desktop7:ApprovedShellExtension Specifies that a shell extension should be added to the approved shell extensions list when installed.
desktop7:ControlPanelItem Registers an extension as a control panel item.
desktop7:DefaultIcon Specifies the icon to show for this item in the Control Panel.
desktop7:DesktopApp Specifies the source and target for a tile or pin that should be updated as part of a desktop app migration.
desktop7:DesktopAppMigration Specifies a set of app migration entries for tiles and pins.
desktop7:ErrorReporting Specifies a set of runtime exception helper modules.
desktop7:Extension (child of Application) Declares an extensibility point for the app (in Package/Applications; desktop7:Extension).
desktop7:Extension (child of Package) Declares an extensibility point for the app (in Package/Extensions; desktop7:Extension).
desktop7:InfoTip Specifies the Infotip string to show when the mouse hovers over the item’s icon.
desktop7:Logo A path to a file that contains an image.
desktop7:LocalizedString Specifies the localized string to show for this item in the Control Panel.
desktop7:MailProvider Registers a dll as a mail provider.
desktop7:ProgId A programmatic identifier (ProgID) that can be associated with a CLSID.
desktop7:RuntimeExceptionHelperModule Specifies a module that will be launched in the event of a runtime exception.
desktop7:Service Specifies a service that is installed and registered along with the app. These services can be configured to run under either the Local Service, Network Service or Local System account.
desktop7:ShadowCopyExcludeFile Specifies a file to be excluded by the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
desktop7:ShadowCopyExcludeFiles Specifies a set of files to be excluded by the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS).
desktop7:Shortcut Creates a shortcut to a file.
desktop7:SystemFileAssociation Registers system file associations for an app.
desktop8:Channels Allows one or more channels to be specified for event tracing.
desktop8:Channel Specifies a channel to be used for event tracing.
desktop8:EventTracing Enables your desktop application to log application-defined events to be consumed in real time or saved to a log file.
desktop8:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
desktop8:ImportChannel Specifies an imported channel to be used for event tracing.
desktop8:Logging Provides access to the Logging feature within an Event Tracing channel.
desktop8:MutablePackageDirectories Enables your desktop application to specify one or more folders where you can modify the installation files for your application.
desktop8:MutablePackageDirectory Registers a provider to Event Tracing and enables its functionality.
desktop8:Provider Registers a provider to Event Tracing and enables its functionality.
desktop8:Publishing Provides access to the Publishing feature within an Event Tracing channel.
desktop8:UserMutablePackageDirectories Enables your desktop application to specify one or more folders where users can modify the installation files for your application (for example, to install mods).
desktop8:UserMutablePackageDirectory Enables your desktop application to specify a folder where users can modify the installation files for your application (for example, to install mods).
desktop9:ExtensionHandler Specifies a handler for a legacy IContextMenu implementation of a context menu handler shell extension for a packaged desktop app.
desktop9:FileExplorerClassicContextMenuHandler Registers a legacy IContextMenu implementation of a context menu handler shell extension for a packaged desktop app.
desktop9:FileExplorerClassicDragDropContextMenuHandler Registers a legacy IContextMenu implementation of a drag and drop handler shell extension for a packaged desktop app.
desktop10:CustomDesktopEventLog efines a custom event log.
desktop10:CustomEventSource Defines an event source within a custom event log.
desktop10:DataShortcut Creates a shortcut to a file that is not an executable.
desktop10:DataShortcuts Specifies a list of non-executable shortcuts.
desktop10:EventMessageFiles Defines 1 or more DLL files containing the language strings describing the events.
desktop10:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app (in Package/Extensions; desktop10:Extension).
desktop10:File Defines an event log DLL within the package.
desktop10:Folder Defines a folder to hold shortcuts, with localizable details.
desktop10:IconHandler Enables an IconHandler for a file type association.
desktop10:PredefinedTriggerEvents Describes predefined trigger events for the current service.
desktop10:SupportedProtocol Specifies a URL protocol scheme.
desktop10:SupportedProtocols DSpecifies the supported URL protocol schemes for a given key.
desktop10:TypesSupported Defines 1 or more of the event log types supported by the event source.
desktop10:TypeSupported Specifies a supported event log type.
Device Declares a function for a device that is associated with the DeviceCapability. On Windows 10.0.10240.0, a DeviceCapability can contain up to 100 Device elements. On Windows 10.0.10586.0, it can contain up to 1000 (for more details, see DeviceCapability).
DeviceCapability Declares a device capability required by a package. On Windows 10.0.10240.0, can contain up to 100 Device elements. On Windows 10.0.10586.0, can contain up to 1000 (for syntax and examples, see Examples).
DisplayName A friendly name that can be displayed to users.
Extension (global) Declares an extensibility point for the package.
Extension (in type: CT_PackageExtensions) Declares an extensibility point for the package.
Extensions (type: CT_ApplicationExtensions) Defines one or more extensibility points for the app.
Extensions (type: CT_PackageExtensions) Defines one or more extensibility points for the package.
Folder Specifies a folder that the package shares with other packages from the same publisher.
Framework Indicates whether the package is a framework package; that is, a package that can be used by other packages. Its value is false by default. You should not specify a value for it unless you are creating a framework.
Function Declares the function for the device.
HeapPolicy Allows packaged apps to request a heap profile that has performance and behavior characteristics consistent with that of the legacy NT heap.
Identity Defines a globally unique identifier for a package. A package identity is represented as a tuple of attributes of the package.
InProcessServer Declares a package extensibility point of type windows.activatableClass.inProcessServer. The app uses a dynamic link library (DLL) that exposes one or more activatable classes.
Instancing Specifies whether the executable runs as a single instance or can run as multiple instances.
Interface Declares an interface associated with the proxy.
Logo A path to a file that contains an image.
OutOfProcessServer Declares a package extension point of type windows.activatableClass.outOfProcessServer. The app uses an executable (EXE) that exposes one or more activatable classes.
Package Defines the root element of an app package manifest. The manifest describes the structure and capabilities of the software to the system.
PackageDependency Declares a dependency on another package that is marked as a framework package.
Path (type: ST_Executable) The path to the executable.
Path (type: ST_FileName) The path to the DLL.
mp:PhoneIdentity If your app is an update to an app previously made available on Windows Phone, ensure that this element matches what is in the app manifest of your previous app. Use the same GUIDs that were assigned to the app by the Store. This ensures that users of your app who are upgrading to Windows 10 will receive your new app as an update, and not as a duplicate.
Properties Defines additional metadata about the package including attributes that describe how the package appears to users. Note:  You may get an error if the manifest elements DisplayName or Description contain characters disallowed by the Windows firewall; namely “|” and “all”, due to which Windows fails to create the AppContainer profile for the package . Use this reference for troubleshooting if you get an error.
ProxyStub Declares a package extensibility point of type windows.activatableClass.proxyStub. A proxy can be composed of one or more interfaces.
PublisherCacheFolders Declares a package extensibility point of type windows.publisherCacheFolders. This specifies one or more folders that the package shares with other packages from the same publisher.
PublisherDisplayName A friendly name for the publisher that can be displayed to users.
printSupport:Extension Declares an extensibility point for a Print Support App.
printSupport2:Extension Declares an extensibility point for a Print Support App, adding support for virtual printers
printSupport2:PrintSupportVirtualPrinter Specifies a virtual endpoint print queue to be installed with the app.
printSupport2:SupportedFormat Specifies a Page Description Language (PDL) format supported by the virtual printer.
printSupport2:SupportedFormats Specifies the Page Description Language (PDL) formats supported by the virtual printer.
rescap:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
rescap:SettingsApp Registers deep link and search information for settings apps.
rescap2:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
rescap3:DesktopApp Specifies information for redirecting a Windows Desktop Bridge app's tiles and pins.
rescap3:DesktopAppMigration Specifies where to redirect user tiles and pins to a Windows Desktop Bridge app.
rescap3:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
rescap3:MigrationProgId (in uap:Extension) Contains a migration Prog Id string for protocols and file type associations.
rescap3:MigrationProgId (in uap:Protocol) Contains a migration Prog Id string for protocols and file type associations.
rescap3:MigrationProgIds (in uap:Extension) Contains Migration Prog Ids for protocols and file type associations.
rescap3:MigrationProgIds (in uap:Protocol) Contains Migration Prog Ids for protocols and file type associations.
rescap4:ClassicAppCompatKey Registry keys for discovering classic app installations and launching executables.
rescap4:ClassicAppCompatKeys Contains registry keys for discovering classic app installations and launching executables.
rescap4:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
rescap4:PrimaryInteropAssemblies Defines package assembly configuration.
rescap4:Redirect Specifies redirect information for interop assemblies.
Resource Declares a language for the resource contained in the package. The scale and DirectX feature level attributes are common for all resources in the package.
ResourcePackage Indicates whether the package is a resource package. A resource package can be used by other packages. Its value is false by default. You should not specify a value for it unless you are creating a resource.
Resources Declares languages for the resources that the package contains. Every package must declare at least one language for resources. The scale and DirectX feature level attributes are common for all resources in the package.
SelectionCriteria Defines selection criteria for the certificates defined for the package.
TargetDeviceFamily Identifies the device family that your package targets. For more info about device families, see Guide to UWP apps.
Task The background task associated with the app extensibility point.
TrustFlags Indicates whether the certificates for the package are exclusive to the package.
uap:ApplicationContentUriRules Specifies which pages in the web context have access to the system's geolocation devices (if the app has permission to access this capability) and access to the clipboard.
uap:AppointmentsProvider Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.appointmentsProvider.
uap:AppointmentsProviderLaunchActions Declares actions to take when a appointment is launched.
uap:AppService Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.appService. Application Contracts are a way for an app to invoke a background task belonging to another app; or for a background task invoked to service an app contract a way to communicate with its caller.
uap:AutoPlayContent Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.autoPlayContent. The app provides the specified AutoPlay content actions.
uap:AutoPlayDevice Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.autoPlayDevice. The app provides the specified AutoPlay device actions.
uap:Capability Declares a capability required by a package.
uap:Codec Specifies the codec to use for transcoding.
uap:DataFormat Specifies a data package format such as text or HTML format that the app can share. It is unique per application in the package and is case sensitive.
uap:DefaultTile The default tile that represents the app on the Start screen. This tile is displayed when the app is first installed, before it has received any update notifications. When a tile has no notifications to show, the tile reverts to this default.
uap:DialProtocol Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.dialProtocol.
uap:DisplayName A friendly name that can be displayed to users.
uap:EditFlags Specifies the type of info the user sees when opening a file associated to the extensibility point.
uap:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap:FileOpenPicker Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.fileOpenPicker. The app lets the user choose and open the specified types of files.
uap:FileSavePicker Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.fileSavePicker. The app lets the user choose the file name, extension, and storage location for the specified types of files.
uap:FileType (in type: CT_FTASupportedFileTypes) A supported file type specified as its file type extension.
uap:FileType (type: ST_FileType) A file type specified as its file type extension. It is unique per application in the package and is case sensitive.
uap:FileTypeAssociation Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.fileTypeAssociation. A file type association indicates that the app is registered to handle files of the specified types.
uap:InfoTip Defines a string that provides additional info to the user about the file type.
uap:InitialRotationPreference Describes the orientations in which the app would prefer to be shown for the best user experience.
uap:LaunchAction (global) Describes an uap:AppointmentsProviderLaunchActions content action.
uap:LaunchAction (in type: CT_AutoPlayContent) Describes an AutoPlay content action.
uap:LaunchAction (in type: CT_AutoPlayDevice) Describes an AutoPlay device action.
uap:LockScreen Defines the badge and notifications that represent the app on the lock screen, which is shown when the system is locked.
uap:Logo A path to a file that contains an image.
uap:ManagedUrls Provides support for multiple URLs. Allows plugins to specify multiple URLs to which they may send cookies.
uap:MediaPlayback Declares an app extensibility point of type mediaPlayback so that your app can declare that it performs video transcoding.
uap:Protocol Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.protocol. A URI association indicates that the app is registered to handle URIs with the specified scheme.
uap:Rotation Specifies a single rotational orientation in which an app will display.
uap:Rule Specifies which pages in the web context have access to the system's geolocation devices (if the app has permission to access this capability) and access to the clipboard.
uap:ShareTarget Declares an app extension point of type windows.shareTarget. The app can share the specified types of files.
uap:ShowNameOnTiles Describes whether Windows overlays the app’s name on top of the tile images that are shown on the Start screen.
uap:ShowOn Describes whether Windows overlays the app’s name on top of the tile image that is shown on the Start screen.
uap:SupportedFileTypes (type: CT_CharmsSupportedFileTypes) Defines the file types that the app can share.
uap:SupportedFileTypes (type: CT_FTASupportedFileTypes) Defines the file types associated with the app. They are unique per package and are case sensitive.
uap:SupportedUsers Indicates whether or not the package is multi-user aware. This setting is used at install time to determine whether the package can be installed on the system.
uap:SupportsAnyFileType Indicates whether all file types are supported for sharing.
uap:Task The background task associated with the app extensibility point.
uap:TileUpdate Describes how the app tile receives update notifications.
uap:Url Specifies a URL to which a plugin may send cookies. Need only be a valid URI; not necessarily a URL.
uap:VisualElements Describes the visual aspects of the app: its default tile, logo images, text and background colors, initial screen orientation, splash screen, and lock screen tile appearance.
uap:VoipCall Declares an app extensibility point of type voipCall so that your app can declare that it can perform an upgrade from a cellular call to a VoIP video call, and/or whether it is a VoIP app that supports dialing phone numbers directly.
uap:VoipCallUpgrade Indicates that the app supports video upgrade. Video upgrade is a feature on some mobile devices such that, when a user is on a cellular call, the user can upgrade that call to a VoIP video call if there is an app installed that can service such a request. These upgrades can be non-seamless (we must drop the cellular call before starting the video call through the app) or seamless (the cellular call remains connected until the app tells us the video call is established).
uap:VoipDialPhoneNumber Indicates that the app supports dialing phone numbers.
uap:WebAccountProvider Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.webAccountProvider.
uap2:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap2:ManagedUrls Provides support for multiple URLs. Allows plugins to specify multiple URLs to which they may send cookies.
uap2:SupportedVerbs Contains verbs for a file context menu.
uap2:Url Specifies a URL to which a plugin may send cookies. Need only be a valid URI; not necessarily a URL.
uap2:Verb Defines the verbs associated with a file context menu and enables Windows Desktop Bridge apps to use ddeexec to launch.
uap2:WebAccountProvider Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.webAccountProvider.
uap3:AppExecutionAlias Specifies the application's execution alias to determine the executable of the app to be activated.
uap3:AppExtension Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.appExtension. This element indicates which categories of extensions the app intends to consume and/or host.
uap3:AppExtensionHost Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.appExtensionHost. This element indicates which categories of extensions the app can host.
uap3:AppointmentDataProvider Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.appointmentDataProvider. This element enables apps to become data providers for appointments.
uap3:AppService Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.appService. Application Contracts are a way for an app to invoke a background task belonging to another app, or for a background task invoked to service an app contract a way to communicate with its caller.
uap3:AppUriHandler Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.appUriHandler.
uap3:Capability Declares a capability required by a package.
uap3:ContactDataProvider Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.contactDataProvider. This element enables apps to become data providers for contacts.
uap3:EmailDataProvider Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.emailDataProvider. This element enables apps to become data providers for email.
uap3:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap3:FileTypeAssociations Defines the types of files used within the application.
uap3:Host Represents a valid HTTP or HTTPS host name that the app wants to register as able to handle.
uap3:MainPackageDependency Specifies the main app package to which this supplemental package applies.
uap3:Name Specifies a category of extensions that the app can host.
uap3:Properties Contains opaque XML that represents custom, extension-specific information that is simply stored and not read by the operating system. The information is only read by the host app.
uap3:Protocol Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.protocol.
uap3:VisualElements Describes the visual aspects of the app: its default tile, logo images, text and background colors, initial screen orientation, splash screen, and lock screen tile appearance.
uap4:ContactPanel Enables the contacts panel in a Windows app.
uap4:CustomCapability Declares a custom capability required by a package.
uap4:DevicePortalProvider Defines a Device Portal provider for deployment.
uap4:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap4:Font Specifies the font file packaged with the app.
uap4:InputType The media codec input type.
uap4:InputTypes Contains the media codec input types.
uap4:Kind Specifies the Kind value.
uap4:KindMap Specifies what Kind is and how it's used.
uap4:LoopbackAccessRules Contains rules for a loopback filter that enables communication between an app and a service.
uap4:MediaCodec Defines an extension that enables an app to install media codecs from the Microsoft Store.
uap4:MediaEncodingProperties Contains the media coded input and output types.
uap4:OutputType The media codec output type.
uap4:OutputTypes Contains the media codec output types.
uap4:Rule Defines rules for inbound and outbound loopback connections.
uap4:SharedFonts Contains the locations of shared fonts to be used with the app.
uap5:ActivatableClass Declares a runtime class associated with the extensibility point.
uap5:ActivatableClassAttribute Defines an attribute of the class that is stored in the Windows Runtime property store.
uap5:AppExecutionAlias Specifies the application's execution alias to determine the executable of the app to be activated.
uap5:Arguments Specifies the list of comma-separated arguments to pass to the executable.
uap5:ContentType Specifies the media/content type supported by the media source.
uap5:DriverConstraint Specifies the details of a driver paired with a UWP app.
uap5:DriverDependency Contains the driver constraint information for a UWP app. If DriverDependency is used, the specified driver must be present for the app to load.
uap5:ExecutionAlias The executable of a UWP app to be activated from a command prompt.
uap5:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap5:FileType Specifies the file type supported by the media source.
uap5:Host Represents a valid HTTP or HTTPS host name with a wildcard that the app wants to register as able to handle.
uap5:InputType Specifies media input sub-types.
uap5:InputTypes Contains a list of media input sub-types.
uap5:Instancing Specifies whether the executable runs as a single instance or can run as multiple instances.
uap5:MediaSource Specifies the media source and the app service that it exposes.
uap5:MixedRealityModel An element used to define a 3D model as the default representation of an app. When launched from a virtual or mixed reality device, this model will represent the app in the virtual setting.
uap5:OutOfProcessServer Declares a package extension point of type windows.activatableClass.outOfProcessServer. This enables 3rd party WinRT classes defined in the app package to be called from a Win32 process.
uap5:Path The path to the executable.
uap5:StartupTask Specifies a startup task for your application.
uap5:SupportedContentTypes Contains the media/content types supported by the media source.
uap5:SupportedFileTypes Contains the file types supported by the media source.
uap5:UserActivity Allows an app to opt out of engagement data tracking.
uap5:VideoRendererEffect Enables activation of video renderer effects in apps.
uap5:VideoRendererExtensionProfile Specifies a video renderer profile.
uap5:VideoRendererExtensionProfiles Contains a list of video renderer profiles.
uap6:AllowExecution Indicates whether the contents of the package will be allowed to execute.
uap6:BarcodeScannerProvider Used for enabling the support of a barcode scanner.
uap6:Capability Declares a capability required by a package.
uap6:Extension (in Application/Extensions) Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap6:Extension (in Package/Extensions) Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap6:LoaderSearchPathEntry A path in the app package, relative to the app package root path, to be included in the loader search path for the app's processes.
uap6:LoaderSearchPathOverride An extension that allows an app developer to declare a path in the app package, relative to the app package root path, to be included in the loader search path for the app's processes.
uap6:LocalExperiencePack This extension provides a means to deliver translated app resources.
uap6:SpatialBoundingBox Used to define the center point and the extents for a bounding volume.
uap7:Capability Declares a capability required by a package.
uap7:EnterpriseDataProtection Declares that the app is safe for auto-encryption and allows it to be managed without device enrollment via Windows Information Protection policy.
uap7:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap7:ImportRedirectionTable Allows for a packaged app to declare API redirections.
uap7:OSPackageDependency Defines a package dependency for a UWP app.
uap7:Properties Properties of an application.
uap7:SharedFonts Contains the locations of shared fonts to be used with the app.
uap8:PosPaymentConnector Contains device information for Point-of-Sale/Point-of-Service devices.
uap8:DataProtection Settings to configure data encryption.
uap8:ExecutionAlias The executable of a UWP app to be activated from a command prompt.
uap10:AllowExternalContent Enables your package manifest to reference content outside the package, in a specific location on disk. See Grant package identity by packaging with external location.
uap10:Content Indicates whether Windows will enforce run time package integrity checks on the entire contents of the package.
uap10:DisplayName A friendly name that can be displayed to users.
uap10:Extension (Child of Application) Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap10:Extension (Child of Package) Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap10:HostRuntime Defines a package-wide extension that defines the runtime information to be used when activating a hosted app.
uap10:HostRuntimeDependency Defines a dependency on a host app package for the current app package.
uap10:InstalledLocationVirtualization Defines an extension for a desktop app in an MSIX package that redirects any writes to the app's installation directory to a location in the app data.
uap10:Logo A path to a file that contains an image.
uap10:MediaContentDecryptionModule Defines an extension for a desktop app in an MSIX package that defines decryption information to be used to access media files.
uap10:PackageIntegrity Specifies the level of run time package integrity checks and remediation for the package.
uap10:Protocol Declares an app extensibility point of type windows.protocol. A URI association indicates that the app is registered to handle URIs with the specified scheme.
uap10:UpdateActions Specifies what happens during app updates to files in the app's installation directory that were previously modified, added, or deleted by the app. This element is intended to be used in conjunction with the uap10:InstalledLocationVirtualization extension.
uap12:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap12:Host Declares domain and subdomain parameters for the uap12 extension.
uap13:AppInstaller Specifies a directory containing the installation files for the app.
uap13:AutoUpdate Specifies automatic update configuration for the app.
uap13:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap13:HostRuntimeDependency Declares publisher information for the app.
uap15:Capabilities Declares the access to protected user resources that a package requires. This element can be used by non-main packages. This element can only be used by framework packages.
uap15:DependencyTarget Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap17:Extension Declares an extensibility point for the app.
uap17:PackageDependency Declares other packages that a package depends on. This dependency can be specified as required for both install time and runtime or just install time but not runtime.
uap17:UpdateWhileInUse Specifies whether the OS should close the app for app updates, or if the update should be deferred until until the next time the app is restarted by the user or a system reboot.
virtualization:ExcludedDirectories Specifies the list of directories that are excluded from file system virtualization.
virtualization:ExcludedDirectory Specifies a directory that is excluded from file system virtualization.
virtualization:ExcludedKey Specifies a key that is excluded from registry key virtualization.
virtualization:ExcludedKeys Specifies the list of keys that are excluded from registry virtualization.
virtualization:FileSystemWriteVirtualization Indicates whether virtualization for the file system is enabled for a package.
virtualization:RegistryWriteVirtualization Indicates whether virtualization for the registry is enabled for a package.
win32dependencies:ExternalDependency Specifies an external dependency that is not included in the MSIX but will be chain installed as part of the app installation.